Taken at the Birds of Prey show at Whiteman Park. Really stoked with it. This is Bee, a male whistling kite. Check out //wabirdsofprey.com
Opened in ACR, lowered exposure, added fill light and upped clarity and vibrance a bit, shadow/highlight to tone highlights down, duplicated layer set to multiply at 49% opacity, masked all but the bright bits off and then gaussian blurred the layer mask, adjustment layer for selective colour, upped the brightness a bit, cropped, levels adjustment to brighten midtones, resized, usm twice, 8 bits per channel, saved for web.
Score prediction: 5.5 if I'm lucky. I always hope for a 6 and my spirit falls as my score does, but, well, that's me.
Place: 86 out of 394 Avg (all users): 6.1284 Avg (commenters): 6.8333 Avg (participants): 6.1402 Avg (non-participants): 6.0976 Views since voting: 902 Views during voting: 231 Votes: 148 Comments: 8 Favorites: 0