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why does everything look the same?
why does everything look the same?

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Best of 2010 (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Canon EOS-350D Rebel XT
Lens: Lensbaby 2.0
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Date: Aug 4, 2010
Aperture: inf
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/25s
Galleries: Emotive, Children
Date Uploaded: Feb 13, 2011

Post Challenge:

I knew this would not score well, but it really summarizes my year 2010 and represents my art so well, that I had to put it in the challenge.

What an honor and a joy to get all of these thoughtful comments and the favs. Thank you all for that! Really, I would rather have touched a few than appealed to the masses.

Place: 375 out of 429
Avg (all users): 5.0265
Avg (commenters): 7.3750
Avg (participants): 5.0714
Avg (non-participants): 4.8286
Views since voting: 836
Views during voting: 368
Votes: 189
Comments: 25
Favorites: 6 (view)

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02/22/2011 08:08:51 PM
Heisenberg's principle, and like the principle will no doubt appeal to the few.
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02/21/2011 08:50:34 PM
it is so fitting that this image received an "eye", maybe Paul should have given it two :). Marvelous work, Alicia, great use of Lensbaby!
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02/21/2011 07:24:51 AM
An eye for where there is no ability to see:

Awarded for the Best of 2010 Free Study.
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02/21/2011 01:43:59 AM
There you go. A bunch of weird people who appreciate your sensitivity.
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02/21/2011 01:23:56 AM
What a fantastic set of comments you collected with this! You nailed this one. Who cares about the mass appeal vote when you can pull in that kind of appreciation? I need to star doing more weird stuff like this.

Message edited by author 2011-02-21 01:24:18.
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02/21/2011 12:58:23 AM
i love your quirkyness and it looks like i'm not the only one .. four favs .. trouble is there are a lot of ppl who cant see the wood for the trees .. or something .. anyhooooooo .. i think this is tremendous, so out'v the box, nearly haunting and of course eccentric (in a very good way) .. :)
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/20/2011 10:53:11 PM
I'm pretty sure this has gotten creamed and pureed by the popular vote, but personally, I have to give it high marks for the weird factor. I suspect this one will have a small but appreciative audience.
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02/20/2011 02:07:16 PM
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02/19/2011 08:25:00 PM
I wonder why. Surreal beauty. The hands in the eyes are great but I love the hair best
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02/19/2011 07:42:36 PM
gee could this be alicia :)

i've always loved the story you've tried to tell through your dolls...and this is no exception.
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02/19/2011 07:18:48 PM
It takes guts to enter an image like this. You shall be rewarded :D
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02/19/2011 04:30:55 PM
I'm going through the entries, stopping at those images I feel have had the benefit of an unconventional eye and dwelling a little longer to try to see and appreciate what you saw. This is one of those images.

Positives: Alicia, I liked this image when I saw it before and I am still a fan. The back story to the image has stayed with me and I find your image resonates with its meaning and motive. The selective focus, the darkly burnt borders and the mauve-ish hues all work so well.

Critical stuff: Its slight off-centredness troubles me just a tad.

Overall: Thoughtful, careful, well-crafted work.
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02/18/2011 01:17:21 AM
Oh wow. This brought me back to the fabulous Wotever challenge, and your awesome doll series. So glad to see you submitted one.
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02/17/2011 02:42:54 PM
weird! but good! :-)
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02/17/2011 12:09:05 PM
Nice one.
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02/17/2011 08:29:49 AM
Still think this is very daring and makes you look more than twice, love your mind!
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02/17/2011 02:25:37 AM
So wonderfully bizarre and beautifully executed too. It will probably be largely dismissed as a novelty entry, which will be a huge underestimation of it. But that's really the very point it's making, yes? The comfort of sameness and familiarity versus the discomfort of perceptual audacity? I love your photograph, and am thrilled to now see it hanging on my imaginary 2010 wall. It's looking pretty bloody singular even there, as well. Thank you.
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02/17/2011 12:36:33 AM
This shot really creeps me out.
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02/16/2011 09:35:08 PM
ahhhh, such an artsy one...kind of takes you by surprise...
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02/16/2011 09:07:14 PM
What a surprise when this popped up. Thanks for daring to be different, fav.

Message edited by author 2011-02-23 15:38:57.
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02/16/2011 02:59:34 PM
LISH.. is this you??

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02/15/2011 06:50:44 PM
Profoundly twisted and hopelessly bizarre. Why does everything look the same indeed! Thanks for giving us something different.
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02/15/2011 01:44:18 PM
Okay, so I am no pro but here goes
Pros: interesting subject, catches the eye
Cons: grainy, out of focus, vignette is over done, and maybe "to intersting" for mainstream.

just an opinion
02/14/2011 03:31:10 PM
Wow.... uhh... if this is your best work of the year... I'm thinking I don't want to see your worst. ;) (But, I don't want to see MY worst, either...LOL!)

This is not the kind of image I enjoy... but I can see that it's well done. I do like the processing. (not voting)
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02/14/2011 08:05:51 AM
I love the artiness of this...going to give it a 7 for that reason :)
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