Hi again Kat - welcome back to the Critique Space!
My intial take is that I really like the colours, texture and structure of this shot (I disagree with the composition and focus comments below, personally), but that it doesn't pop as much as it could or should.
Technically: The DOF is slightly unspecific - by which I mean that more or less all of the chalk is 'sort of' in. Perhaps either a more inclusive, or smaller DOF would have been more interesting? I would tend to a longer DOF to make the most of the contrasts and textures. Bumping the sharpness a little in PS would also help here. This also needs more light to give it 'pizazz'! I don't have an off camera flash at the moment, but for indoor shots, using a business card at an angle to bounce my on camera flash off the ceiling works rather well - clearly from those settings, light was an issue and I suspect the single biggest reason for not getting a higher score.
Artistically: As I said, I think that the composition is just fine, as is the point of focus. My eye is immediately drawn to the red, not the blue so I think it is right to focus on that. The crumbs at the front are a little distracting - if it is not possible to clean them away, I'm sure that they could be legally PS'd out... ;o)
In summary, for me it is really just the light that lets this down - with a side issue that I think increased DOF would help get the best out of the textures, but it is still a really nice shot, which I would not have thought to take, so kudos for that!
Frank. |