Author | Thread |
07/07/2004 04:35:45 PM |
Your photo deserved a better position , it's really a good shot !
I like the composition very much and the colors! |
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07/06/2004 01:20:27 PM |
Awesome image! Her eyes are really beautiful and I love the angle. |
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07/06/2004 11:46:05 AM |
I definitely thought this would get a ribbon
At least it deserved one,
This is great work, Keep it up :) |
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07/05/2004 01:41:35 PM |
I thought this would get a ribbon, I really liked it. Excellent job... |
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07/05/2004 12:37:26 PM |
Beautiful portrait, Jodie. I really like it, in particular the diagonal composition. The colours of the shirt/hair/lips go so well together, and the blue eyes add just a touch of "coolness". Nice. |
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07/05/2004 12:29:38 AM |
Strange, I thought this one would do much better; maybe even a ribbon. Some times I think the voters here are just... ummm... stupid?
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
07/04/2004 05:16:57 PM |
Very nice composition. Her eyes grab all of the attention. This is one of my favorites in this challenge. |
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07/04/2004 03:07:03 PM |
Unusual angle for a "portrait." The lighting color seems harsh. Could you have tried something softer or incandescent? |
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07/04/2004 02:35:19 PM |
Very nice. Subtle lighting and very interesting posing/composition/framing make this a joy to look at. Could be a make up ad!
TC |
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07/02/2004 03:42:30 AM |
I really love this shot. It seems just a bit oversharpened around the eyes and mouth, so it might have looked better in softer focus, but it's absolutely stunning as it is. Great job! |
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07/02/2004 02:02:46 AM |
Lighting: The lighting is wonderful, but I would have liked to see more life in her eyes, that can be provided by a catchlight.
Pose: Sorry, with the pupils of her eyes covered by her eyelids she looks more asleep than posed. A beautiful model in a good composition, but the eyes are killing it for me.
Background: Using her hair as a background to frame her face is fabulous. |
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07/01/2004 10:22:39 PM |
My favorite composition of the challenge. Unfortunately, the light is a bit too flat for my taste, and it seems a little grainy. Maybe you had to crop too much? Still one of my top picks, but could've been a 10 with very little effort. Nice job! |
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07/01/2004 09:14:11 PM |
very nice... very sexy... might be a tad bit oversharpened? I can't really tell... Some lipstick might have been nice to go with her eyes which are beautiful, and stand out... Nicely done though. |
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07/01/2004 07:23:00 PM |
Find the hair on her neck distracting. |
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07/01/2004 06:39:05 PM |
This unusual pose makes this photo stand out from all the more typical (right side up) portraits in the challenge, She almost seems to be floating, especially with all that soft hair. Those dreamy almost closed eyes give an etherial air to the photo as well. |
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07/01/2004 05:43:51 PM |
A beautiful model and well lit. I'm uncomfortable with the angle of the shot and keep trying to tilt my head to view it. I expect you were going for a "look" but it seems just a little too upside down to me. |
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07/01/2004 01:04:43 PM |
Very pretty model...superb lighting and colors. |
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07/01/2004 09:12:05 AM |
interesting composition/ pose - though her eyes could maybe be a bit more open ? The hair sweeping around her neck unfortunately looks like it might have been growing from there - something to pay a bit more attention to perhaps but a lot of potential |
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06/30/2004 05:50:15 PM |
I like the pose and the expression. Her skin seems just a tad light, and I hesitate to suggest this for a teenager, but a touch more makeup might help bring in the skin tones. The hair is perfect. |
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06/30/2004 05:16:27 PM |
Beautiful image and beautiful girl. I like the nice even lighting but, for some reason, I feel the mouth being open a little bit distracts a little. Just knit-picking. |
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06/30/2004 12:15:56 PM |
Great photo...only thing I would do is clone out the stray hairs on her shoulder |
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06/30/2004 03:04:02 AM |
Gorgeous model and photo. Your POV and her postion create a very candid and casual feel to the portrait. The soft focus and lighting really work well to establish mood. The composition and contrasts also draw attention to the face and eyes. ... Nice work, I give a 9 |
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06/30/2004 02:09:08 AM |
This has a lot of "wow" factor due to the unusual composition and superb exposure / colors. My biggest bug is the hair that looks like its growing from her neck. Overall = in the top group. |
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06/29/2004 10:59:26 PM |
Simple, unusual composition and limited color pallette make this effective, almost an abstract. The eyes usually look odd shot this way -- I'd try to have them look down and not at the camera so they don't look dead/comatose. In this case, her eyes are partly-closed enough to mostly hide the effect. |
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06/29/2004 09:09:47 PM |
This is one of my favorites. I could see this in a fashion magazine or cosmetic ad. Wonderful pose, great expression, lighting and all the technical aspects are well done and the composition is superb. She looks a bit like Liv Tyler. Beautiful! :o) |
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06/29/2004 08:58:43 PM |
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06/29/2004 06:03:00 PM |
Really like this shot - 8 |
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06/29/2004 05:21:39 PM |
I think the photo needs a little saturation. Lighting makes her skin look dead. |
06/29/2004 02:33:31 PM |
this is a nice picture, but the angle is a bit too interesting to fully appreciate, in that it hurts my neck to see the girls face. the eyes have reflected the light in a bit of disconcerting and strange way so that very little of the pupils and irisi are actually visible - this is something that might have been reduced with a bit of cloning in PS or similar. on the whle, i like it, the girls face is visually appealling and the technicial skill taking the shot is obviously very high. perhaps it would be easier to view if reflected along one axis or rotated 180°, so the top of her head is closer to one of the top corners... 7. |
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06/29/2004 01:40:05 PM |
Very nice, but I'm not sure the orientation works - 7 |
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06/29/2004 06:30:19 AM |
Great composition, excellent focus - nice portrait! |
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06/29/2004 12:42:35 AM |
could have been excellent. Seems oversharpened. Pupils look unnatural. |
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06/28/2004 10:04:35 PM |
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06/28/2004 08:29:12 PM |
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06/28/2004 06:10:49 PM |
Realy beutifull model, nice soft skin, sharp eye's and eybrows (Photoshop?) the stray hairs in the neck distract a bit, and if you used PS for this then I would have made her teeth a bit wither, if not then I like your model even 25% more :) |
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06/28/2004 05:12:00 PM |
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06/28/2004 04:46:19 PM |
I think I would have made the teeth a bit whiter, otherwise nice portrait |
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06/28/2004 03:59:48 PM |
What a glamorous shot! Beautiful! |
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06/28/2004 03:13:58 PM |
great pose and relaxed eye contact. |
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06/28/2004 02:58:30 PM |
Great shot. I like the angle and the look on the subjects face. |
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06/28/2004 02:53:42 PM |
The eyes look a little strange ... oversharpened maybe. I like the angle ... very creative. |
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06/28/2004 02:50:58 PM |
very nice. lighting and composition are great. looks just a little oversharpened |
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06/28/2004 02:49:55 PM |
9 from me
a good shot
I would have liked her eyes to be a bit more open |
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06/28/2004 01:55:47 PM |
lovely portrait...great skin tones and excellent inteligent lighting....a ribboner for sure. 10 |
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06/28/2004 11:43:33 AM |
Nice photo, with a good pose and composition. I think to really make it special you should have made the whites of the eys and the teeth brighter in post-processing. 7 |
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06/28/2004 10:36:24 AM |
Cute girl and the colors are very good. Maybe have her mouth closed without teeth showing and add some lipstick next time. Good entry. |
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06/28/2004 09:36:19 AM |
Nice face! Strangely, because the face is upside down I think having her eyes open further would help the viewer see more personality and 'grasp' the image. The right way up she looks great but those eyes look just a little too closed for aesthetic perfection. |
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06/28/2004 09:20:50 AM |
Beautiful model and great picture. However, there just seems to be something odd about her eyes. I'm sure it's just the color of the eyes blending in with her eyeliner and mascar, but it seems to distract from the picture a little... just a little. |
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06/28/2004 08:22:35 AM |
lovely picture. Very nice warm colors. But the pose is a bit eighties-supermodel-cliche. |
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06/28/2004 02:46:44 AM |
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06/28/2004 02:27:36 AM |
Really cool, it reminds me of the makeup ads in the magazines. Excellent work... |
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06/28/2004 02:11:54 AM |
Beautiful pose, perfect lighting. 8 |
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06/28/2004 01:42:38 AM |
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