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Carlsberg - Probably the Best Beer in the World!
3rd PlaceCarlsberg - Probably the Best Beer in the World!

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Advertisement Revisited (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Nikon D70
Location: My kitchen
Date: Jul 6, 2004
Aperture: f4.5
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/30
Galleries: Still Life, Advertisement
Date Uploaded: Jul 6, 2004

Cropped, brightnes +45, contrast +20 and finally some USM.

Place: 3 out of 218
Avg (all users): 6.5825
Avg (commenters): 7.5172
Avg (participants): 6.6239
Avg (non-participants): 6.5600
Views since voting: 36634
Views during voting: 414
Votes: 309
Comments: 40
Favorites: 4 (view)

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07/20/2004 01:02:06 PM
Wow! What a nice surprise! I just got back home, after being out of country (and with no chance to check to see how my pic was doing). Thank you all for the comments that I have gotten, both on this picture and my first entry (the "Extraordinary" challenge). As I am fairly new to the world of digital photography and the digital darkroom, I appreciate all the input you give me!

Once more; Thanx!

07/20/2004 11:50:42 AM
nice beer shot. my suggestions would be to back off the USM. logo looks like it was added on - different sharpening, less foam detail. the glass has some dark spots that distract, looks like dirt. may be foam shadows that were over sharpened. you're on the edge for contrast - good control! saturation is good, it would be fun to print as a large - wall size image! thanks for sharing!
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07/19/2004 01:43:12 PM
not entirely fond of the crop or loss of detail on the left for an advertisement. But nice color and texture overall.
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07/19/2004 03:31:42 AM
Originally posted by Gurilla:

Not sure that Carlsberg would say probably! But I like the shot.

Funny, but "Probably" is exactly what Carlsberg says, the title is exactly what Carlsberg uses in their advertisements. The Danish law does not allow you to say you are "the best" since you can't prove it.

Excellent shot Auduna, makes me thirsty even on a Monday morning.
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07/18/2004 10:57:07 PM
Chalk up another for the D70!!! Wonderful image!
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07/17/2004 08:08:49 PM
Congrats on your new-found placement and ribbon! :o)
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07/17/2004 07:53:17 PM
congrats on your yellow ribbon!!
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07/17/2004 04:43:41 PM
Shame to get your ribbon this way, but congrats on the Yellow!
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07/17/2004 03:57:46 PM
Congratulations on your ribbon !
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/13/2004 07:13:10 PM
Great photo that very well could be in a magazine. The head (foam) is perfect...great colors and composition. 10
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07/13/2004 04:10:35 PM
yeah! - it's about product - brand placement!
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07/13/2004 11:10:24 AM
Simple. Colorful. Very real looking (like a real ad).
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07/13/2004 10:51:54 AM
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07/13/2004 09:07:56 AM
More foam pouring over the side of the glass woulf have improved the appeal of the drink.
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07/13/2004 01:20:02 AM
A most impressive entry even if slightly overshatpenned.
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07/12/2004 09:38:39 PM
Very nice, perhaps a little extra contrast might give the image more impact.
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07/12/2004 10:32:12 AM
Very good and I like it.
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07/11/2004 02:07:15 PM
I don't think I have ever wanted a beer as much as I do now after seeing this image, nice shot!
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07/11/2004 11:14:59 AM
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07/11/2004 10:41:07 AM
I would have liked to have seen the bubbles running down the glass crisp and sharp rather than blurred.
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07/11/2004 06:05:08 AM
very nice crisp, colorful image. Makes me thirsty. the top foam is maybe a bit too yellow, but overall still very appealing.
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07/10/2004 06:30:59 PM
Nice coloring and lighting glowing through.
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07/10/2004 10:06:38 AM
Very nicely done--lighting, detail are great.
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07/09/2004 01:09:54 PM
Awesome shot!

This is something I would expect to see in a print ad.
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07/09/2004 02:42:02 AM
very classy with great color...makes me want to go get a beer!
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07/09/2004 12:15:21 AM
This works. Makes me want to wet my lips. It is much harder than people think to take a good product shot. You have done it.
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07/08/2004 01:28:18 PM
That slogan was imprinted in my brain during EURO 2004, over and over and over.
Anyway, good shot, but the shot looks a bit slanted, should have cropped to straighten out.
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07/08/2004 11:49:02 AM
Classic shot very well executed. Essentially the perfect image for the challenge. Hope you ribbon.
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07/08/2004 09:59:15 AM
This one stands out! Clear, excellent light, inviting, luscious (and I don't even like beer!). Superb.
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07/08/2004 06:26:20 AM
Excellent. Deserves to be in the top three. Good composition and lighting.
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07/08/2004 02:26:35 AM
Not sure that Carlsberg would say probably! But I like the shot.
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07/07/2004 09:32:41 PM
Never heard of Carlsberg before, but appealing none the less. Would like to have seen the bottom half of the glass, but overall nice clarity color and focus.
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07/07/2004 06:24:04 PM
Very refreshing. I could see this in an ad.
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07/07/2004 11:07:23 AM
Excellent shot. The foam is a bit washed out at the top. Maybe bump the brightness down a notch or the contrast up a notch.
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07/07/2004 07:39:37 AM
Wish i could see the whoel glass, but this works ok to. What i really think woudl improve this shot though, is it the foam had been paler and more white. I think it is a bit to yellow no, to look natrual
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07/07/2004 03:48:29 AM
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07/07/2004 02:48:01 AM
wow... wow.. what a fantastic picture! I really love it! I only make a little change, I´d like to see all the cup... I think the image would be stronger... BUt just my opinio. Good luck in the challenge.
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07/07/2004 02:38:41 AM
its a good picture good luck hope u do good
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07/07/2004 01:52:00 AM
it would be a real good photo if some adjustment and work is done on the foam....but overall it's great :)
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07/07/2004 01:22:16 AM
Perfect, a 10!
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