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Fire Exit
1st PlaceFire Exit

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Exit II (Basic Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-5D Mark II
Lens: Canon EF 70-200mm f/4.0L IS USM
Location: Fimmvörðuháls, Iceland
Date: Mar 26, 2010
Aperture: 2 sec
ISO: 50
Shutter: f11
Galleries: Landscape
Date Uploaded: Mar 30, 2010

There will likely be alot of shots from this event in the coming challenges.

Post challenge comment:

Awesome, thanks for the great comments and good votes everybody.

After sunset is the best time of day to photograph volcanos. I have narrowed it down to a 15 minute time frame that renders the best light both for the flying magma and the fore/background.

We stayed up at the volcano for about 10 hours, viewing, measuring, photographing and absorbing this event. At one point it got pretty scary, see this photo from Gummi Stóri: Steam Explosion.
The area around the volcano is very mountainous with deep canyons. The lava started to flow down one of these canyons. In the 200-300m deep canyon a big chunk of 1000°C lava collapsed on top of ice and snow turning it instantly into steam, 1700 times the volume of the ice/snow. The explosion was so big it sent large stones flying hundreds of meters into the air. When we realized that the stones where coming our way we ran like hell. I managed to throw myself behind a car. Luckily enough all of the 20-30 people there escaped unharmed.

Place: 1 out of 73
Avg (all users): 6.8342
Avg (commenters): 8.3000
Avg (participants): 6.1765
Avg (non-participants): 6.9000
Views since voting: 3969
Views during voting: 288
Votes: 187
Comments: 36
Favorites: 8 (view)

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04/12/2010 01:38:37 PM
Til hamingju með borðann. :)
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04/12/2010 11:51:43 AM
Til hamingju með borðann Örvar, frábær mynd !
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04/11/2010 08:09:59 PM
Hi from Critique Club: Fire Exit.

You know that your photo has a WOW impact of !!!

But,as you asked, here are some ideas:

1 - Insert a color border around the image.
2 - The image is a little light. Try to darker it a little.
3 - I believe the subject could be more centered.

Hope you like the ideas!


Oscar Burd
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04/11/2010 12:26:17 PM
What an adventure to get that close. Wonderful image....Congrats!
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04/10/2010 06:52:15 PM
A beautiful very colorful shot
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04/10/2010 11:22:20 AM
Góður !
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04/07/2010 11:55:57 PM
Congrats for the blue! A great shot and a NATURAL fit for the challenge.
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04/07/2010 10:38:30 PM
Wow, this photo is more than perfect.
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04/07/2010 09:20:59 PM
fantastic scene! (and your timing is perfect)
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04/07/2010 08:53:20 PM
Fantastic photo Örvar!!
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04/07/2010 07:04:36 PM
Would have loved to see this in person. Great shot. Congrats.
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04/07/2010 02:00:24 PM
"I managed to throw myself behind a car. Luckily enough all of the 20-30 people there escaped unharmed...." No camera damage I hope! I am glad everyone was ok. Good shot here too!
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04/07/2010 01:22:02 PM
Crazy! You (for being that close... lol!) and the shot you got! Amazing! Congrats!
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04/07/2010 11:36:35 AM
Til hamingju með þann bláa. Frábær mynd. Congrats!
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04/07/2010 08:20:12 AM
Congrats on the ribbon!! Beautiful photo.
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04/07/2010 06:20:07 AM
Congrats Orvar on your blue, very well deserved!!!
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04/07/2010 05:07:57 AM
moðerbitsj, vel gert!

Perfect balance showing the background, fire action, snow, steam. Perfect!
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04/07/2010 03:47:35 AM
Til hamingju með gullið.
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04/07/2010 02:07:33 AM
Til hamingju! Frábær mynd:-)
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04/07/2010 01:36:00 AM
This should be entitled "Fire Escape"
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04/07/2010 01:10:24 AM
Congrats on the blue, definitely best of the volcano shots!
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04/07/2010 12:44:01 AM
Congrats Orvar! Great shot. It is nice to see such a technically perfect image.
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04/07/2010 12:13:34 AM
We will see lots of shots of this event on DPC because it's an awesome scene- which you happen to have captured extremely well here. Congrats on your blue!
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04/07/2010 12:07:52 AM
Great shot of the volcano - congratulations on your Blue!
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04/07/2010 12:06:15 AM
Nice job. a BIG congrats!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/06/2010 11:39:46 AM
Lots of volcanoes photos but this one is by far the most interesting for me. Great shot, composition, colors. a 10 from me with a fave.
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04/05/2010 09:05:12 AM
Great eruption photo -- no offense intended to other photographers, but I think this is better than any of the eruption entries in the Orange challenge.
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04/04/2010 04:45:05 PM
Stunning! Good choice of length of exposure. Fantastic colour against the background.
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04/03/2010 08:53:16 PM
A very good one: idea + execution.
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04/01/2010 08:24:26 PM
Beautiful - the reds, pinks & yellows of the lava eruption contrasting with the cool blues and whites of the snowy background are superb.
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03/31/2010 11:15:09 PM
What an awesome sight, love the way it was captured. What can I say it is a 10!
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03/31/2010 05:36:54 PM
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03/31/2010 01:48:16 PM
Great colour...9!
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03/31/2010 11:36:45 AM
hehehehhe,,,you have to be careful so you dont get burn by the melting LAVA;,,,,,,,,,,,,
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03/31/2010 09:03:33 AM
cooool.. where is this? Hawaii? Seems like too much snow in the background for Mauna Kea/Mauna Loa, and those mountains in the background aren't the right shape anyway. Perhaps in Iceland, seeing as a lot of DPC members seem to hail from Iceland.
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03/31/2010 06:48:57 AM
Definitely the best volcano shot in the challenge! Great composition and perfectly exposed. Nice.
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