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Native American pow-wow comes to Lakewood.
Native American pow-wow comes to Lakewood.

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Newspaper (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Location: Lakewood Colorado
Date: Jun 19, 2004
Aperture: f-16
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/500
Date Uploaded: Jun 20, 2004

Taken at the annual Fusion Fest in Lakewood CO.

Place: 62 out of 232
Avg (all users): 5.5385
Avg (commenters): 6.0000
Avg (participants): 5.2574
Avg (non-participants): 5.7035
Views since voting: 1325
Views during voting: 328
Votes: 273
Comments: 10
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/29/2004 07:14:51 PM
I think during these events they should take that blue fencing down lol, but the actual part that you were concentrating on is inspiring!
06/29/2004 01:35:43 PM
The blue temporary fence in the background is distracting. I hate those things; they always end up in my viewfinder too. One option to address that issue and improve on the composition would be to get down lower and zoom in on the face of the gentleman in the foreground. This subject matter has some good potential, and getting "in close" would focus attention.
06/27/2004 10:07:25 PM
I like the authentic indian sweatshirt and sunglasses. Nice picture too. It would be better if you got that blue fence out of there too.
06/27/2004 07:44:32 PM
The blue fence is a bit distracting. Great colors esp. reds.
06/27/2004 12:11:36 AM
I love the colors in this photo. Nice composition too!
06/26/2004 04:28:57 AM
The blue fence is very distracting. If you got a little closer, held camera over head and got a different angle, I believe you could have gotten the fence out of the the shot. Not sure what affect it would have on the appearance of the dancer though.
06/24/2004 11:03:30 PM
Fits the challenge. Great idea.
06/24/2004 05:33:21 PM
Nice shot, unfourtunately the weather conditions did not give you the best light. Might benefit from an icrease in brightness, also the the blue fence is a bit distracting. Good Work.
06/24/2004 12:08:08 AM
Very nice colors!
06/23/2004 05:07:07 AM
Good photo. Good headline.

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