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Portfolio Images
This image is not part of a public portfolio.
 This image was disqualified from the Not The Five Senses challenge.

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Not The Five Senses (Basic Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-5D Mark II
Lens: Canon EF 24-105mm f/4.0L IS
Location: Fort Niagara, Niagara NY
Date: Jul 20, 2011
Aperture: 4
ISO: 500
Shutter: 1/20
Galleries: Black and White, History
Date Uploaded: Jul 20, 2011

Wow! First Ribbon!

This shot was taken at Fort Niagara looking at one of those slits that soliders could fire out of. Of course the idea was to make it next to impossible to fire back in!

The image screamed black and white I feel it came out really well.

DQ'd!! My own stupid fault! I admitted to using a very slight vignette and didn't realize that was a problem. I've read the rules a hundred times too. Damn! You can't even tell there is one. If I hadn't admitted to it I'm sure it would have gone unnoticed. Sorry guys. I'm not a cheater.

Thank you for all the comments. I've never had so many! Hopefully I've broken the seal and can win a few more ribbons.
Disqualification Details
You may not use ANY editing tool to create new image area, objects or features (such as lens flare, vignettes or motion) that didn't already exist in your original capture.

Views since voting: 1721
Views during voting: 278
Comments: 30
Favorites: 1 (view)

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08/04/2011 03:29:08 PM
Aw man - I'm so sorry about the DQ. I really like this image a lot.
08/04/2011 02:59:22 PM
Winning a ribbon and get a DQ is always sad. Still a nice image!
08/04/2011 02:35:41 PM
oh no!! Sorry about the DQ! It happens to a lot of us. The ribbons shows that you can do it -- there will be more, I sure!
08/04/2011 11:32:01 AM
Sorry to hear about your DQ - it can easily happen when you are new .. however, it doesn't take away from how great this shot is. You will get another one soon is my guess.
08/04/2011 11:30:37 AM
What was the infraction?
08/04/2011 06:21:00 AM
Congrats on your first ribbon,works a treat for me.
08/04/2011 03:19:17 AM
Very cool image and very worthy of a ribbon
I love the textures and the contrast of light and dark
Congrats on the PB and the ribbon
08/03/2011 09:30:38 PM
Congrats on your first ribbon!
08/03/2011 06:13:49 PM
cool image, well done! congrats!
08/03/2011 02:40:59 PM
I meant to comment during the challenge, but I'm glad this won. It's a great shot for the challenge and it's great to see it recognized. Creative, artistic, unique and well executed. Congrats on the ribbon!
08/03/2011 02:26:41 PM
Congratulations on your fist ribbon! May you have many more indeed. Your title is perfect as I am claustrophobic and if I stare too long at the center, I get that feeling in my stomach of feeling closed in and a need to get outta there - great work.
08/03/2011 06:12:19 AM
Congrats, Matthew! My eyes still hurt but it is a great shot in its simplicity and impact
08/03/2011 04:38:32 AM
Fabulous image! Love it. Many congrats on your first ribbon and new PB.
08/03/2011 12:35:24 AM
Congrats on your ribbon! Excellent interpretation.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/02/2011 11:51:47 PM
A pathway of escape, typically ignored. Well done
08/02/2011 07:57:25 PM
Outstanding feeling of imminent doom.
08/02/2011 02:12:55 PM
Nice concept for the title. I think it is one of the better entries and I hope it does well - but on DPC you never know>
08/02/2011 08:23:30 AM
Really good idea gives me the panics.
08/01/2011 08:56:21 PM
This is special, well done
08/01/2011 07:25:08 PM
Well done, very striking idea and execution
08/01/2011 03:52:35 PM
Getting narrow.
07/31/2011 02:10:53 PM
Excellent shot.
07/29/2011 10:31:43 PM
Great idea but the light hurts my eyes
07/29/2011 07:05:33 PM
hummmm could this be a sense of fear of the stock yards??? If that makes no sense to you... NEVER MIND>> LOL
07/29/2011 05:14:04 AM
I think you achieved what you set out to do, it is definitely claustrophobic.. just needs something else of interest I think, I'm not sure what though.
07/27/2011 08:25:33 PM
Fabulous!!!! This is really terrific. What, where is this?
07/27/2011 08:05:26 PM
What a vision you have! 8
07/27/2011 05:11:27 PM
very cool, like the matrix
07/27/2011 04:52:17 PM
Crop out some brick, make it a thin vertical shot and print it down a bit so the "light" isn't so washed out.
07/27/2011 10:42:46 AM
hm... is a fear. is fear a sense?
nice image though.

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