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Challenge: Free Study 2010-12 (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Canon EOS-7D
Lens: Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM
Date: Dec 24, 2010
Aperture: 11
ISO: 320
Shutter: 250
Galleries: Macro, Birds
Date Uploaded: Dec 30, 2010


Place: 4 out of 275
Avg (all users): 7.2606
Avg (commenters): 8.6957
Avg (participants): 7.2589
Avg (non-participants): 7.2642
Views since voting: 3576
Views during voting: 355
Votes: 165
Comments: 31
Favorites: 3 (view)

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01/12/2011 11:42:22 AM
Wow a wide angle for hummingbirds. The camera must have been right on top of them. I'd love to hear more about the setup.
01/08/2011 05:48:42 PM
I knew this was you......Great Job, love the colors.
01/08/2011 11:03:56 AM
Excellent capture William. How come you where able to freeze the wings at 1/250 shutter speed?
01/08/2011 04:11:48 AM
Congratulations William. A superb image.
01/08/2011 12:40:03 AM
Soooooo wonderful!
01/08/2011 12:23:27 AM
Magnificent capture, as usual, William. Congrats on the HM.
01/08/2011 12:09:30 AM
William, super awesome as always !!!!!
 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/07/2011 09:20:29 PM
Wow, these hummingbird shots continue to amaze me. Great job.
01/07/2011 04:52:50 PM
What a capture!! Two birds in one shot...I like the title too. My pick for top 10, good luck.
01/07/2011 03:05:46 PM
This is amazing. 10
01/07/2011 02:30:22 PM
Oooh.. Yet another masterpiece from the DPC resident hummer expert. Amazing clarity on the birds and a pleasing bokeh.
01/07/2011 01:57:54 PM
Not one but TWO Hummers in perfect focus. Something for me to aspire to!
01/06/2011 11:11:14 PM
absolutely gorgeous!! so jealous hehe
01/06/2011 10:02:51 PM
High marks for technical accomplishment.
01/06/2011 02:27:05 PM
01/04/2011 08:19:17 PM
ahhhh so that's how you lure them....excellent detail
01/03/2011 10:30:25 PM
fantastic humming bird capture! 8
01/03/2011 07:03:14 PM
oh crap, there goes anyones chances for the blue ;)
Had to come to this one, it's one of those images that, while I am heartily tired of seeing hummingbirds I can't NOT give it a 10! I am sure alot of people are tired of seeing my daughter in my shots but you go with what you're good at yknow? Great capture on this and I am hoping you'll post how you got the background like that, almost looks like you got them in your house.
01/03/2011 01:34:58 AM
OMG! This is awesome capture. 10
01/02/2011 10:18:04 PM
Amazing focus on both birds with a beautiful background! Wow!
01/02/2011 08:34:25 PM
I am assuming this is William?
Holy Smokes! Every time I think you have created the perfect hummingbird picture, you crank out another that is even better! Really hoping that this one doesn't get disqualified, and that you place really high. 9
01/02/2011 10:26:58 AM
very nice, great detail, I'm almost looking for the wires that are holding the birds in place, if it wasn't for the motion blur I would have though they are fake birds so you could get this close and with that detail.

Hope there is a bit of the behind the scenes on this one, but until then well done.
01/01/2011 10:39:56 PM
phenomenal. The sharpness on the birds is really just outstanding.
01/01/2011 09:28:49 PM
01/01/2011 07:17:17 PM
Great job. Nice clarity and details, and really good complimentary colors.
01/01/2011 01:20:55 PM
Excellent timing and capture
01/01/2011 11:35:36 AM
wow - what a capture, 2 in 1 and wonderful detail on both
01/01/2011 10:19:00 AM
I gave this one an 8 but would have probably given it a 10 if it did not appear so over sharpened, it is such a great capture and getting 2 of these guys over a flower is just awesome. Great shot
01/01/2011 08:58:33 AM
Very well executed (and not a bird feeder in sight!).

Great stuff.
01/01/2011 05:02:52 AM
Top photo. Superb capture.
(not voting)
01/01/2011 03:25:13 AM
The title could use a little work, but that is a fantastic photo!

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