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Decaying Tuna
Decaying Tuna

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Extraordinary (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Sony DSC-F828
Location: Porch
Date: Jun 24, 2004
Aperture: f/3.2
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/125
Galleries: Snapshot, Still Life
Date Uploaded: Jun 24, 2004

Three days before this picture was taken, I had prepared a tuna sandwich. Unfortunately, I left the can sitting on the kitchen counter. The tuna started to decay. When I finally saw the nasty can, I threw it outside. A few hours later, I went outside to take some wave pictures and noticed the can on the front porch. The stark contrast between the decaying tuna and the bright label caught my eye. The gray concrete enhanced the pictures color as well. I didn't think much of the picture until I uploaded it to my computer.

Place: 274 out of 278
Avg (all users): 3.1585
Avg (commenters): 4.0909
Avg (participants): 2.8264
Avg (non-participants): 3.4049
Views since voting: 1301
Views during voting: 374
Votes: 284
Comments: 13
Favorites: 0

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07/11/2004 09:04:41 PM
Sorry you placed so low! I really liked this composition, this was probably the wrong challenge to enter this in.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/03/2004 09:34:16 PM
Well, the technique is good... even if the tuna is bad. 4
07/03/2004 04:08:37 PM
This one doesn't really do anything for me. I don't see extraordinary at all.
07/02/2004 08:12:23 PM
this is a gr8 photo
07/02/2004 07:40:15 PM
As it stands this is a good still life, well exposed, in focus, and with an interesting composition... But extraordinary?
07/02/2004 06:51:34 PM
yuck.....it brings an unexpected " yuck" from me!
07/02/2004 10:21:39 AM
it's hard finding something that isn't extraordinary... most things are pretty impressive when you take a good look... but this isn't! not by itself nor as a photograph... 1.
06/30/2004 06:31:28 PM
um, ok, are we going for extraordinarily smelly? wierd photo, doesn't make sense without a title, doesn't evoke "decaying tuna"
06/30/2004 02:04:38 PM
I've given people a lot of leeway on extraordinary, but this to me is in no way extraordinary. Sorry, unless your intent was brown.
06/30/2004 01:55:35 PM
Nice colors and good texture on the gray area. I though the extraordinary was supposed to be the visual part - but I guess an extraordinary odor works too... too bad you couldn't attach a "scratch and sniff"....
06/30/2004 12:28:10 PM
Very nice photo, but exessively ordinary. I have one of these on my stove at home waiting to be thrown away.
06/30/2004 02:22:14 AM
Seems mundane to me.
06/30/2004 12:54:12 AM

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