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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Extraordinary (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Location: Sausalito
Date: Jun 28, 2004
Aperture: f5.0
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/2000
Galleries: Abstract, Nature
Date Uploaded: Jun 28, 2004

Rocks balanced by artist on Sausalito waterfront overlooking Alcatraz

Place: 4 out of 278
Avg (all users): 6.5103
Avg (commenters): 6.7391
Avg (participants): 6.3440
Avg (non-participants): 6.6364
Views since voting: 4454
Views during voting: 449
Votes: 290
Comments: 25
Favorites: 1 (view)

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10/05/2004 08:24:41 PM
Great shot. Many Bay Area residents will recognize this as the work of Bill Dan, who has been publicly balancing rocks for a number of years.
More images of his art, as well as links to other rock-balancers world-wide, can be found at //www.rock-on-rock-on.com - and the webmaster of that site (me) would like permission to include this photo on it.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/06/2004 02:04:50 PM
Well spotted. quite extraordinary. Cropped pretty tight, might be more interesting with a bit more background to make it stand out even more.
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07/06/2004 12:44:16 PM
awesome scenery!!!
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07/06/2004 12:14:09 PM
Clever take on the challenge. Nice lighting and exposure. Not excited at all by your over powering border.
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07/04/2004 09:38:15 PM
Wow! This must be a tribute to super glue or something. Very cool image!
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07/04/2004 10:29:39 AM
yep - that's extraordinary -- can't wait to read the details on this one. I usually don't like photos of sculpure but you've added the water as a color element and the gray/orange/blue colors work very well together, good dof, well lit.
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07/03/2004 05:20:27 PM
This seems to defy laws of physics! Good.
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07/03/2004 04:25:10 AM
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07/03/2004 12:04:04 AM
now this is cool... the lighting could be better, but still nice
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07/02/2004 10:39:05 AM
I would like to see how this was/is done.

Is this a permanent sculpture or something you whipped up temporarily?
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07/02/2004 07:22:39 AM
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07/02/2004 04:18:59 AM
Wow - now that is extraordinary. This is an absolutely beautiful photo with perfect color and clarity. Great job!
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07/02/2004 01:37:35 AM
I've made rock towers before, loads of fun. That's a pretty good one I really like the top piece, on corner (as well as the one in the background). I'm ok at them but my brothers and dad are really good at them. They've made ones about 4ft heigh with a variety of stones (lots of big ones) out in water like this, with crazy points of balence (like this), and arches (in one tower) and lots different kinds. People would come by and wonder about them, "is this some kind of a cult or a ritual? (we laughed about questions like this later)" I have pictures of them, but they are on film. (Bout a year ago just before I got my first digital.) Oh, this evokes many fond memories from me (now in my favs). Nice job.
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07/01/2004 03:47:37 PM
It's a miracle. Nice balance. good luck
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07/01/2004 02:33:51 PM
there is an artist I've seen who does very similar 'sculptur', but their name I cannot recal at the moment. Very clever but I would have liked to see more, crop is a bit harsh..
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07/01/2004 01:37:23 PM
I wish I had the imagination that produced this!
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07/01/2004 09:20:14 AM
Well, I'm impressed. I wish you had had a little more depth of field to get that back rock in focus.
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06/30/2004 08:16:32 PM
Unbelievable! Interesting subject, but also perfect focus and lighting. It looks almost fake, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
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06/30/2004 05:22:19 PM
That's a trick, right?
I think that would not be possible, after the challenge I will check back to see how you did this 8
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06/30/2004 03:42:16 PM
Wow, that's some good balancing.
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06/30/2004 02:27:05 PM
OK, I hope you left comments on how this was done. I know it is not natural. But good clean picture.
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06/30/2004 01:41:20 PM
9 Creative, unique.
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06/30/2004 11:30:38 AM
I think this shot could use a little more negative space, maybe on the right. Good color, lighting and focus.
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06/30/2004 01:41:12 AM
The composition seems very tight. Some more space on the sides and top would greatly improve the shot. Was contrast and saturation increased? If it was I think it might have been increased a little too much. While very interesting I don't know how extraordinary it is, well, for me anyway. I've often watched the artists stack rocks down at Chrissy Field.
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06/30/2004 12:27:02 AM
Magic !
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