Hello Marina! Yes, as your comments say, "great shot." it was well worth going back for especially with the dividend of the very fine shadow you captured so well. (and you did it without getting a self portrait in there too!)
Yet, it didn't score as well as it could have. Why? Well, Bvy perhaps hit on one possibility with his suggestion for a Black & White treatment. When I temporarily put this fine image on my copy of Photoshop, it became transformed with the B&W treatment. (Special emphasis on the red and blue sliders.) But there is one more point: yes you were there and the horizon no doubt was going slightly down hill. This often confuses our viewers into thinking you were careless and tilted the camera. So (heh, heh) I rotated your fine image until the horizon was just about ruler straight and everything looked just fine. Okay, I don't mean rotate every downhill image, just the ones that are going 'slightly' downhill, and then, just if it seems right to do it.
All these are just hints on how to look at a very good image and keep making it read better for a viewer.
You have a good eye and use it well. a little practice and you will be up there with the best of 'em.
I hope this little critique was helpful to you. I used to know Connecticut quite well and enjoyed revisiting it with you and this image.
Alice |