Greetings from the Critique Club!
This is a very centered shot, and as is not very interesting. There is nothing in the photo to make you want to keep looking at it. The background pink is also very distracting taking away from your subject. Either zooming in further, or getting the sign with some context would've been better for this shot. It also seems a reach for the challenge theme.
The lighting on this shot looks like mid-day sunlight. It's very flat, giving it some contrast would help.
Your photo is a little soft. Either getting it's focus better, or perhaps running unsharp mask filter would've helped quite a bit.
Your photo is very small (48k), submissions are allowed up to 150k, taking advantage of that extra size will allow for a lot more detail in your shot. Right now I can see some artifacting from your jpeg's compression ratio. Again some contrast would've helped a ton.
Your shot isn't exactly "Extraordinary", more like "Ordinary". And was voted on as such. While the subject of the sign is "Extraordinary", the photo just doesn't portray that. I agree that it feels like a last minute entry when you were running out of ideas.
I think your photography would improve if you look at the photos as art and not just snapshots. Try to take pictures you'd want hanging on the walls of your house. When you see something you'd like to take a picture of, don't just stand there and click the shutter. Look around, see if there is better spot to shoot from that would make it more interesting. Take a few photos, moving around, adjusting your camera's settings as needed. Find a spot to shoot from that you wouldn't normally think of. That's where you'll usually get the best photos.
You have the potential, now you just need to learn to fine-tune your art. |