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Down the Hatch
3rd PlaceDown the Hatch

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: From Above III (Basic Editing)
Camera: Nikon D700
Lens: Nikon AF-S Nikkor 17-35mm f/2.8D IF-ED
Location: Florida Keys
Date: Sep 19, 2011
Aperture: f/8
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/1000
Galleries: Animals, Action
Date Uploaded: Sep 20, 2011

After bobbing around 7.3 for a couple of days, my score was at 7.17 one hour before rollover. It took a couple of bad hits and then the vote scrubber really killed it for me.

I have my places for alligators, dolphins, water birds, and big fish, and I have them all trained to do as I tell them...sort of. Actually, I do influence each of these animals when taking pics and it's always with food. In this case, I know of a place where they have been providing people with bait fish to feed the tarpon so that the tarpon never leave. It's pretty exciting to toss the fish to them, or, if you dare, to hold it so that they snatch it from your hand. They don't have teeth, just some very rough 'lips' so it doesn't hurt bad. I took a DPC GTG there one time which was a lot of fun.

I put a new twist on it this time though. I tied a line to the fish so that I could control where and when the tarpon would jump. I did this because it happens too fast to react and get good focus, so I focus on the bait once I have determined the length of the line. Then I put the camera on burst mode and fire away at the first sign of action. I've begun to read the fish and I can often anticipate when they are about to strike.

Oh yeah, rdemuro, those colors are exactly as they came out of the camera. The water does have a strong green hue to it with the sun overhead.

Here's what the scene looks like with all of the people feeding the tarpon...

Here are a few outtakes:

- - - - - - - - -

The fish in this last one almost got my camera...seriously!

Place: 3 out of 174
Avg (all users): 6.9623
Avg (commenters): 7.7500
Avg (participants): 6.8525
Avg (non-participants): 7.0306
Views since voting: 5607
Views during voting: 351
Votes: 159
Comments: 46
Favorites: 15 (view)

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10/02/2011 04:20:02 AM
My favorite
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10/01/2011 09:16:33 AM
Great image.
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09/29/2011 09:36:00 PM
Dude, unreal!
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09/29/2011 05:04:44 PM
wow, congrats for the yellow. the photo is fabolous
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09/29/2011 11:52:24 AM
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09/28/2011 10:22:39 PM
A place that everyone should visit when in the keys...not so much on a holiday weekend though, trust me. Less than two hours from Margate, FL. My wife doesn't even come out on the dock with me anymore. She doesn't understand the thrill of a six foot Tarpon leaping out of the water to grab a fish from your hand. Awesome!
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09/28/2011 09:44:12 PM
Originally posted by campcanon:

Robbie's Marina.

We have a winner! Yes, it's Robbie's. Well known to people who have a profile pic like yours. That is definitely South Florida water, maybe even Keys water. Where are you located?
09/28/2011 09:33:16 PM
Robbie's Marina. I love that place. Outstanding shot. I will take your lead for this one and do my best, but really I am just not worthy.
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09/28/2011 08:41:06 PM
Congrats Robert! It's two of my favorite things, fish and photography. This should be shopped to Bass Pro, Worldwide Sportsman ect.
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09/28/2011 04:59:14 PM
Originally posted by PennyClick:

Congratulations, Robert. A great idea and great shot. You really turn up the heat for these team challenges. It's impressive that you can do that so reliably. For me it's much more of a hit or miss thing! Using a camera strap these days. :-) ?

LOL, that is so funny that you should ask about the camera strap. I thought of you and Bear while I was shooting this without a strap and I knew that if you saw me that I would be admonished by both of you. I didn't come close to dropping it, but a couple of times the tarpon went for the camera and almost got it. They were as big as me and definitely could have swallowed the D700 and 28-70 lens together.

Message edited by author 2011-09-28 17:00:27.
09/28/2011 03:31:45 PM
Congratulations, Robert. A great idea and great shot. You really turn up the heat for these team challenges. It's impressive that you can do that so reliably. For me it's much more of a hit or miss thing! Using a camera strap these days. :-) ?
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09/28/2011 02:26:36 PM
very impressive shot! and of course congrats on your ribbon!
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09/28/2011 12:23:24 PM
Congrats on the ribbon.Stunning stuff.
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09/28/2011 11:19:07 AM
Very cool! Congrats on your ribbon!
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09/28/2011 10:57:20 AM
Congratulations and well deserved. I saw those when I was down in the keys this past spring break. They are huge.
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09/28/2011 09:30:21 AM
Well-deserved, Robert! Go team!
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09/28/2011 08:51:49 AM
whoa!! Incredible shot!! Huge congrats on the yellow!
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09/28/2011 08:24:44 AM
Third place! Woot!

Congrats, Robert!
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09/28/2011 07:42:29 AM
Yikes - what a great POV! :-) Congratulations on the Ribbon for this perfectly timed shot!
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09/28/2011 06:22:35 AM
Great Awesomeness! Congratulations, Robert. Making us proud again!
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09/28/2011 03:50:55 AM
amazing capture!
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09/28/2011 03:35:54 AM
Go Yak! Awesome finish for a unique photo - congrats on another ribbon to add to your collection.
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09/28/2011 03:27:47 AM
Fantastic Rob and a very well deserved ribbon.
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09/28/2011 03:13:56 AM
I can't believe I didn't comment on this. Blew me away. Congrats on the ribbon!
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09/28/2011 01:39:40 AM
Well done, as we expected. Nice job, teamie!
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09/28/2011 01:10:12 AM
Originally posted by JuliBoc:

I had such fun with you there at the GTG. I remember you were quite bloodied from letting the tarpon take your arm into it's mouth. I have been back with friends and family.

This shot is amazing. I haven't seen that far down their throat. It's interesting how you can see right through the gills.

Actually, I'd like to see a picture of that if anybody still has one. That GTG was definitely a lot of fun. I don't think that I've seen a week long GTG on DPC since.
09/28/2011 12:33:11 AM
I had such fun with you there at the GTG. I remember you were quite bloodied from letting the tarpon take your arm into it's mouth. I have been back with friends and family.

This shot is amazing. I haven't seen that far down their throat. It's interesting how you can see right through the gills.
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09/28/2011 12:11:05 AM
Oh, that's a fine job! Congrats!
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09/28/2011 12:09:52 AM
Holy shit! I didn't even see this during voting... Sorry I only got partway through, you'd have had a 10 from me for sure bro!
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09/28/2011 12:09:13 AM
Now that's a POV! Congrats on your well deserved ribbon :)
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09/28/2011 12:01:33 AM
Excellent Job Robert...congrats!!!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/27/2011 09:34:27 PM
Colors aren't the best, but a great capture!
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09/26/2011 12:19:59 PM
I'd love to hear the story of this pic. It's a pretty awesomely timed shot. Did you just happen to catch it? or did you plan it? either way, it made me sit up and say WOW! Good job
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09/25/2011 06:15:23 PM
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09/24/2011 07:24:14 PM
A fantastic shot, I wonder how long it took to get! 8
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09/23/2011 11:50:29 AM
what a great catch!! :)
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09/22/2011 10:20:08 PM
Oh, wow! That's incredible!
Back to bump this to 10, as it is the one that has stuck in my mind.
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09/22/2011 04:03:11 PM
Great timing!
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09/22/2011 03:12:27 PM
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09/22/2011 09:13:14 AM
Great capture!
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09/22/2011 08:22:16 AM
Holy mackerel! Good catch.
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09/22/2011 01:42:23 AM
Best in the group. This is a shot I've never seen before, nails the challenge with great framing and the colors are perfect.
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09/21/2011 09:35:30 PM
Trying to understand this one... Seems like a fish from up here...
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09/21/2011 08:49:32 PM
Wow, this is amazing. Some pro-shop would love to have this on their wall!
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09/21/2011 11:34:19 AM
Moby Dick of sorts. Goodness, it looks like a skull thrown in water.
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09/21/2011 04:45:56 AM
Makes the story of Noah believable.
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