Challenge: Hidden Gem: Break Time (Advanced Editing VII*) Camera: Nikon D80 Lens: Nikon AF Zoom-Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8 VR DG IF-ED Location: State Capitol Building, Phoenix Arizona Date: May 1, 2010 Aperture: 2.8 ISO: 100 Shutter: 1/160 Galleries: Photojournalism, Political Date Uploaded: May 11, 2010
Note to DPC/SC: My camera's date/time is set to UTC; I had this approved by the SC when I first joined dpchallenge.
I don't know if this is the "best" shot I've taken this year, but it was one of the most meaningful and relevant.
Shot May 1, 2010, during the May Day protest at the State Capitol Building in Phoenix Arizona.
Additional images can be found on my blog and this flickr set.
I have covered many of the protests in the Phoenix area surrounding the current immigration issues. In addition to the usual submissions to local papers, I am compiling a larger audio-visual project in which I intend to combine images, video and audio (photojournalism and interviews) and share a different, more in-depth view of the immigration issue and those it affects, as compared to the popular press.
Shot outdoors, handheld. I shoot many of these events with two active bodies -- D80 and D90 at this time -- one with a Nikon 17-55/2.8 and one with a Nikon 70-200/2.8. This image was captured on the D80 with 70-200/2.8 at 155mm, iso 100, f/2.8, 1/160 -- aperture priority, matrix metering, 0EV comp. No flash or light modifiers.
Aside from a slightly tighter crop, this is the same image run in local papers.
NOTE: I AM NOT REQUESTING "CRITIQUE CLUB" FEEDBACK. If you are in the Critique Club and feel the need to leave a critique... let that feeling pass, please. Thanks and have a great day.
Note, for those who have trouble understanding Lightroom or Adobe Camera Raw: By listing my development settings here, I am showing the current develop / ACR settings used to convert this image from raw/NEF to a jpg image. It does NOT mean I have actually adjusted all of these settings. However, anyone can set development defaults to *any* setting they choose, so there is no true "default" for any setting, aside from zero, which is perfectly flat. To correctly reproduce a challenge submission from an original camera file, as the challenge rules require, *all* development settings need to be retained and verified. To look at this list and say "that's a lot of post-processing" is missing the basic concept of Lightroom, development settings and default values.
RAW/NEF -> Lightroom
Crop (custom)
WB Temp -> 5250 (as shot)
WB Tint -> -4 (as shot)
Exposure -> +0.70
Recovery -> 0
Fill Light -> 25
Blacks -> 19
Brightness -> +50
Contrast -> +60
Clarity -> +35
Vibrance -> 0 (N/A)
Saturation -> 0 (N/A)
Tone Curve: Strong Contrast (Per-Region settings 0)
Grayscale (Auto mix, -6, -13, -16, -22, -19, +4, +11, +3)
Amount -> 99
Radius -> 1.0
Detail -> 38
Masking -> 70
Noise Reduction:
Luminance -> 0
Color -> 25
Vignette, Post Crop
Amount -> -40
Midpoint -> 73
Roundness -> +35
Feather -> 64
Camera Calibration:
Adobe Standard
All other settings 0, unless noted
Export as JPG, sRGB, quality 100, 800 longest edge, sharpen for screen (standard), minimize metadata, processed by LR2/Mogrify to set quality to fully strip metadata and constrain final output file to <300kB. (Surprisingly, the additional strip/compress was not required - Gotta love greyscale!