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Let it rain
1st PlaceLet it rain

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Stopped Motion V (Basic Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-5D Mark II
Lens: Canon MP-E 65mm f/2.8 1-5x Macro MF
Location: Home
Date: Mar 22, 2010
Aperture: f/16
ISO: 100
Shutter: 5,0 sec
Galleries: Macro, Action
Date Uploaded: Mar 22, 2010

Oh wow, I'm so thrilled with this result :-) Thank you all!

I really didn't think it would make so good, in fact I was really pessimistic when doing it. I had no good results after 130 tries, my fingers were hurting, and I was sleepy... decided to shoot some more just before going to bed, and this one appeared on the LCD screen!


Today I decided to smash some pencils against the table ;-)
I used the bulb mode, manually triggered using a remote, while the flash was sound activated.
This shot was the best one I was able to get before I ran out of pencils!

[Mar. 25th, 2010 09:12:19 AM]

I know this is quite orange, and I got several comments about the current "orange" challenge.
In fact this is just a coincidence: I broke many pencils, and the best shot happened to be with the orange one!

Place: 1 out of 135
Avg (all users): 7.4083
Avg (commenters): 8.5517
Avg (participants): 7.4918
Avg (non-participants): 7.3799
Views since voting: 9938
Views during voting: 560
Votes: 240
Comments: 67
Favorites: 44 (view)

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02/09/2012 03:52:10 AM
haha sorry i read through all the comments after the challenge but obviously missed that one.
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02/09/2012 02:32:44 AM
Originally posted by Giles_uk:

how did you trigger the flash with sound? and how do yo find teh mp=e 65mm the reason i stumbled on this image? Giles

The answer you're looking for is just 3 comments under yours :-)
02/08/2012 06:29:48 PM
how did you trigger the flash with sound? and how do yo find teh mp=e 65mm the reason i stumbled on this image? Giles
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11/29/2010 02:26:23 PM
Originally posted by HighNooner:

What the speed of the shutter 5 seconds?

The shutter speed was not important, all I wanted was it to be open when the flash blinked. So it was in bulb mode, and I kept it open about 5 seconds, while knocking the pen on the table.
11/29/2010 02:02:09 PM
What the speed of the shutter 5 seconds?
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06/02/2010 12:02:48 PM
Thank you!
I used a "StopShot" module from "Cognisys". It was connected to a cheap mono microphone (sound quality wasn't important here ;))
06/02/2010 10:59:38 AM
Wonderful, fun shot! What kind of sound trigger did you use?
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05/14/2010 02:12:42 PM
Very nice work. I think I read about doing this in Practical Photography (or maybe it was a different photo mag).
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04/12/2010 09:00:50 AM
2's and 4's ? Shame on you guys..
Awesooome shot!
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04/05/2010 01:36:46 PM
Each time I break a pencil point I'll keep this image in mind as from now on. Never realised that such a "simple" thing like breaking a point, could produce such a great image.
Congrats on the ribbon.
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04/04/2010 06:40:12 AM
130 penciles? he he.. you really motivated me ...
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04/02/2010 05:42:00 PM
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04/01/2010 05:04:43 PM
this is awesome!
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04/01/2010 07:20:14 AM
brilliant work
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04/01/2010 12:19:18 AM
This is fantastic. Congrats.
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03/31/2010 06:59:30 PM
Awesome shot. congrats on the Blue ... well deserved (and my fav)
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03/31/2010 05:14:31 PM
your joking right...a blue and red since feb.........haha nice...no amazing shot BTW
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03/31/2010 02:49:09 PM
A well executed technique shot, Christophe. Congrats on the ribbon!
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03/31/2010 11:30:53 AM
Originally posted by RianBotes:

Excellent shot. Deserving Blue and Im curious to know your setup here? Could you please give us some information on this? Especially the lighting and background.

Sure thing. The flash was obviously on the upper left (1/32th), pointing at the pencil. The room was dark. I had a standard white piece of paper on the table. The macro lens was parallel to the table: in fact there is no specific background, the transition from white to black is simply due to the absence of ambient light in the room.
03/31/2010 08:11:57 AM
This is a fantastic shot. I love the impression of depth that's created by the flying shards of pencil - some in focus, and some in front of and behind the plane of focus.
And the composition and bold colour is great too.
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03/31/2010 08:07:27 AM
Excellent shot. Deserving Blue and Im curious to know your setup here? Could you please give us some information on this? Especially the lighting and background.
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03/31/2010 08:01:04 AM
Fantastic shot and something I have not see before. Congrats!
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03/31/2010 05:07:00 AM
Awesome shot! Congrats on the ribbon!
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03/31/2010 03:39:59 AM
This is truly an amazing shot. So powerful!
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03/31/2010 02:48:39 AM
so great - you can feel the tension in the shot
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03/31/2010 02:34:15 AM
just amazing congrats on the blue
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03/31/2010 02:18:01 AM
Super job! Congratulations on the ribbon and the new personal best!
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03/31/2010 01:50:18 AM
Originally posted by drew_makeanimpact:

Was wondering what the bulb effect did compared to using a shutter speed of 1/4000 for example?

I am not sure about that, but I suppose it could work. My problem here was not the shutter speed, but the synchronization of the pencil's impact with the exposure: for this shot, the flash was triggered 9ms after the sound (the microphone being really close), so there is no way I would have done it by triggering the camera itself (takes about 100-150ms on the 5D).

03/31/2010 01:46:46 AM
Simply outstanding image. Congratulations of the blue... totally deserved.
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03/31/2010 01:44:12 AM
Oh wow, I'm so thrilled with this result :-) Thank you all!

I really didn't think it would make so good, in fact I was really pessimistic when doing it. I had no good results after 130 tries, my fingers were hurting, and I was sleepy... decided to shoot some more just before going to bed, and this one appeared on the LCD screen!
03/31/2010 12:59:33 AM
BRILLIANT !!!!! Congrats on the Blue!
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03/31/2010 12:59:13 AM
Congratulations on your ribbon. Great shot and original idea.
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03/31/2010 12:47:17 AM
Awesome picture!

Was wondering what the bulb effect did compared to using a shutter speed of 1/4000 for example?

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03/31/2010 12:21:53 AM
love this. i was going to try something like this after i saw this in the popular photo magazine but it was too late for the challenge.

well done.
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03/31/2010 12:09:46 AM
Congratulations on your well deserved winning. Excellent shot.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/30/2010 11:52:55 PM
Simple but effective.
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03/30/2010 07:54:28 PM
This is my pick for blue. Good luck!
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03/30/2010 01:07:05 PM
Pretty amazing image.
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03/30/2010 01:02:31 PM
Great job.
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03/29/2010 09:41:22 AM
Really love this photograph, orange is my favorite color.
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03/29/2010 03:02:31 AM
Just pretty darn perfect!
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03/28/2010 06:46:21 PM
How many times did you have to sharpen that sucker? Fun take on the challenge and outside the box. Nice job.
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03/27/2010 09:53:30 PM
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03/27/2010 08:16:02 PM
Great effect with focus and lighting.
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03/27/2010 06:27:47 PM
Very cool idea, one that sets it apart from the other entries. Well captured, and my choice for a ribbon. 9
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03/27/2010 12:48:00 PM
Great capture!
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03/27/2010 09:24:17 AM
Neat background. Looks like a horizon. Nice job on the stopped action.
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03/27/2010 08:22:36 AM
Looks like there is more orange lead than came from the pencil, but its a great pic.
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03/26/2010 11:46:54 AM
Great macro.
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03/26/2010 11:45:35 AM
Are you selling this idea for the orange challenge? I like everything about this photoespecially the changing background. Bumped up to max
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03/26/2010 11:19:26 AM
Very very good.
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03/25/2010 07:46:10 PM
remarkable timing - terrific image - must go high
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03/25/2010 10:47:16 AM
very nicely done..I liked the smooth transition of white to black
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03/25/2010 10:18:01 AM
wonderful shot. i love this photo. flying debris from a pencil.
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03/25/2010 06:35:09 AM
This is a fantastic capture! I guess we can see something similar in Orange? 9 from me.
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03/24/2010 10:34:17 PM
Nice, unique entry... of course I'm sure a similar image will be entered in the Orange challenge Sunday. 8 from me.
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03/24/2010 07:31:29 PM
wonderful, but I'm wondering if your going D'oh for not waiting for the Orange challenge. grin.
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03/24/2010 06:44:06 PM
Amazing idea and execution! You got a great eye to be capable to see art in such a simple subject! The colors and background are amazing too. I really hope you do great!
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03/24/2010 03:09:48 PM
Please let us know how you shot this. Great shot.
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03/24/2010 11:25:38 AM
What a shot! The texture on the pencil is what draws me first, but then you've got pencil-destruction bokeh! And the orange line on the border is (to me) the cherry on top.
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03/24/2010 08:39:46 AM
Thank God, it's not a drop of water!!! I love the varying degrees of focus on the shards of the pencil lead. :)
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03/24/2010 05:16:52 AM
I love the colors, orange on blue! Brilliant altogether...
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03/24/2010 04:58:11 AM
10 - fantastic image, bright and colourful. Makes a change from water droplets!
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03/24/2010 04:30:54 AM
really nice idea and well executed
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03/24/2010 12:59:54 AM
I hope this ribbons, it is awesome!
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03/24/2010 12:40:23 AM
WOW!.. Great shot. just an amazing shot. Probably would finish pretty high in the Orange challenge also. My first 10 for this challenge. Excellent work
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03/24/2010 12:08:44 AM
This is too awesome.
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