by karmat
Composition -- You have chosen an excellent subject for the motion challenge. I think the centered placement works very well for this subject, as it gives a balanced feeling to it. It does show motion, and for that meets the challenge.
Technique -- I really like the black background, and the simplicity of the colors here (or lack thereof). If this were not a motion challenge, though, I would have a tendancy to thing it was just a blurry image I think. Perhaps if you could have caught some of the reflections bouncing around, or if there had been somethiing behind/above/near the ball that was stationary and was in crisp focus, it would seem more "motiony." Also, I think I see a little noise in the black which can be caused by many things, but can be fixed easily with NEATIMAGE (dpc legal). Another thing that might have helped is a slightly faster shutter speed. It would have still shown the motion trails, but maybe without so much blur.
Overall Effect -- I think you had a good idea here. You have chosen an object that most people can identify with (whether they admit it or not!), and you have captured it in a way as to meet the challenge. As images go, though, it didn't have the punch it needed to really grab the viewer. As a result, it comes across as an average picture to me. Maybe showing more of the context that the ball was in would have helped give it that extra punch.
I look forward to seeing more of your work, and I hope that I have helped some.
karmat |