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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: June Free Study (Advanced Editing II)
Camera: Canon EOS-10D
Location: Iceland
Date: Jun 21, 2004
Aperture: 5.0
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/200
Galleries: Nature, Animals
Date Uploaded: Jun 29, 2004


Place: 25 out of 384
Avg (all users): 6.4663
Avg (commenters): 7.9375
Avg (participants): 6.4150
Avg (non-participants): 6.6304
Views since voting: 1539
Views during voting: 269
Votes: 193
Comments: 19
Favorites: 4 (view)

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07/27/2004 07:47:40 AM
Fyndið ;)
p.s ef þú átt eftir að skrá þig hérna vona ég að þú setur "blessun" myndina þína inn á portif..
Ãað er GEÃVEIK mynd!!! Sjaldan séð annað eins...

Message edited by author 2004-07-27 07:48:32.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/06/2004 10:14:15 PM
Cows love you when you visit. Fun shot. 6
07/06/2004 06:10:47 PM
The cow on the left is hilarious. It's too bad about the partial cow on the right, a bit distracting. 6
07/06/2004 12:17:22 AM
LOL! This is a hilarious photo and I love it! Perfect perspective and DOF. Did you pay these cows to pose just the way you wanted? :) 10!
07/05/2004 09:38:09 PM
funky shot! my fave so far! 10
07/05/2004 01:24:15 PM
This is hilarious. I had to chuckle at this shot and I think I would have liked to get a photo of you getting this photo!

Nice colors and clarity. Fun composition and angle. Good job!
07/05/2004 10:00:23 AM
Very funny! Love the perspective. Nice detail, colours composition. My only "hmm" is the overexposed (?) sky bit right side, and the oe'd ear tag.
07/04/2004 07:10:58 PM
Great focus and exposure! One of my favorite shots so far. Nicely done.
07/04/2004 01:20:54 PM
Great angle and very quirky. What a view! Like this a lot!
07/04/2004 06:06:51 AM
Oh, I like it. Great shot!
07/03/2004 05:53:19 AM
Ohhhh this is my absolute favorite so far. I love cows and this photo captures their personalities wonderfully. This will be on my desktop for awhile :)
07/03/2004 05:05:38 AM
great view, great colors. Could have cropped some more of the right part in my opinion.
07/02/2004 10:49:06 AM
I have seen quite a few cow shots over the years, and this one is one of my favourites because of the good angle, the cow framed against the sky is really effective.
Congrats :)
07/02/2004 08:00:30 AM
Good old cows..they can always be relied upon to be inquisitive.
You`ve managed to get a nice exposure range considering the angle of shot which takes in the sky.
Good work
07/01/2004 10:35:36 PM
Wonderful color and great humor.
07/01/2004 04:43:32 PM
very cute....love the angle at which you photographed this....great subjects
07/01/2004 04:04:57 PM
Yep, this is almost what I wanted for extraordinary. But I wanted the cow to stick his tounge out. Searched for more then an hour to find my first cow, but he was to far away, my 2nd cow did not want to come to the fence, the third run away so I send in something completly different.

OK about your picture: I like it, I will give it a 9 for now, maybe converting it to 10 later when I am done "skimming"


Colors are very good, the viewpoint is great very good use of DOF and it are pretty cows!
  Photographer found comment helpful.
07/01/2004 07:50:41 AM
fantastic perspective and a great shot. Lovely colours and tones. Very refreshing to see after a generally bad show. Gets a 9 (would be 10 but not level, not a criticism just my personal preference)
  Photographer found comment helpful.
07/01/2004 07:46:39 AM
Fun shot. Like it

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