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the line of beauty
the line of beauty

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Best of 2009 (Advanced Editing VII*)
Collection: The Humble Art
Camera: Canon EOS-40D
Lens: Canon EF 200mm f/2.8 L II USM Lens
Location: Tranquility, NJ
Date: Dec 28, 2009
Aperture: 5.6
ISO: 400
Shutter: 640
Galleries: Black and White, Birds
Date Uploaded: Jan 21, 2010

essay, part 4:

Where did the dignity of this photograph come from? I made decisions to frame it a certain way to isolate the goose. I processed the photo to eliminate distractions from the ice and the water. I had all the time in the world to manipulate this image. The goose wasn’t going anywhere.

original notes:

dead goose on ice, frozen a moment before succumbing.

I worked hard cleaning up this image. I hope you like it.

Place: 340 out of 445
Avg (all users): 5.3361
Avg (commenters): 6.2609
Avg (participants): 5.3262
Avg (non-participants): 5.3704
Views since voting: 1510
Views during voting: 407
Votes: 241
Comments: 52
Favorites: 13 (view)

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03/23/2014 10:20:28 PM
Still breaks my heart. It does.
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07/22/2010 01:48:58 AM
And despite the fact it still makes me cry, I do visit with this. We're discussing this one and the headless broken wing goose from Michelle in our little team thread. Sign of a very good image, when I can say "there's this one from Don" and Ben pulled it up immediately.
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05/05/2010 01:59:38 PM
damn - I'm crying at seeing this.
apparently I gave this a 5 back then.
wtf was I thinking?
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04/05/2010 02:29:03 PM
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03/11/2010 05:12:33 PM
I just came across this image. I think it's fabulous! It's not happy, but maybe the cycle of life isn't happy either, or maybe it is...
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02/15/2010 12:40:39 PM
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02/08/2010 11:43:01 PM
I see a road to life stretching out in the dark water, but the the goose just didn't have the will...
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01/30/2010 10:53:39 PM

Oh, wow. Two posthumous image in a row to critique for the Club. I'm not sure I'm up to this task.

Fortunately for me (and you) there were many people in DPC who have filled the gap. Your comments range the gambit of emotions and suggestions.

Suffice it to say that you have captured a moment of great beauty and meaning and you have handled it well.


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01/30/2010 04:53:03 PM
oh - and while I saw it during viewing/voting, I now know one of the elements that appealed in the image was the line of beauty - thanks for sharing/teaching (and thank you too skewsme)
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01/30/2010 04:49:32 PM
I gave this an 8 and really liked the way you split the image into 'two' - black and white - and the simple, beautiful, natural scene itself, 'transported' from what you would have seen, into an artistic photograph of a moment in time.
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01/30/2010 03:36:13 PM
This is heartbreaking, and a beautiful interpretation of the theory. I had thought too, that the bisection of the image between black/white, dark/light was symbolic of the transition between life and death.
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01/29/2010 03:22:02 PM
this photo probably best represents you as a poet...challenging, and at the same time delicate, a line a simple line catches you and takes you away, and then you come back to the whole and feel like you have been asked to stop for awhile, and need to check your watch, after all where have you been?
the steps in the back, oh so brilliant...
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01/29/2010 02:16:23 PM
wow... this is great!
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01/29/2010 12:31:25 PM
I quite like it, yes. I hadn't an inkling it was yours, however, which a lot of the time I do except much of the time I don't... Anyway, apropos an earlier comment, sometimes it's OK to see a goose that isn't cooked, although typically they are geese-in-flight (good) pr geese-pecking-arses (bad). :-)
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01/29/2010 11:56:16 AM
Originally posted by Art Roflmao:

What's fer dinner? ;-)

That's it, Art. Your goose is cooked.
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01/29/2010 11:54:47 AM
line of beauty
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01/29/2010 11:52:11 AM
What's fer dinner? ;-)
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01/29/2010 09:08:02 AM
Pain, suffering, sadness, peacefulness. The end.
This is fantastic!
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01/29/2010 08:37:21 AM
I can't believe how many times I went back to this image and never actually wound up making a comment. I was feeling so sad and the words just didn't come to me, I guess. I could hear my mother playing the Shostakovich cello sonata and I would start to tear... anyway, thank you.
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01/29/2010 03:28:55 AM
This one made me cry, the little pathway away from his poor body gives hope though :)
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01/29/2010 03:07:56 AM
For some reason this makes me feel more peaceful than sad. Below I commented that "it's as if its soul is drifting"... Although it depicts death, it doesn't make me cringe; more like an easing into it when your time has come. Going gently into that good night...
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01/29/2010 12:37:56 AM
Very moving image, it's just wonderful.
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01/29/2010 12:33:48 AM
Great stuff. Canadian geese are a favorite of mine. I ran over one with my bicycle when I was living in Philly. This scene brought back memories, although the goose eventually got up and went on her merry way.
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01/29/2010 12:29:04 AM
pretty disappointed this didn't do better. also that people can't tell the difference between geese and ducks. this was one of my favorite images in the challenge and one of only three i gave a score of nine to.
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01/29/2010 12:14:10 AM
I didn't get far enough in commenting. I really thought this was a beautiful piece but it made me quite sad. I love Canadian geese and when I saw this one had passed I just felt bad for it. I hope it did not suffer.

The black and white tones are perfect for the mood.
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01/29/2010 12:10:19 AM
That 10 is from me, and was the only one I gave in this challenge.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/28/2010 11:47:57 PM
Wonderful, artistic image... well done. Love the composition.
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01/28/2010 11:25:21 PM
Wonderful imagery and emotion.
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01/28/2010 07:35:44 PM
Now here's an unexpected nature shot. This does have a certain dark beauty to it...
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01/28/2010 04:43:52 PM
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01/28/2010 06:19:58 AM
I don't get the title. It looks to me like a picture of a dead duck.....4
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01/28/2010 01:05:52 AM
Sorry , shot does not appeal to me. 4
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01/27/2010 06:27:28 PM
Kind of a depressing image but nicely done.
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01/27/2010 09:30:52 AM
Beautiful but what a sad ending. It conveys that there is an end to everything but that even in death there can be beauty.
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01/25/2010 10:19:15 PM
is that duck dead?
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01/25/2010 07:04:17 PM
I'm afraid this actually looks like a dead duck to me, so I don't really see the beauty!

The B&W conversion has also given it a slightly sinister look, which for me is in theme with the dead duck and completely out of theme with your title.
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01/25/2010 01:40:55 PM
Looks like a sad picture to me. to much white in the foreground and would have cropped off a bit at the bottom. Like this in B&W though. Good take
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01/25/2010 11:01:14 AM
striking image
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01/25/2010 09:36:51 AM
This bird looks dead, which is very sad. I can't vote on this objectively, so I won't vote at all.
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01/24/2010 09:43:43 AM
Oh how painfully sad and beautiful. This made me cry. P.S. I favorited this because it is a marvelous picture but won't visit it often because dammit, it does indeed make me cry.
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01/24/2010 04:22:22 AM
lacks a little interest the white looks pretty blown out
i wonder how it looked in color?
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01/23/2010 11:01:20 PM
Great elements with the extreme contrast of the white giving way to pure black only broken by the reflections leading to the horizon. Looks like a little noise but I really like the image. 9
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01/23/2010 07:24:17 PM
excellent composition. i love the stark, hardedged contrast between the surface of the ice and the open water. it does rather vividly capture the border between life and death, though the trail of reflected light leading up the center of the image in the water offers hope. poor goose. =\
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01/23/2010 02:38:32 PM
A sad photo, lots of emotions evoked.
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01/23/2010 06:25:31 AM
Wonderful image...it's like its souls is drifting...
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01/22/2010 10:41:20 PM
Interesting subject combined with contrasty b&W. Nice comp.
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01/22/2010 10:25:28 PM
that duck/goose looks dead...such a shame, needs clearer focus IMO
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01/22/2010 07:41:02 PM
dramatic but sad
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01/22/2010 05:35:58 PM
Oh, sad. Emotional capture. I love the pov you used.
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01/22/2010 12:42:49 PM
so sad... :(
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01/22/2010 11:15:42 AM
AWW. Sad. I can hear Swan Lake playing in the background.
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01/22/2010 12:56:37 AM
To me, the white area at the bottom of this image adds nothing to the composition. Cropping most of it out I think would strengthen this picture.
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