Hello from the Critique Club! You requested an in-depth critique of your image, and here it is:
I see your score is not bad, but also not great. In taking in the photo, I notice a few things that might explain why it did not score higher.
The topic was Focal Point, and in this case, it's obviously the tulip. The subject (tulip) is centered in the composition, and it fills most of the frame. Therefore, the eye is not lead through the image to the subject, which would be more desirable. Since there is no flow to the composition, the image appears somewhat static.
Even though the sun was setting, the light is a little harsh. In Basic Editing, some of this could have been corrected with Levels, Curves, Shadow/Highlight - depending on what kind of editing software you use.
The focus on the subject is a little soft, which presents too little contrast to the soft background.
The colors of the flower petals and the leaves are beautiful. And who doesn't love a tulip!
I hope this helps a little with future editing and composition decisions.
Best wishes,
Alicia |