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Simply Blue
Simply Blue

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Blue (Classic Editing)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 5700
Location: Fuji
Date: Nov 27, 2002
Aperture: f6.6
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/459.1
Galleries: Sky, Landscape
Date Uploaded: Nov 30, 2002

Taken near where I live. On the second attempt, Fuji was perfectly visible.

Place: 4 out of 243
Avg (all users): 7.0431
Avg (commenters): 8.2692
Avg (participants): 6.9669
Avg (non-participants): 7.1538
Views since voting: 4768
Votes: 255
Comments: 34
Favorites: 5 (view)

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07/17/2003 04:29:47 PM
I want to live where you live!! Gorgeous.
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06/30/2003 10:17:40 PM
Your photo here is simply astonishing. The mountain is so magestic and the whale adds so much interest. I love all the varying shades of blue. You feel like you are really there.

Incredible. I love it!
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01/28/2003 04:07:55 PM
The more I keep coming across this picture the more I like it. It has a fantastic mystical quality with the mountain taking a while to come into focus. FANTASTIC !!!!!
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12/31/2002 12:40:53 AM
Beautiful shot. Love the different colors of blue.
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12/09/2002 09:29:23 PM
Thanks for all your comments everyone! Actually Fujisan is a few hundred kms away from where I took this, hence the haze, but on clear days you can see Fuji from all over the place.
12/09/2002 09:07:10 AM
It looked so familiar, not because I have ever been near Japan, I am just interested in the country and its culture.
The color transitions in this image are awesome, 6/7 different layers of blue on top of each other. Some clouds to add something to the background and some rocks for the foreground.
A bit hazy, but that adds to the mystical/divine Fuji.
Too bad it didn't make the first three. :-(

Message edited by author 2002-12-09 09:07:55.
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12/09/2002 12:40:08 AM
wow great shot.. at first i thought from the thumbnail it was Mt Baker in Washington state... but its Fuji... Good Job! i wish i would have shot a mountain now instead of some flower...
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/08/2002 11:56:35 PM
A beatiful shot which I'm sure you are hearing a lot of. I'm a little undecided about the rock in the forground but I think it works well enough. I wish I had photographed our Mt Ranier instead of the stupid picture I submitted : ) Your composition, colors and execution are very nice. Good job.
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12/08/2002 10:10:26 PM
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11/30/2002 11:19:42 AM
Beautiful blue. Would have been nice to see mountain better.
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12/08/2002 08:57:30 AM
Gorgeous shot! Is this Mt. Rainier over Puget Sound? Great landscape.
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12/08/2002 01:49:59 AM
I like the composition and contnt, and for ths challenge I can even see deliberately heightening the difference between fore- and background. Still, I think I'd want to boost the contrast and detail of the background if I was going to print it for frequent viewing...
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12/07/2002 03:47:30 PM
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12/06/2002 11:11:56 PM
Beautiful picture. I love it framed between the snow capped mountain and the white caps where the rocks break through at the bottom. Beautiful job. PTL 8
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12/06/2002 08:16:00 PM
Stunning - really meets the challenge! Would love to know where this was taken!
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12/05/2002 10:08:30 PM
Well done. Nice choice of angle for this one ( I am assuming Mt Fuji).Technically well done. 9
Jim msp
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12/04/2002 11:00:40 PM
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11/30/2002 11:19:42 AM
This must be somewhere close to me.....PNW? It's really nice, you got the color so perfect. Great capture. Justine
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12/04/2002 01:09:00 AM
ahhh very nice! it really says blue! wish I could see more of the mountains though... but still really nice... I bet it makes the top 25
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12/03/2002 08:36:00 PM
Mt Rainer?? very nice shot 10
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12/03/2002 08:04:00 PM
very nice. a little more rock or no rock might improve it, because i first want to know what that dark thing is and it irritates me that i have to stare at it for a second to figure out that it is a rock and not a whale or something. i love the peak in the background, how at first you don't notice it and then wow when you see it. maybe that's what the black rock it there for, to get your attention.
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12/03/2002 06:49:00 PM
very nice. Crop the rock out, makes a stronger/simpler composition IMO.
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12/03/2002 01:42:00 PM
Hooray! What an AWESOME shot! This is my "Alan's Surefire Pick of the Week" shot (I'm 2/3 in making this prediction in past challenges). I expect to see this on the front page of the new DPC2! The layering of different areas of the landscape is incredible; the blue water is beautiful; the cloud adds perspective, and the snow-capped mountain literally tops it all off. I'm looking forward to learning where this was taken. Is this a volcano? It reminds me of Mt. Vesuvius in Italy when we visited a few years ago. -- alansfreed -10
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12/02/2002 09:07:00 PM
This is just great. I love the watercolor effect of the layered hills and the mountain. Fits the challenge, no technical troubles... 10 ~indigo997
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12/02/2002 08:43:00 PM
What a view! Nice picture. Lnede
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12/02/2002 06:49:00 PM
Oh my God! Is that a whale popping up??!?!? Where were you for this one!? Your blues are crisp and rich. The dark to light transition is pleasing to the eye. 9 kosmik
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12/02/2002 04:34:00 PM
Ohh yeah, I love it! Great job.
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12/02/2002 03:48:00 PM
Awesome pic. I guess it helps to have a volcano near your house, just for this sort of occasion. Great work. 8
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12/02/2002 11:23:00 AM
Beautiful, and simple with a very good interpretation of the challenge, love that sea and the different shades! Nice Job, and good luck.
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12/02/2002 08:23:00 AM
This is the most beautiful 10
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12/02/2002 05:22:00 AM
Very nice. Wonderful. Good Depth. Is that Mount Fuji?? Looks like it.
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12/02/2002 04:42:00 AM
I like the different shades of blue, works well.
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12/02/2002 04:30:00 AM
Sad that it was so hazy. The image is not very crisp!
12/02/2002 01:42:00 AM
I think someone has a favorite subject...

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