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\ik-strord-n-er-e\  <adj.>  [Latin]  1. going beyond what is usual, regular, or customary
\ik-strord-n-er-e\ <adj.> [Latin] 1. going beyond what is usual, regular, or customary

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Extraordinary (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Location: my bathroom
Date: Jun 27, 2004
Aperture: f/5.6
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/40
Galleries: Black and White, Studio
Date Uploaded: Jun 29, 2004

My original idea for this was to have only the definition of extraordinary highlighted, and to have everything else shadowy. Unfortunately, after three hours of maneuvering I just couldn't get the right angle, lighting, etc. to pull off that one, so I settled for a drastically less impressive idea. I don't suspect it will do well, but if you don't try you always fail. :)

Post processing includes crop, levels, and USM.

Place: 186 out of 278
Avg (all users): 4.8571
Avg (commenters): 6.0000
Avg (participants): 4.3387
Avg (non-participants): 5.2353
Views since voting: 979
Views during voting: 407
Votes: 294
Comments: 23
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/06/2004 10:28:47 PM
I like how everything else is sort of blurred out so you can focus on extroardinary
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07/06/2004 04:40:18 PM
do you have any idea how many times this idea has been used? It's not a bad photo, just the idea is so worn out that it just completely detracts from any merits the photograph might posses.
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07/06/2004 12:05:06 PM
Literal and nice use of DoF to highlight the word. Exposure seems right one. White line in border creates the area of most contrast and thus draws too much atrtention.
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07/04/2004 12:56:14 PM
Unique. Very nice photo.
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07/03/2004 07:38:05 PM
creative indeed =)
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07/03/2004 12:57:22 AM
this is a great picture
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07/02/2004 09:29:47 AM
I like this. Great idea, great execution.
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07/02/2004 06:45:57 AM
Clever idea to remove any question of meeting the challenge. If I had a dime for every voter trying to figure out why to give you a 1....

10 from me, I am still chcukling. Thanks for the laugh.

BTW: The DOF and lighting really drive this home. Nicely done.
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07/02/2004 06:18:26 AM
Same idea that I posted :) It will be fun to see how your interpretation will score compered to mine.
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07/01/2004 09:54:14 PM
I like this unique take on the challenge. nice shot!
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07/01/2004 11:46:07 AM
This was a welcome change from the ordinary extraordinary photos. Something's odd about it, though. Perhaps it's the white and yellow color streaks on the paper. Perhaps I'd like to see more of the right of the page in focus. Not sure... Nice idea and nice photo, though. 7
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07/01/2004 09:51:23 AM
While this image isn't extraordinary in itself, I like it for the simple fact that it's technically pretty well done, the lighting is good and you're conveying a specific message. Not the most exciting picture but it's better than most in this challenge. 7
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07/01/2004 09:30:49 AM
07/01/2004 02:01:33 AM
Real neat idea, photographed well
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06/30/2004 08:19:17 PM
Interesting shot, but strange artifacting in the image itself.
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06/30/2004 05:52:53 PM
not too creative...sorry
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06/30/2004 04:02:48 PM
Nice try. I just don't find these kinds of shots very compelling.
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06/30/2004 12:49:23 PM
Lighting does a nice job of creating depth and texture. Levels are good. So's contrast. Shallow DoF is a bit distracting. A little less shallow might have been better.
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06/30/2004 05:59:31 AM
Clean good picture of the dictionary, however, the only thing extraordinary is the word itself, the photo, although technically almost perfect does not have enough interest to really make it stand out.
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06/30/2004 05:01:51 AM
Great! I like the use of DOF!
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06/30/2004 03:33:52 AM
over it.. think of something new..
06/30/2004 02:58:50 AM
Excellent and original idea but your entry is a bit blue in color. I think this might have done better as a b/w.
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06/30/2004 12:35:04 AM
Very clever - and a well executed shot. Good depth of field, excellent title. I like this very much (even the border ads to the effect). Excellent shot,
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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