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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Fine Arts: Exhibit I (Advanced Editing VII*)
Camera: Canon EOS-40D
Lens: Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS
Location: Memphis Zoo
Date: Mar 6, 2010
Galleries: Animals, Black and White
Date Uploaded: Mar 7, 2010


Place: 36 out of 193
Avg (all users): 5.8564
Avg (commenters): 7.2000
Avg (participants): 5.4902
Avg (non-participants): 6.2581
Views since voting: 1758
Views during voting: 757
Votes: 195
Comments: 25
Favorites: 1 (view)

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03/17/2010 08:35:12 PM
One of the best ever of all animal photos.

Message edited by author 2010-03-18 19:21:47.
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03/15/2010 12:53:46 PM
Sharon...oh how lovely and a portrait of remarkable integrity and dignity. 9 from me!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/14/2010 09:42:59 PM
artsy take on a stoic kitty.
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03/14/2010 04:47:52 PM
As I understood it the challenge was to push boundaries and to aim for a more cutting edge image. This is pretty tame stuff, though a very good photo that might do well in a Free Study challenge.
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03/14/2010 04:46:32 PM
5 - Personal preference, I prefer not to look at a tragically sad looking, obvious zoo animal as art (hard to find the right words here), despite that - the feel and capture does first say to me 'zoo shot' - which it shouldn't, unless this was your intent (apologies in advance if so). Having said that, I too have taken zoo shots and tried to 'artify' them... Maybe it makes a difference if you can't obviously tell they're in a cage - unless, as intonated above, that is your intent.
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03/14/2010 09:36:43 AM
This is one of the shots I saw and thought it was pretty but wasn't really fine art so I voted a bit low. Now after coming back to it I think what you did with the light and the black background adds a nice artsy feel to it so I am bumping the score up some.
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03/13/2010 11:05:01 PM
I would never have imagined that a B&W portrait of a cheetah could be so magnificent. A true work of art, IMO.....9
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03/13/2010 08:28:36 PM
Beautiful B&W Conversion! The lighting is lovely too.
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03/13/2010 05:52:03 AM
This is very-very nice..
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03/12/2010 04:14:43 PM
Voted earlier - a top pick for me. 10
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03/12/2010 01:23:59 AM
regal, strong BW
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03/11/2010 09:02:56 PM
# 4
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03/11/2010 05:22:37 PM
Well beyond the standard big cat pic we see so often...a true portrait. Good stuff.
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03/11/2010 04:34:15 PM
Beautiful light and detail and nothing to detract from the subject. Nice sort of diagonal going from teh head to the tail. I will admit to a bias towards animal shots so I'm predisposed to like this ;-)
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03/11/2010 03:18:05 PM
This isn't really saying fine art to me I have to say.
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03/11/2010 11:39:05 AM
Surely this is a zoo picture. And surely you had to adjust levels to get that featureless black. I don't think it's fine art, personally, though some may like this picture of an animal. It doesn't connect with me, unfortunately. It is simply evocative of the zoo, or predatory felines, and has nothing else to say to me. Does it mean anything to you? Technically, the tones are very rich, the contrast well done, the black and white superb. I don't buy that rich black.. that was not in the original, I think. I believe your focus is somewhere mid-animal, and should properly be on the eyes, but that may be an illusion of the light.
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03/10/2010 06:04:22 PM
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03/10/2010 08:06:22 AM
Beautiful lighting and composition. Really difficult to decide whether this is 'fine art' or just a (cracking) animal shot.
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03/09/2010 12:56:14 PM
A very well done shot. Nice b/w tones. A vote on the + side of the scale for this.
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03/09/2010 11:12:36 AM
very beautiful...such rich, rich tones
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03/09/2010 10:48:59 AM
I like the B&W.....good photo.
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03/09/2010 05:08:05 AM
yes I like, place it in a frame, like good art should be and I give you one more point. Now a 7
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03/08/2010 03:14:59 PM
Beautiful Cheetah, I love the black & white....9.
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03/08/2010 01:39:50 PM
I hope that you post the original color version in the photog's comments. I'd love to see it and I wonder if it would have scored better.
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03/08/2010 03:03:18 AM
incredible shot great lighting and post procesing bw a brave choice one of the best of the year
nice to have a pet cheetah though 10
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