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Fear No Art
Fear No Art

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Extraordinary (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 5700
Location: Albuquerque, NM - Nob Hill
Date: Jun 25, 2004
Aperture: 5.6
ISO: auto
Shutter: 1/322.5
Galleries: Humorous, Urban
Date Uploaded: Jun 29, 2004

One of my customers at the Unseen Gallery.

Place: 154 out of 278
Avg (all users): 5.0396
Avg (commenters): 5.6250
Avg (participants): 4.9333
Avg (non-participants): 5.1203
Views since voting: 834
Views during voting: 399
Votes: 278
Comments: 17
Favorites: 0

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07/13/2004 07:57:49 AM
Hello Hanna from the Critique Club,

This must have been an opportunity shot - composed as well as possible bearing in mind the location. The wire across the front is distracting, as is the background and the other vehicles but maybe it would have been difficult to rearrange it. I have played with a tighter crop and it doesn't help. At least the diagonal placing of the car, providing depth, works.

The whole image is in focus - maybe if you had used a larger aperture (smaller f number), you could have thrown some of the distractions out of focus but you would lose some detail on the main subject - your choice.

Exposure looks about right, you have some blown highlights but they do not contain important detail and the image has a good even range from black to white.

I guess this is unusual enough to meet the challenge - it would have been better in a controlled environment but we have to make do with waht is ther!

Well spotted and the capture is about as good as you could make it in the environment. Keep shooting, maybe there will be an opportunity to shoot it on its own one day.

Any comments or reactions, feel free to contact me.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/06/2004 10:17:56 PM
WOW ;)
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07/06/2004 12:33:15 PM
this is certaily extraordianary!!! ugly ... but extraordinary!!
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07/05/2004 07:40:51 PM
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07/03/2004 04:05:51 PM
Interesting car! Too bad the chain and the other vehicle were there. Perhaps a tighter shot with more detail on the ornamentation would have helped some.
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07/03/2004 02:33:27 PM
these guys are crazy!!!!! picture not well exposed, too much sun a 4
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07/03/2004 12:53:06 AM
That is certainly odd... I'd be interested to see a tighter shot on the bonnet so we could make out some of the objects-de-art on there!
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07/01/2004 11:11:37 PM
the only words i have r (very extraordinary)...lol good job
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07/01/2004 08:06:41 PM
I guess going through a carwash is out of the question for the owner of this car.
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07/01/2004 05:51:13 AM
Haha cool! Maybe could of zoomed in a bit more though.
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07/01/2004 03:38:29 AM
moving art?? Pic 7, subject matter 10
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07/01/2004 02:19:25 AM
This is...impressive.
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06/30/2004 08:14:21 PM
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06/30/2004 06:08:02 PM
Fun car, image is a bit pixelated (maybe over-sharpened?) and I would try to clone out the sliver car in the background if you make prints of this. Nice entry.
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06/30/2004 03:38:58 PM
This is an out of the ordinary car. I wish it I could say the same for the compostion. I closer cropping of just part of the car would have made the point, but shown more detail and eliminated the mundane surroundings. As it is, it's a bit overexposed and I can't make out any of the art.
I actually had this idea as one sees quite a few decorated cars in the part of Providence where I live. It's an artsy city.
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06/30/2004 02:26:25 PM
this definiately fits the challenge.
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06/30/2004 05:29:21 AM
Good subject but a tighter crop on the car would probably help to be able to see some of the the things on the car itself, as it is it just looks like some birds flew over and left a mess on the car.
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