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Physical and Abstract  Balance
1st PlacePhysical and Abstract Balance

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Balance (Advanced Editing II)
Camera: Canon EOS-10D
Location: home
Date: Jul 13, 2004
Aperture: 5.6
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/20
Galleries: Still Life
Date Uploaded: Jul 13, 2004

A wacko project. Balanced two steel balls on a stick using washers for support with epoxy. Drilled two holes in sintra (the white base-semi transluscent) to hold tuning fork then drilled circle of holes. Put sintra on box with light inside. Filed top of tuning fork and epoxied stick with balls. All artifacts of glue and washers cloned out.

The background is a white screen and then paper cutouts of the venus and Mars Astrological signs place with glue uneven so that the backligth distributes uneven.

Place: 1 out of 139
Avg (all users): 6.9838
Avg (commenters): 8.3125
Avg (participants): 6.7882
Avg (non-participants): 7.1500
Views since voting: 9950
Views during voting: 377
Votes: 185
Comments: 58
Favorites: 24 (view)

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07/11/2005 03:02:48 PM
your shots really are just far too cool! :-) HOW did you get these colours, the tone, everything :-)

Message edited by author 2005-07-11 15:09:30.
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10/23/2004 01:59:33 AM
This really is fantastic; deserving of blue.
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08/01/2004 02:10:34 PM
excellent capture graphicfunk, well deserved blue ribbon.
Tiger eye, you should go rub sand in your eyes.
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07/30/2004 10:12:30 PM
Hey Tiger eye: Thank you for your most astute observation. In your cursory look perhaps you overlooked that while the physical balance was symetrical, the abstract is asymetrical.
However, regarding whether it deserved 1st place, about this you may have a point. Following your logic it should not have even been considered for a ribbon. So put me anywhere you seem fit. A composition this bad may be better place around 40th or so.

Message edited by author 2004-08-01 01:05:09.
07/30/2004 08:06:28 PM
Sorry to be the one to disagree, but the photo isn't great. The "balance" was taken way too literally and creastes a poor and uninteresting composition. Since when can someone get away with a photo that's practically symetrical. Use a little creativity next time. (not deserving of 1st place)text
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07/30/2004 12:50:21 PM
Very cool! Well deserved ribbon blue ribbon!
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07/28/2004 10:14:29 PM
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07/28/2004 05:33:17 PM
This is a very awe inspiring photo. I would love to learn how to take some photos of reflective surfaces that don't include my camera and my reflection in it. If you get the time - please share the 'tip'?
Well done on the blue ribbon. Very deserving. The artistry of the photo is incredible. Not only does it seem to answer the challenge of 'balance', but those orbs almost appear like eyes! I'm also impressed with the colours in the photo.
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07/27/2004 04:05:20 PM
Fantastic. One of the best pictures, in that style, that I already saw.
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07/27/2004 11:14:53 AM
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07/26/2004 10:00:05 PM
Congrats Daniel,

As I said before, I don't know what it is, but it's interesting.
Nice job on the imagination & lighting here.
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07/26/2004 05:33:52 PM
Congratulations on your first ribbon..well desreved!!! Creativity and execution are splendid.
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07/26/2004 05:28:37 PM

This is an excellent interpretation of 'balance' on multiple levels, as you intended. The colored reflections in the orbs seem to give this image another level of interest as well. They almost create two 'eyes' that are staring back at me. These eyes are telling me your story of balance. I have found it difficult and challenging in the past to create an image that shows multiple interpretations of the same theme. You have done well with that here.

On the visual side of this image, I think there are lots of opportunities for alternative compositions that would be equally or even more appealing. Since your orbs are balanced on the left and right, I wonder what type of feeling would be created by making them off balance? I think that if you let the left orb become 'heavier' than the right, that you would create a nice diagonal flow in the image... possibly introducing a third elemental theme to the image of "why?" :) With your background theme indicating a balance of the sexes, and the balanced orbs being complementary of that theme, an offset in that physical balance would help to introduce the mystery of the photographer's though process. As far as the challenge is concerned, you would likely have suffered for this idea, but I'm speaking solely from a standpoint of the imagery itself. Just some food for thought :)

Thanks for the effort you have been putting into your comments... they are appreciated by me and many others :)
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07/26/2004 02:51:59 PM
extremely well done!! well deserved!!
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07/26/2004 12:59:56 PM
a very well contrived image - and worthy of the BLUE ;}

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07/26/2004 12:52:20 PM
Congrats ... very well done!
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07/26/2004 12:34:56 PM
Hard work gets it`s reward
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07/26/2004 10:35:09 AM
The work you put into the set up was well worth it. Congratulations to you on your first ribbon!
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07/26/2004 09:11:11 AM
Congrats, great work! Well deserved!
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07/26/2004 08:53:06 AM
I admire your tenacity to get this right and photographically interesting. The idea is very clever, the execution excellent, result seamless. Congratulations!
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07/26/2004 08:17:40 AM
Well done Daniel! A well earned first ribbon -- more to come I'm sure.
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07/26/2004 08:01:58 AM
Congrats on your first ribbon Daniel! This sounds like it was a lot of work, and I'm glad to see it worked out for you. There is something oddly captivating about the fact that the stick isn't perfectly horizontal, nor the edge of the sintra -- almost like the balance is unstable and may become unbalanced at any second. Really nice color palette. Great job! Go Team Canon! (P.S. I found myself staring into the steel balls trying to see what was around the camera when you took the picture. :-)
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07/26/2004 03:28:03 AM
Well done. I checked your profile last week & saw you had some great images there.
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07/26/2004 02:50:19 AM
congratulations on your ribbon. I knew this one would win :)
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07/26/2004 12:59:55 AM
Congrats on your first blue... you definitely earned it.
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07/26/2004 12:44:46 AM
Great work! I knew this one would do well. Congratulations on the well deserved win!
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07/26/2004 12:41:13 AM
Wow! what a neat image. I didnt vote on this challenge but I just love the detail colour and idea well done on your ribbon
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07/26/2004 12:38:40 AM
Excellent work, Dan. CONGRATULATIONS.
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07/26/2004 12:22:21 AM
Yay, I'm so happy you won the blue! Congratulations!!
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07/26/2004 12:15:41 AM
Why you sly fox! Very cool shot; congrats on the ribbon!!!
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07/26/2004 12:14:46 AM
Great work Daniel, congrats on your first ribbon...
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07/26/2004 12:09:13 AM
Great shot. Grats on the ribbon
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07/26/2004 12:08:09 AM

Very neat, clean and spot on. Definitely a winner! More please.

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07/26/2004 12:07:53 AM
Congratulations on your ribbon!!! You hit it all the way around!
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07/26/2004 12:05:17 AM
Congratulations... a well-deserved win. It's great to see hard work like this pay off!
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07/26/2004 12:05:07 AM
Excellent interpretations you came up with here while others were stymied. Congratulations on your blue ribbon.
Well deserved!!
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07/26/2004 12:03:25 AM
Gradulations on the bluey! Well done
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07/26/2004 12:01:54 AM
WooHoo! Congrats! Loved this one.
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07/26/2004 12:01:01 AM
Congrats on the blue. Great job!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/25/2004 11:05:50 AM
Great composition, especially the background. Only one small issue: the right ball looks a little funny at the contact position on the wood. This is a 9 from me, and I hope it ribbons.
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07/25/2004 04:52:28 AM
B E A U T I F U L ! What a great shot , excellent composition , color and of course the meaning ... Congratulations !
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07/24/2004 04:53:09 PM
Wow. Great shot! The only thing I can see that could improve it is the edge of the (table?) could be levelled. Well done.
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07/24/2004 03:04:23 AM
shows balance immediatly, has great lighting,composition and intrigue, great image.
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07/23/2004 10:37:51 AM
The quality of this photo is excellent. The concept is excellent. The reflections in the balls are a little distracting, but overall this is a very good photo.
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07/22/2004 09:51:54 PM
Absolutely gorgeous composition, lighting, and focus.
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07/22/2004 07:21:19 PM
Interesting background. I like the colors on the metal. not your typical gray reflections.
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07/22/2004 09:50:28 AM
This is a beautiful image with an intriguing hint in the background. The colouring is great, as is the ckarity of the main subject, offset by the misty base. An excellent photo on a number of levels. Minor nitpick, the horizontal break between pink and mauve isn't, which is a pity.
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07/22/2004 08:08:43 AM
Nice camera concealment and interesting concept.
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07/21/2004 11:10:20 PM
When I first saw this, it didn't do much for me. But the more I see it the more impressed I am with the image. The subtlties of the background and the table top are intriguing. It is obviously a superb example of balance. Reflections are good. Where's the camera? Depth of field is wonderful. Great job. Among my top picks (upon reflection).
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07/21/2004 02:04:04 AM
Great composition and color palette. The tones and shapes are beautiful. This is something I could see hanging in an office or public gallery. Nice work ... 8
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07/20/2004 12:36:34 PM
the winner. Nice job, all the details nailed down. i like the level of complexity, had you not used the symbolic backround, or the detailed base, the shot would have been well done, good touch of reflected color, tight focus, and nice, but the added levels which harmonize with the main subject make this my favorite of the challenge.
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07/20/2004 11:16:57 AM
Great use of lighting on this shot.
Interesting theme & good composition (Don't know what it is, but...).
A well-deserved ((8))
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07/20/2004 06:49:00 AM
The left ball is a tad higher than the right ball. I always notice things like that being a mason/bricklayer. I like the way you have the male and female signs in the background. I didn't see them at first because I was distracted by the ball height difference but I think it was a great addition to your pic. Very nice pic -9
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07/19/2004 02:16:22 PM
Magical. Great colors, lighting, and background combine to make this simple image one of the best in the challenge.
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07/19/2004 01:23:13 PM
I like the colours and background. 9
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07/19/2004 01:05:47 PM
Ilike the background, adds meaning to the abstract object. The reflections have nice colors. but are a bit distracting. I might have cropped more top and bottom t pull the composition together more.
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07/19/2004 01:21:47 AM
i like it, pretty subtil
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07/19/2004 12:51:47 AM
Lovely colors and composition. And of course, subject matter. 10
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