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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Free Study 2010-11 (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Nikon D90
Lens: Nikon AF-S Zoom-Nikkor 24-120mm f/3.5-5.6G IF-ED VR
Date: Nov 19, 2010
Aperture: 5.6
ISO: 320
Shutter: 1/320
Galleries: Animals
Date Uploaded: Nov 30, 2010

open raw, viberance up, contrast up, Open PS editor, cropped, saved tone map single image hdr, open ps editor. guassian blur background, blur edges of hair, contrast up, levels midtones darken, curves midtones messed with (can't remember which way now) sharpened, resized saved, open raw recovery, smudged burnout, resized and sharpened again. saved for web, then RESHARPENED yet again... submitt on dpc.. take off rethink ... unsharpen, submitt RETHINK.. and resharpened.. submitt for the last time!

Place: 31 out of 264
Avg (all users): 6.4202
Avg (commenters): 8.4000
Avg (participants): 6.2895
Avg (non-participants): 6.6512
Views since voting: 1508
Views during voting: 200
Votes: 119
Comments: 12
Favorites: 5 (view)

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12/23/2012 06:03:25 PM
Gorgeous work.
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01/11/2011 11:04:23 PM
This is technically a very good shot of an attractive subject but sometimes the placement of the subject in the composition deflates the impact. To my eye, it needs either a slight crop off of the left to give it an elegent portrait look, or a crop off the right to get rid of some of the free atmosphere and let the animal be more claustrophobic and menacing. I'm a softy and would probably opt for the portrait approach (it really is a beautiful animal). Use the Renaissance portrait technique as a guide, locating the inner eye (right eye in this case) on the center line by cropping as first suggested. These proposals reflect my own sensitivities and quite a bit of art study back when I had more time, and may not be the most creative or dynamic solutions. I just thought I would try to help with some ideas for future consideration.
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12/08/2010 03:09:16 PM
I was sure this would do better, although your placement is very good. One of my favs of the challenge.
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12/08/2010 08:39:23 AM
Really??? This deserved a front page display!!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/07/2010 10:55:34 PM
Love the light and expression!
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12/07/2010 08:57:25 PM
Stupendous details! I like the amount of frame you chose to fill in here.
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12/06/2010 10:57:17 AM
hehe, I like it - was wondering what Alphess I was about to see 9
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12/02/2010 11:40:29 PM
What a beautiful animal!!!! I love that hint of softness. 8
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12/02/2010 01:56:01 AM
A lovely shot that draws you in to take a closer look, but then you see the halo around the right ear which takes away some of the magic. Those eyes are really piercing and impressive.
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12/02/2010 12:57:27 AM
outstanding the eyes are so alive
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12/01/2010 09:00:09 PM
TWO wonderful wolf portraits. This challenge is complete :-)
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12/01/2010 03:27:50 PM
A simply superb portrait of this wolf. Lovely fine detail. 8
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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