Hi Brad, greetings from the Critique Club!
Thanks for reaching out to us, I'll try and give you my opinion on your photo.
First impression of the photo is that it's a bit dark and not entirely focused.
It's very hard to have a low key image and still maintain the details on your photo.
The part that hurts the photo more is indeed the focusing. With a f/1.8 lens you could have opened up a bit (I see that it's f/11), and reduce the ISO.
Of course you could have used the 1 second exposure to try and light up a bit the right-hand side of the photo.
It's very hard to focus on such low light, I would have suggested that you took the bird as a focus point and try to get it from there.
Having said that, I do believe that you capture the high votes from the storytelling that this image provides.
You really touched an important point with the lonely bird, waiting per chance a little boy or girl to come. You really did a great job on the meaning of the photo, and with a little technical aspects you would have conveyed your vision.
Advice: Direct your viewers to where you want, lighting up the chair and the bird. Keep the photo focused, and increase the contrast a bit. Most of the top places are very contrasty images, almost black and white, little grey.
Keep up your imagination, it was a very well-thought of shot.
If you need some additional comment, please feel free to contact me.