Author | Thread |
09/14/2011 02:29:50 PM |
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02/09/2011 12:53:36 AM |
amazing light here!very powerful! |
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03/12/2010 10:40:06 PM |
A fantastic image of a well known site viewed from a totally different perspective.
I never cease to be amazed by how much you have improved in the short period of time I have known you.
Keep up the good work.
Ray |
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02/13/2010 02:11:42 PM |
You did a nice job of presenting an often seen subject from a new perspective. Congrats on 4th in a big contest! :) |
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02/10/2010 05:50:50 AM |
Love the colours. Congratulations for your +7 score. |
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02/07/2010 01:17:46 PM |
Congrats, Janine, on the new award! |
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02/02/2010 10:15:52 PM |
Nice shot! I didn't realize this was yours!
Love it! |
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02/02/2010 10:14:11 PM |
This is without a doubt a work of art, a masterpiece. I think you've outdone yourself this time! The more I look at this the more I get a sense of artistic achievement beyond anything I've seen. As a trained artist I commend you for your skill and creative technique. This is truly one of a kind. |
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02/02/2010 11:10:20 AM |
A PB on a best of challenge? What an honour. Congrats! |
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01/31/2010 11:27:18 PM |
Greetings from the Critique Club!
Ha! I'm not gonna "critique" anything that came in 4th of 400+ in a Best of challenge with a 7+ score and a whole slew of comments both during and after the challenge. Awesome! Congrats!! And it does indeed appear this photographic trip was well worth the effort. Nice job, Janine! |
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01/31/2010 11:50:10 AM |
I'm beginning to think that you will never ribbon. Outstanding photo, I love it! Give this gal a ribbon! |
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01/30/2010 08:37:26 PM |
Excellent colors and patterns. Congrats on the well deserved HM! |
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01/30/2010 11:57:21 AM |
Congrats on the HM Janine. This is great stuff. |
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01/30/2010 11:15:08 AM |
One of the best I've ever seen from this venue. |
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01/29/2010 02:46:39 PM |
Excellent work, Janine. Many congrats on the HM, this is another challenge where I wish there was a ribbon for fourth ((Hugs)). |
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01/29/2010 01:33:47 PM |
Way to go Janine! Congrats on the 4th place finish - fabulous work that captured the beauty and spirit of the place! |
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01/29/2010 01:09:57 PM |
Hearty congratulations for two terrific results one after the other! |
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01/29/2010 12:59:53 PM |
WOW!! Janine, this was some week for you - looking and commenting on ALL the images and then THIS!! I love it - congratulations!! |
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01/29/2010 12:43:26 PM |
JANINE .. !!!!!
OMG .. how brilliant to find you on the front page in 'the best of' .. congratulations on such a fantastic shot .. it really is awesome .. and your HM .. AND A PB .. YOU GO GIRL .. !!!..:)
must say .. i love the colours .. the depth .. the way it leads you in and your crop .. WOW .. !!!.:) |
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01/29/2010 11:38:42 AM |
As I stated in my comment during voting, very well done and congratuations Janine. I haven't been to Antelope canyon, but a couple of my best freinds and I have been going every year to do some canyoneering in Utah. It's an awesome place to be and play and photograph. Congrats on placing 4th! |
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01/29/2010 11:10:57 AM |
The thing of it is, over and over and over and over again we see antelope canyon shots that are just so mundane, *for that place* that they make me weep. Mediocre light, clumsy processing, cliched point of view, the whole litany. But shot properly, it's a place of exaltation.
Your shot captures this sense of the place, extremely well, and I'm glad the voters recognized that.
R. |
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01/29/2010 10:29:13 AM |
FANtastic, Janine! Congrats on 4th! |
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01/29/2010 09:58:38 AM |
I'm so excited for you.... but was really looking forward to seeing you win the ribbon. I have never been more anxious to see challenge results for someone else's entry.
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01/29/2010 09:54:31 AM |
Look at you Way to go..Congrats on 4th outa 444!! Looks like 4 is your number this week..Go play |
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01/29/2010 08:50:52 AM |
Janine! I'm so happy for you. After what you went thru before with your stunning photography of this area, I am so delighted to see you win such a prestigious placing in this amazing challenge. Shows what you are made of as a photographer for sure :) CONGRATULATIONS!!!
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01/29/2010 08:49:16 AM |
Woo-hoo! WTG Janine. Congrats on #4 in Best Of '09 and a great shot. I'm envious of both. |
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01/29/2010 08:26:21 AM |
Very nice Ja-9. Love the colours and the composition. |
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01/29/2010 07:58:32 AM |
Congrats Janine, I bet you didnt get much sleep last night! Such a beauty. So Happy for you! |
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01/29/2010 07:47:51 AM |
Congratulations on your top five finish. Wonderful image. |
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01/29/2010 07:25:17 AM |
Wow! Congrats! This is so awesome! |
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01/29/2010 06:40:07 AM |
Check you out, two 4th place finishes in the same week. A HUGE congrats on a new PB and your first 7 score!! I loved this image the first time I saw it. |
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01/29/2010 06:36:48 AM |
oh my!! Look at you with an honorable mention in best of 2009!!! You must be so excited!!! (if not, you can give it to me...?)
Congrats, what a wonderful shot! (oh, and thanks for the fav) |
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01/29/2010 06:15:03 AM |
Congrats on the PB, and a huge finish in the best of 09 challenge :) |
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01/29/2010 05:48:50 AM |
Congratulations Janine!! Fantastic image!! Well done! |
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01/29/2010 03:07:49 AM |
I am soooooooo jealous! Bravo! |
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01/29/2010 02:55:13 AM |
Congrats on the top 5 Janine! Beautiful rendering! I remember this particular view very well, actually I am pretty sure I have a photo of it somewhere in my archive from last January, could have submitted it too :).
ETA: Oh yes, found it, I actually had in in January'09 FS :)

Message edited by author 2010-01-29 14:16:27. |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
01/29/2010 02:08:07 AM |
Congrats with your top 5 Janine.
Well done :)
Message edited by author 2010-01-29 04:06:32. |
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01/29/2010 01:58:47 AM |
I would have never guessed the perspective. Beautiful shot...big congrat's on 4th place! |
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01/29/2010 12:47:32 AM |
Wonderful image Janine, and one I would love to try and take myself if i can ever get to Antelope Canyon, although I'm sure I wouldn't get anything near as good as this one! Congrats on the HM! |
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01/29/2010 12:46:54 AM |
Woah, Janine!! Congrats on awesome score and fabulous placement!! |
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01/29/2010 12:21:33 AM |
Congrats on a great finish and photo, well done! |
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01/29/2010 12:16:02 AM |
Janine, just wanted to say congratulations on the great finish. This is truly a wonderful image. |
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01/29/2010 12:15:40 AM |
Wow. What a finish! Can't believe you didn't ribbon AGAIN! |
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01/29/2010 12:13:39 AM |
Hey, Janine, way to go girl!! Congrats on your 4th place finish!! Fabulous image!!! |
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01/29/2010 12:12:51 AM |
Janine, I'm so happy for you! This is amazing -- not only the shot, but 4th place in the Best of the year challenge. And a 7. You must be in seventh heaven. Big CONGRATULATIONS. |
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01/29/2010 12:10:12 AM |
I figured one of the antelope canyon shots was yours. Congrats, you've achieved the elusive and mythical 7+! |
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01/29/2010 12:08:45 AM |
Congratulations on your top 5 finish. Beautifully photographed and processed! |
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01/29/2010 12:06:18 AM |
Wow, Congrats Janine! I hope that this one stays up here. Wonderful shot. |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
01/28/2010 11:49:35 PM |
gorgeous capture of light and detail. |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
01/28/2010 10:07:21 PM |
Beautiful lighting and I like the horizontal composition. Love the flowing contours. |
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01/28/2010 09:36:19 PM |
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01/28/2010 09:28:09 PM |
stunning! love the composition 8 |
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01/28/2010 12:12:53 PM |
Love this! Very impressive colors. Like how you went with the longer
horizontal framing. Perfection on all levels deserves a 10 from me! |
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01/28/2010 10:08:17 AM |
Gorgeous colors, great contrast. |
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01/27/2010 04:55:56 PM |
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01/26/2010 09:32:54 PM |
love the golden glow here , a little too centred for me ! still a nice shot, 7 |
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01/26/2010 08:27:59 PM |
love the choice of composition and the flow of the light throughout - well done |
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01/25/2010 09:27:48 PM |
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01/25/2010 03:48:25 PM |
Amazing shot, great technique to get the textures in the shadows, well done |
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01/25/2010 10:26:28 AM |
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01/25/2010 01:19:15 AM |
Really great interesting shot. It has a sort of abstract nature and what's really interesting is that you could flip this shot in any direction and you still wouldn't be able to tell! |
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01/25/2010 12:32:20 AM |
10. Probably not the only one... ;-) |
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01/24/2010 11:33:21 PM |
Gorgeous lines and curves. and really nice use of light. |
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01/24/2010 10:29:23 PM |
Very Well done indeed. I have done some canyoneering in Utah Blue John area, can you tell me where this was taken? 9 |
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01/24/2010 05:38:16 PM |
Just pulls the view right in. Lovely. |
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01/24/2010 12:00:11 PM |
Cant go wrong with the beautiful slot canyons of the southwest. well composed. |
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01/24/2010 07:51:09 AM |
I've not seen such a perspective on this windswept sandstone. Really unique and beautiful.......9 |
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01/23/2010 10:03:04 PM |
Love the shapes and colors. This is one of those places I have to get to someday. |
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01/23/2010 05:40:31 PM |
Great detail and texture, excellent lighting and depth to the photo |
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01/23/2010 02:54:30 PM |
Love it!!!! Has this been flipped 90º? Very creative, great colours and detail. |
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01/23/2010 03:05:51 AM |
such lovely place! compliments, i like very much your shot! |
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01/23/2010 01:18:40 AM |
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01/22/2010 11:38:11 PM |
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01/22/2010 07:11:27 PM |
Very nicely done! I took some shots there a couple summers ago, and I know how hard it is to get colors just the way you want 'em in there. I think you brought them out beautifully. |
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01/22/2010 03:17:20 PM |
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01/22/2010 11:50:39 AM |
I just don't tire of seeing this place - I hope if/when I get there other's don't either because I think it's gorgeous! |
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01/22/2010 10:50:33 AM |
Wow, love the range of warm tones of reds, golds, and oranges the pop off the shadow blacks in this photo. The sculpted sand cave walls undulate like that of ocean waves. Movement and color beautifully captured in nature. |
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01/22/2010 08:26:16 AM |
Gorgeous colors and patterns. |
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01/22/2010 12:16:46 AM |
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