from the Critique Club:
This is a very clever idea and if I squint my eyes I appreciate it even more. In other words, you have a very good picture with a nice green foreground color. However, when you color a foreground, the eye wants to see it sharp, otherwise the eye has to get past it and to the subject, but returns back to the green to find a lot of fuzzy edges.
As you may have learned when you retain a color and desaturate the rest, your first problem is to find the true line of demarcation. If the image is not in focus then this problem invites you to judge where the fence begins and ends. There is no software available which will make this decision without either keeping or throwing information away. This makes your job very difficult with this image since you selected the fence. Of course, I can say why not the leaf?, but then it would not have the same impact. Again, I like the idea because as is it imparts a feeling that the viewer is peeking right behind the fence and I am certain that this image stands on its own without the color. The color gives it charm, but the viewer is left giving the color a second thought. So: great picture without the color if we discount the spirit of the challenge. dan