Hi, thanks for enjoying my portfolio, thought I would return the favor.. Noticed that you would have liked a comment here - so...
This was a great idea, that wasn't executed as well as could have been. Definitely a bit hard on the light, and soft on the focus :)
No worries though, next time, have a friend hold a reflector (perhaps a nice car-window silver sun screen thing.. (they're cheap and easy to find..), that way the area that is producing light is much larger, and you will get way better results.
The hard shadow across the middle hurts you some too.. Oh well, always remember, you're here to learn and enjoy... Winning is a remote possibility that you shouldn't work for, just work to learn and improve.
I would suggest having a go at the forums, we certainly do have our controversies, but overall it's a great way to learn, ask a question here and there, someone will answer it - no doubt :)
Anyway, cheers, and I hope to see more work soon! |