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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Advertisement Revisited (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Canon PowerShot S50
Location: Bathroom
Date: Jul 5, 2004
Aperture: 8.0
ISO: 200
Shutter: 2"
Galleries: Still Life, Advertisement
Date Uploaded: Jul 5, 2004


Place: 82 out of 218
Avg (all users): 5.2473
Avg (commenters): 6.5833
Avg (participants): 4.9495
Avg (non-participants): 5.4076
Views since voting: 1505
Views during voting: 362
Votes: 283
Comments: 26
Favorites: 1 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/13/2004 04:02:04 PM
And the brand is?????
07/13/2004 12:22:36 PM
Great composition. Nice lighting.
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07/12/2004 04:28:18 PM
Cool image! It's a little contrasty, in that the highlights are blown out slightly, and the shadow detail on the guinnes label could be slightly lighter. It is instantly guinnes though.
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07/12/2004 02:28:35 AM
too dark
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07/11/2004 10:49:26 PM
I absolutely love this shot. the lighting is perfect.
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07/11/2004 07:36:23 PM
I think this would have worked much better in B&W.
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07/10/2004 04:12:22 PM
Do you know that when I first saw it on the screen at work, I jus saw the "N" and didn't know excactly theat ad was for! So, good but perhaps too much contrast.
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07/10/2004 11:22:01 AM
Excellent! Best one I've seen so far. Getting the saturated glints just right while still having the darkest letters legible must have been quite a trick.
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07/09/2004 07:08:13 PM
This is beautiful! I love Guiness!
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07/09/2004 01:40:50 PM
One of the stronger images in the challebge - and actually looks like it belongs on a page, TV or billboard. The light on the left is too strong though and I feel that a tighhter crop on the glass would bring the eye towards the product more.

Message edited by author 2004-07-14 00:51:07.
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07/08/2004 10:25:22 AM
I like the choice of colors and the contrast. Reflected light is powerful. I think a little more light from the left and possibly from behind the camera would have lightened the rest of the brand name a bit and possibly have improved it.
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07/08/2004 06:05:32 AM
Guinness? I think one of the first rules of advertising is make sure the product name is visible. I'm just guessing this is Guinness based on the gold and black.
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07/07/2004 11:29:55 PM
This is interesting in an abstract sense, but I can't tell what the product is!
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07/07/2004 11:17:28 PM
better than mothers milk! Nicely done
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07/07/2004 10:35:45 PM
i would love this if perhaps a reflector was used to bring some light into the darkest area of the photo - the right side of the U and the I are almost completely lost. Otherwise, nice close-up, detail, sharpness and color. (display recently calibrated with OptiCAL)
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07/07/2004 06:18:10 PM
A beer lover might not get it, but it works for me. Nice shot!
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07/07/2004 05:50:52 PM
Excellent use of light and color. This would get the buyer's attention.
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07/07/2004 05:28:44 PM
I dont know if its my monitor but i cant see the product. Is it guinsess?
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07/07/2004 03:05:53 PM
The light to the left soes not seem to have anything to do with the product, who's whole name we can't see.
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07/07/2004 01:58:11 PM
Just a little too dark on the words... but a nice shot still -8
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07/07/2004 12:49:46 PM
with the lighting and the angle, you cant tell what its advertising. i like the orange though
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07/07/2004 11:48:17 AM
What the hell is it?
07/07/2004 09:17:43 AM
Nice photograph, but not sure that heat and beer work together...
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07/07/2004 08:09:19 AM
very good
07/07/2004 04:28:45 AM
OH, this loosk good, yammi ;) Great light, very warm. Maybe your should have shown a bit more of teh label, so one could guess what it says...
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07/07/2004 12:43:37 AM
I love the golden glow. It gives a great feeling of richness. Nice cropping. I would have been tempted to show the entire logotype but it's still recognizable and a perfect choice.
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