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2nd PlaceAftermath

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Between the Knee and the Neck (Basic Editing)
Camera: Nikon D3
Lens: Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 24-70mm f/2.8G ED
Date: Apr 1, 2011
Galleries: Fashion, Advertisement
Date Uploaded: Apr 5, 2011


Place: 2 out of 67
Avg (all users): 6.8819
Avg (commenters): 7.7083
Avg (participants): 6.6667
Avg (non-participants): 6.9204
Views since voting: 5384
Views during voting: 521
Votes: 237
Comments: 46
Favorites: 6 (view)

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04/19/2011 03:03:34 AM
Originally posted by rugman1969:

You're kidding me, right? Is a chin part of the neck now? If I'm not mistaken, BETWEEN the knee and neck does not include a chin. Can you explain how you don't get this?

is a chin a part of the face?
"Show us regular life without feet and face."

mission accomplished in my opinion. my post was more about people being so quick to call foul on a technicality more-so than what constitutes a face. it would seem the 2 of you are in the minority tho as to whether or not the guidelines were followed

Originally posted by rugman1969:

If you can't follow them, don't submit anything

slippery slope there, not much room for artistic freedom in that statement. you may not have noticed but challenges have DESCRIPTIONS, not RULES. the RULES apply to editing
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04/18/2011 12:08:38 AM
Originally posted by rugman1969:

This has nothing to do with art. This is a photography website. They have rules for a reason. If you can't follow them, don't submit anything. Yes, it's a good photo, but it did not follow the rules. Everyone else followed the rules. Why should this be an exception? If you don't have to follow the rules of the challenge, then everything should be a free study.

perhaps frustration at the seemingly endless parade of stock and commercial photography from those with unlimited budgets for studios, models and sets? thank you for speaking out but Im sure you will be hosed by most - best to find a site with fine art photography as the emphasis. gl
04/15/2011 09:53:12 PM
No rules were broken. I took creative license. There's a pretty big difference there.

Originally posted by rugman1969:

This has nothing to do with art. This is a photography website. They have rules for a reason. If you can't follow them, don't submit anything. Yes, it's a good photo, but it did not follow the rules. Everyone else followed the rules. Why should this be an exception? If you don't have to follow the rules of the challenge, then everything should be a free study.
04/15/2011 05:11:59 PM
This has nothing to do with art. This is a photography website. They have rules for a reason. If you can't follow them, don't submit anything. Yes, it's a good photo, but it did not follow the rules. Everyone else followed the rules. Why should this be an exception? If you don't have to follow the rules of the challenge, then everything should be a free study.

Message edited by author 2011-04-15 17:31:43.
04/15/2011 04:43:44 PM
When has art had black and white rules anyhow? Build a bridge, the voters have spoken.
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04/15/2011 12:44:48 PM
Originally posted by smardaz:

Originally posted by kichu:

Oh, I really like the concept it's a great shot, but....DNMC. :(

huh? could you explain this? i can't see how it could meet the challenge any better...

You're kidding me, right? Is a chin part of the neck now? If I'm not mistaken, BETWEEN the knee and neck does not include a chin. Can you explain how you don't get this?
04/14/2011 11:18:11 AM
That's what challenge rules/discriptions are....measuring sticks and white gloves.

Chopping the head off in this photo would have made a big difference....at least to my eye.

Originally posted by smardaz:

Originally posted by kenskid:

It is a very creative and a well done photo but I'm with the minority on this....DPC never lets me down...I never know what to expect....most of the time this would have been DNMC right out of the top 20...however, for some reason, the ONLY photo showing some face got the red ! Every other photo (except one meant for the chips challenge) adhered perfectly to the rules.

Also...I covered up the photo down to the chin and it makes a DRASTIC difference in the composition and "feel" of the photo. Covering the chin down to the neck changes the whole feel of the shot...almost to the point of "monstrous" and even mannequin looking.

Originally posted by kichu:

It's a wonderful shot, but the "assignment" was to shoot subjects between the knee and the neck, which was very challenging and the criteria that everyone tried to fulfill. The woman in the background doesn't fulfill that. I'm not sure why everyone is ok with it. Maybe it's because the second part says "without feet and face," but to me it was clear that the challenge was supposed to be difficult because we could only shoot between knee and neck.

i understand there is criteria to a challenge for a reason but sometime people can't see the forest thru the trees, we get so caught up with our measuring sticks and white gloves we can't just enjoy a great shot
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04/14/2011 04:45:12 AM
Originally posted by kenskid:

It is a very creative and a well done photo but I'm with the minority on this....DPC never lets me down...I never know what to expect....most of the time this would have been DNMC right out of the top 20...however, for some reason, the ONLY photo showing some face got the red ! Every other photo (except one meant for the chips challenge) adhered perfectly to the rules.

Also...I covered up the photo down to the chin and it makes a DRASTIC difference in the composition and "feel" of the photo. Covering the chin down to the neck changes the whole feel of the shot...almost to the point of "monstrous" and even mannequin looking.

Originally posted by kichu:

It's a wonderful shot, but the "assignment" was to shoot subjects between the knee and the neck, which was very challenging and the criteria that everyone tried to fulfill. The woman in the background doesn't fulfill that. I'm not sure why everyone is ok with it. Maybe it's because the second part says "without feet and face," but to me it was clear that the challenge was supposed to be difficult because we could only shoot between knee and neck.

i understand there is criteria to a challenge for a reason but sometime people can't see the forest thru the trees, we get so caught up with our measuring sticks and white gloves we can't just enjoy a great shot
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04/13/2011 10:41:28 PM
It is a very creative and a well done photo but I'm with the minority on this....DPC never lets me down...I never know what to expect....most of the time this would have been DNMC right out of the top 20...however, for some reason, the ONLY photo showing some face got the red ! Every other photo (except one meant for the chips challenge) adhered perfectly to the rules.

Also...I covered up the photo down to the chin and it makes a DRASTIC difference in the composition and "feel" of the photo. Covering the chin down to the neck changes the whole feel of the shot...almost to the point of "monstrous" and even mannequin looking.

Originally posted by kichu:

It's a wonderful shot, but the "assignment" was to shoot subjects between the knee and the neck, which was very challenging and the criteria that everyone tried to fulfill. The woman in the background doesn't fulfill that. I'm not sure why everyone is ok with it. Maybe it's because the second part says "without feet and face," but to me it was clear that the challenge was supposed to be difficult because we could only shoot between knee and neck.
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04/13/2011 02:32:05 PM
Fantastic shot, so glad this ribboned!
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04/13/2011 02:06:22 PM
I can see the different views on what is ok and what is not, considering the title and description sort of contradict each other, but you got the ribbon and it's a lovely shot, so who cares! :)
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04/13/2011 01:31:07 PM
Pleasantly surprised that this one did well considering that you did not exactly follow the description of the challenge. DPC is usually very unforgiving when it comes to not exactly following the challenge description. Maybe the voters are loosening up a bit? Who knows ... congrats on your ribbon!
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04/13/2011 01:12:29 PM
I did follow the description part of the challenge ("without feet or face") more so than the actual title of the challenge... didn't even realize that it might be an issue until I started getting the DNMC comments.

Originally posted by kichu:

It's a wonderful shot, but the "assignment" was to shoot subjects between the knee and the neck, which was very challenging and the criteria that everyone tried to fulfill. The woman in the background doesn't fulfill that. I'm not sure why everyone is ok with it. Maybe it's because the second part says "without feet and face," but to me it was clear that the challenge was supposed to be difficult because we could only shoot between knee and neck.
04/13/2011 12:26:45 PM
Congratulations briana, well deserved
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04/13/2011 11:47:31 AM
You could start to get a bit picky and say the chin is in the photo but I think the concept and idea much outweigh that. Congrats on the finish
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04/13/2011 11:17:40 AM
It's a wonderful shot, but the "assignment" was to shoot subjects between the knee and the neck, which was very challenging and the criteria that everyone tried to fulfill. The woman in the background doesn't fulfill that. I'm not sure why everyone is ok with it. Maybe it's because the second part says "without feet and face," but to me it was clear that the challenge was supposed to be difficult because we could only shoot between knee and neck.

Message edited by author 2011-04-13 11:19:25.
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04/13/2011 11:16:18 AM
Chin ?

Originally posted by smardaz:

Originally posted by kichu:

Oh, I really like the concept it's a great shot, but....DNMC. :(

huh? could you explain this? i can't see how it could meet the challenge any better...
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04/13/2011 08:26:05 AM
Originally posted by kichu:

Oh, I really like the concept it's a great shot, but....DNMC. :(

huh? could you explain this? i can't see how it could meet the challenge any better...
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04/13/2011 06:56:49 AM
It makes me happy to see your image won a ribbon. Well done great photo!
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04/13/2011 06:29:37 AM
Thought this would be the winner,nearly got there.Fantastic shot and tale to tell.Congratulations.
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04/13/2011 01:02:55 AM
Fantastic shot, well done! Congratulations!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/12/2011 10:14:58 PM
Tres chic. Great story too.
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04/12/2011 03:45:46 PM
Nice, I like the bright window light and especially how this composition tells a story. Suitcoat seems a bit ill-fitting.
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04/11/2011 07:23:44 PM
no cigarette? male's androgyny adds to this one. great concept. 10
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04/11/2011 05:05:21 PM
interesting processing gives it a 'painted' feel and make the models look like store dummies. The tag on the jacket sleeve adds to this effect.
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04/11/2011 03:21:24 PM
Very creative and nicely set up, one of my top 3
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04/11/2011 11:10:47 AM
Photo matches the title and the subject really well. Personally would have like the female subject to be more out of focus.
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04/11/2011 10:19:04 AM
i like this alot, however the focus on guy in front is a bit too soft.
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04/10/2011 06:35:06 PM
Tells a whole story, nice photo
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04/10/2011 11:56:23 AM
The little details from the hands give the viewer all the information they need, so they don't need to see the faces to understand the scene. That's exactly what you were supposed to do for this challenge. Well done.
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04/08/2011 01:21:30 PM
A little hot on the skin of the gentlemen's face and hands. Really like the idea. Nice job! 7
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04/08/2011 10:53:19 AM
Great take on the challenge. Great composition.
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04/08/2011 04:18:47 AM
interesting composition! i like that one!
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04/07/2011 08:45:06 AM
One of my favs in this challenge.
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04/06/2011 01:51:30 PM
good story with a good reason for not showing the faces. There are some other good shots in this challenge but you get top marks - good luck
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04/06/2011 01:00:23 PM
pretty cool and good placing of the models (or good crop, whichever it was lol)
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04/06/2011 12:03:18 PM
Great image...Well done. I think having the woman in the background really made this image for me.
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04/06/2011 11:39:41 AM
Beautiful color and soft light. Tells a story...
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04/06/2011 11:06:01 AM
Nice idea. Great lighting
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04/06/2011 10:15:33 AM
this is great, love the story
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04/06/2011 07:52:08 AM
Well shot and lit. Bit risque material. However, we're seeing above his (and her) neck and below her knee... so -3 for DNMC = 4
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04/06/2011 04:15:54 AM
excellent work here! her name isn't Angelina right? :))
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04/06/2011 02:37:20 AM
I think we have a winner. it tells a story, it is technically strong, and is sexy without showing skin. how can it miss? Oh wait the collar is blown, can I give it a one?
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04/06/2011 01:32:26 AM
I like your composition and the idea behind this photo. Provocative and racy without being too crass. The only thing that takes me away from the weight of this photo is the tag left on the sleeve of the suit jacket. I can understand if the suit was a prop, not wanting to remove the tag, but hiding that would have scored a point higher with me.
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04/06/2011 12:31:52 AM
Phew steamy :P Nice colours and texture, well done.
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04/06/2011 12:31:52 AM
Oh, I really like the concept it's a great shot, but....DNMC. :(
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