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Mind, Body and Spirit
3rd PlaceMind, Body and Spirit

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Nude II (Advanced Editing II)
Camera: Canon PowerShot G5
Location: Room
Date: Aug 18, 2004
Aperture: F/2.5
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/10 secs
Galleries: Nude, Studio
Date Uploaded: Aug 19, 2004

Self portrait

I couldnt get the hands perfectly symmetrical because its a hard pose to hold and my shutter was at 1/10 secs so sharpness was more imporatant to me than symmetry... I took a lot of shots and this ended being the best one, still slightly imperfect but perfect enough for me :-)

Curves,color balance and some masking.


Place: 3 out of 87
Avg (all users): 7.0259
Avg (commenters): 8.2083
Avg (participants): 7.0886
Avg (non-participants): 7.0074
Views since voting: 21069
Views during voting: 1144
Votes: 348
Comments: 75
Favorites: 33 (view)

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01/18/2006 07:12:55 AM
Love it love it love it!!
11/03/2005 10:33:07 PM
07/11/2005 09:04:41 PM
Fantastic work, Nick !!!
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09/02/2004 03:32:48 PM
From the Critique Club

It would be pointless of me to make remarks about any percieved technical problems with this shot - you're good enough to get this far, you're good enough to know for yourself what you like/don't like and why about it.

I'm no fan of hyper-stylised posed photography, nor of most studio work, but I have written what I think before on a couple of ribbon-winning shots and got slated for it, so am going to add nothing more.

Your ribbon must be your critique, I fear.

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09/01/2004 11:38:50 PM
Didn't anyone else see the similarity to Seal's 2nd album cover? Both are awesome shots! Excellent!
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08/31/2004 04:04:28 PM
That's even more impressive - a self-portrait ?! The more I look at your photo the more I appreciate its beauty; after the first surprise about the bird-like pose one sees a balance between the smoothness of the muscles and the pose held - a well-deserved ribbon.
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08/30/2004 10:51:38 PM
Your forth submission and a force to be reckoned with. Well done and a big congrats on your first ribbon. May many more be your truth:)
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08/30/2004 08:43:52 PM
Congratulations on your first ribbon, sure there will be more to come. Great Work!!
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08/30/2004 07:32:43 PM
Very creative, no surprises there. Excellent work. Congratulations. Keep it coming.
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08/30/2004 03:54:35 PM
Congrats Nico......love the pose with those great flowing lines. Well deserved ribbon!
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08/30/2004 11:57:33 AM
Superb Nico, just superb. Keep it up!
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08/30/2004 07:13:58 AM
Congrats on your first ribbon!

Two things I noticed here and were distracting to me:
1- The shadow on the sheet.
2- The folds on the sheet and the pink color it had.

I think it would have been flawless with a black sheet instead. The pose is excellent. I still gave the photo a 7 though.

Good luck...

- Thamer
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08/30/2004 06:27:30 AM
This is one image I was sure would ribbon...(although that`s usually the kiss of death)
Nice work.
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08/30/2004 05:26:23 AM
You totally deserve this, Congratulations!!! I knew you would make it =D
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08/30/2004 05:21:25 AM
Congrats! You are moving fast, a ribbon in your 4th challange, that's very good, bet it won't be your last. I saw from the Vanishing Point challange that you have great potiental.
Shoot on.

Message edited by author 2004-08-30 16:18:19.
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08/30/2004 03:35:53 AM
Congrats ! A very well deserved ribbon !
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08/30/2004 02:02:38 AM
Well done Nick. Congratulations
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08/30/2004 12:13:56 AM
Congratulations on your yellow. Nico, what are you doing here? lol Very good job. I am proud of you because I have read most of your posts and I am indeed happy to find you with a yellow. Break open the champagne !

Message edited by author 2004-08-30 01:00:23.
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08/30/2004 12:10:38 AM
Congrats on your Yellow...:)
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08/30/2004 12:05:27 AM
Congrats... this is a great pose and very nice image indeed!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/29/2004 11:56:58 PM
A very unique pose and one that works wellI. I like the lines of this image and tones of your shot. good job.
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08/29/2004 11:07:09 PM
beautiful shot, angelic - great use of white background. Great skin tone and use of shadow.
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08/29/2004 10:16:38 PM
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08/29/2004 03:07:50 PM
should have centered the image, ie taken a bit off the left... great anyways. 9
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08/29/2004 11:54:59 AM
Nice, creative, very elegant.
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08/29/2004 10:23:51 AM
Great pose and beautiful skin tones.
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08/29/2004 08:56:30 AM
Beautiful and artistic while still tastefully excuted. The lighting is an A+. This is one of my top picks. 10
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08/28/2004 11:23:21 AM
arm lengths almost appear different - due to a not straight on camera angle ? Looks cool anyway, butterfly swimmer out of water 8
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08/27/2004 11:11:34 PM
the shadows and texture ruin this shot for me personally.. you spent all that time blowing out the background to get the contrast between the skin and the background but its all lost when you look at the lower part of the image. lighting to the right is a bit on the harsh side too
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08/27/2004 08:53:32 PM
Too bad about the folds in the backdrop under the model's knees. Too bad you didn't have a second light source coming in from the left to balance the luminosity on both sides of the body. Great skin tone and good white balance. Well done.
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08/27/2004 04:21:09 PM
Lovely background, great shadow, graceful arch, and hand.finger placement -9-
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08/27/2004 03:27:04 PM
Fantastic lighting, good chance of a ribbon 10
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08/27/2004 01:24:55 PM
i like the lines of his body, despite the unfortunately shadow (it doesn't seem intentional to me). I also wish for symmetry with the white space on either side of his hand. I think if there was a fill light to the left to get ride of the shadow and also light the right side of his body (the left part of the picture) it would be a more effective shot. 8
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08/27/2004 12:28:36 PM
This is a nicely composed photograph and I love the effects of the high contrast on the shadowed areas. Really nice job!
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08/27/2004 02:52:33 AM
Great shot all except the shadow of his head, you should of got rid of it
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08/27/2004 12:44:55 AM
Nice Idea and image
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08/26/2004 08:22:45 PM
This would have been really awsome if the light maybe was right over the subject to cut down on the shadows and the wrinkles of the sheet looks bad..more smoothness
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08/26/2004 06:49:05 PM
Love it! Compo, quality, all are very excellent. One thing I think I would have tried to change is the shadow. I really love the crinkles in the sheet as well. I can see that some layers curves were used. While the lighting on the right is a bit brighter than the left, thus the shadow, I imagine you were going for something here. Anyway, you look at it, it's a 10!
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08/26/2004 04:14:38 PM
This is my top male shot of the challemge. The off center crop does bother me but only slightly. You seem to be going for symetry. What I may suggest to increase the impact of symetry is to have even lighting.
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08/26/2004 11:59:41 AM
Very creatively done..love the white background and the way the lighting has been handled to create shadows which show the creases and folds of the covers..has an almost old fashioned "vignetting " feel to it.
Without doubt the best piece of work I`ve seen in the challenge.
Good luck...10
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08/26/2004 10:47:58 AM
looks a bit soft at the fingertips but a very interesting pose
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08/26/2004 04:22:33 AM
This image makes quite an impact. The contrasty lighting really defines the form. Its perhaps just a touch too strong for my liking. The highlight on his left forearm is a little distracting and is shown up more by the contrasting shadows on his right arm.(by the way I'm nit-picking here because I really like the image.) I think the crumpled fabric adds a nice touch of softness on the left of the image. Its a well executed shot and there's just a couple of finishing touches that would have finished it off.
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08/26/2004 01:50:07 AM
beautiful pose and composition. I'd suggest another light source on the left.. but muted, so as not to drown the shadow, which is wonderful, and perhaps a closer crop at the top.
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08/25/2004 11:23:43 AM
Excellent lighting. Not that it matters but I wish his right hand was as relaxed as the left one.
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08/25/2004 10:12:36 AM
a little uncertain about the shadow detail and colour changes there, but one of my top pics
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08/25/2004 05:41:46 AM
beautiful body spirited up with mind
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08/25/2004 04:12:59 AM
Nice Pose
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08/25/2004 03:56:29 AM
well executed, nice posing and the lighting is perfect...great visual...good luck
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08/24/2004 04:57:01 PM
Nice composition, 50/50 about the lighting because of the multiple shadows and harsh highlights on the arm on the right side vs shadow on the arm on the left side. Wish the background wouldn't have those folds. Color and tone balance is good. 8
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08/24/2004 04:46:12 PM
returning for comments.
Very convincing with flowing lines. My only observation is that the placing of the left thumb should match the other or vice versa. yet the image is pleasant to look at and the lighting is nice.
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08/24/2004 04:39:26 PM
Nice pose to create a dynamic shape. I like the inclusion of wrinkles in the fabric - they provide a nice additional detail.
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08/24/2004 04:14:03 PM
beatiful. great light to bring out the shape of the body and muscles., pose is perfect symmetrical. Shadows are a bit distracting but I guess that is hard to avoid, I would expect that any lighting that avoids the shadows also reduced the shadows/tones in the body. 9 for now.
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08/24/2004 03:08:18 PM
I like this
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08/24/2004 11:19:15 AM
Beautiful, artistic and extremely tasteful. This conjures a moment of meditation in my minds eye.
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08/24/2004 08:50:55 AM
The wrinkles in the backdrop are kinda distracting. Nice shoot otherwise.
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08/24/2004 08:18:48 AM
I really like this photogragh, position of the model, but am wondering if either more of a shadow or no shadow would be better . . . e.g. having the light behind him so of his ares is in front of him . . . either way I think it's one of the best
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08/24/2004 05:31:33 AM
A very nice pose - unique and full of tension. But the sheets really bother me. The shadow kind of gets in the way too. I would remove in PS and perhaps replace witha reflective surface?
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08/24/2004 02:31:49 AM
Great shot! My favorite of the group! Too bad a little more attention wasn't made in avoiding the wrinkles and shadows in the drop cloth.
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08/24/2004 01:19:54 AM
Fantastic. An original and striking image. One of my top picks for this challenge.
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08/23/2004 10:01:34 PM
Very striking; simple and strong.
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08/23/2004 01:30:45 PM
What a beautiful creation. Perfect lighting, form and composition.
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08/23/2004 12:53:08 PM
Nice pose, good lighting
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08/23/2004 12:33:55 PM
This is a great shot. Only improvemnet would be to have even lightening on both arms, IMO.
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08/23/2004 11:31:13 AM
I really like the pose and composition in this image. But I find the shadows and the wrinkles very distracting. 7
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08/23/2004 11:09:06 AM
Great pose - works well in the hogh-key setting. Exposure is spot on.
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08/23/2004 10:55:55 AM
There are some very powerful and professional shots in this challenge and this is right up there with the best. Emotionally compelling and full of expression. A marvelous photograph!
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08/23/2004 10:39:19 AM
cool bird shape - too bad the shadow of the head is off-center: I would have liked total symmetry more; still, a very nice picture
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08/23/2004 10:16:35 AM
Stunning image.
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08/23/2004 08:25:30 AM
Interesting shot. Too bad the shadows did not work and the sheet wrinkled.
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08/23/2004 06:01:00 AM
The word "Swan" springs to mind here. Excellent shot, very professional indeed, and great model.
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08/23/2004 01:36:41 AM
I like the pose -- It makes me think of a soaring eagle. I only wish the hands were more symmetrical.
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08/23/2004 12:53:01 AM
Oooooh now this is a gem. Wow I had to stop and look at this one for a minute cause its so awesome looking. I love those subtle shadows on the floor surface! And the shape the body is in is so different .. AWESOME
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08/23/2004 12:52:26 AM
even if you dont have clean the base background... (you can in the member challenge).. this is the best of the group a10 and a ribbon winner to me..
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08/23/2004 12:45:00 AM
Nice lines and symetry. I'm not sure if the shadows help however...
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08/23/2004 12:13:07 AM
Amazing shot!!! I love this; it's so tasteful. Amazing.
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