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First KAPing in Russia
First KAPing in Russia

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Newspaper (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 8700
Location: Moscow
Date: Jun 17, 2004
Aperture: f/2.8
Shutter: 1/1000
Date Uploaded: Jun 22, 2004

I'm first kite aero photographer in Russia, i think. This is Moscow State University. I dont have any equipment instead of kite for 700 rubles (about 20 dollars) and nikon coolpix4300 for this hobby. I use continius mode shot. Yesterday camera felt from trees( about 7 meters) to earth, nothing bad happen :-)

Place: 178 out of 232
Avg (all users): 4.7026
Avg (commenters): 4.4545
Avg (participants): 4.4340
Avg (non-participants): 4.8773
Views since voting: 840
Views during voting: 345
Votes: 269
Comments: 11
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/29/2004 12:54:06 PM
This is a pretty view, however it would be better if the building was straight and the right side was not cut off. I'm afraid I don't understand your title either.
06/26/2004 09:51:08 AM
I think there were probably better angles for this photo. Perhaps framing the builing in the middle?
06/25/2004 07:40:44 AM
This could use a tilt left so that building can appear parallel to the horizontal frame.
06/24/2004 11:03:40 PM
If the DUMA is the main subject than should not be in shadow.The Sun-light is on the street and makes it very distracting subject.I would wait for different time of the day when the Sun is facing the building to take photo of it. 5
06/24/2004 11:40:41 AM
little too bright and the picture is tilted and you have cut of some of the building
06/24/2004 07:19:04 AM
Is this one of those 7 buildings in Moscow that all look the same? I remember seeing a few of them when I was there last month.
06/23/2004 05:08:26 PM
06/23/2004 12:23:51 PM
I have no idea what this picture is about.
06/23/2004 08:45:39 AM
Angle could be better.
06/23/2004 05:07:50 AM
No clue what KAPing is or what the photo is of. /shrug.
06/23/2004 12:45:56 AM
very good clarity

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