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Scarred Beauty
Scarred Beauty

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Nude II (Advanced Editing II)
Camera: Canon EOS-10D
Location: The bedroom
Date: Aug 21, 2004
Aperture: F/9.5
ISO: ISO 800
Shutter: 1/3s
Galleries: Portraiture, Nude
Date Uploaded: Aug 22, 2004

Once again, my live-in model of 15 years has come through for me. I know I am lucky to be married to someone so interested and involved in my hobby.

If you're interested, here's the story behind the photo. She had a section of her bowel removed five years ago, as a last resort to combat her, then worsening, life-long affliction with Crohns disease. The surgery was miraculously revitalizing for her. So, this photo celebrates life after 40, in more ways than one!

My concept for this Challenge was to compose a nude image which highlighted, rather than hid, the scar resulting from this surgery. We took a few dozen shots from many different angles. Although it featured the scar less prominently than I originally envisioned, I chose this take because I liked the classic Venus pose and how it contrasted with the scar. The weakness of this take is that her side nearest the light source is overexposed.

I spent far more time post-processing this shot than any other I have submitted, although I tried to keep it as subtle as possible. The photo was taken by a window with venetian blinds; I used ISO800 sensitivity to get a short enough exposure time. So, after tweaking the white balance and exposure in the RAW import tool, my workflow, primarily in PS, was:
- degraining
- sharpening
- contrast adjustment
- cosmetic retouching, including use of the clone brush, healing tool, and dodging and burning tools
- resizing
- sharpening
- JPG conversion

I am hoping that DPC voters will accept and appreciate my choice of subject matter, and not find it exploitive or distasteful. I realize that I may be running a risk of offending some by including all of her torso in the image. I did try cropping higher, but felt that did not frame the scar appropriately. So I did some dodging to keep things shadowy, and at least met my own criterion of good taste (and to be sure, there is no 'vagina' visible, which seems to be the basis of the site's nudity rule.)

In any case, my model and I are pleased with the fruit of our labour.

Place: 39 out of 87
Avg (all users): 5.7736
Avg (commenters): 6.3214
Avg (participants): 5.4684
Avg (non-participants): 5.8630
Views since voting: 15582
Views during voting: 1449
Votes: 349
Comments: 35
Favorites: 4 (view)

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03/19/2006 01:44:45 PM
I agree with the reviewer below who commented that this photo grew on him/her. I did not much like the model's facial expression at first look, but there is something...real about this that arrests one's attention. Very nice
09/03/2004 03:36:55 AM
:: Hello from the Critique Club ::

Firstly, I think this communicates exactly what you intended with the only exception being that the 'celebration' element is a little played down. For me she looks like she's still a little uncomfortable about life, but grateful for what she has - which is a healthly looking form indeed.

I particularly like the colours - the subdued background works very well. Some reflected light on her face would have been beneficial, which could have been bounced back in using a reflector such as white card or even a creafully placed mirror. Additionally I would have toned down the reds in the flesh tones a little more, perhaps warming them towards yellow using Colour Balance or Hue/Saturation adjustments.

Good work.

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09/03/2004 01:05:14 AM
This is my first pass through the nudes II, and well, I do like this one. You have a nice model and I love that you have left much of the picture as natural as possible! This is the reality of life as far as I am concerned...nice shot!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/29/2004 10:21:39 PM
i don't know what keeps bringing me back to this image, but i like it
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08/29/2004 10:27:07 AM
Lovely study of a lovely model - beautifully and softly lit.
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08/27/2004 08:59:31 PM
Congrats to your beautiful model for being courageous enough to show us her scar.
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08/27/2004 11:04:27 AM
Nice use of light and nice pose.
The background needs more attention. Try a bedsheet or curtain to hide the corner in the wall.
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08/27/2004 02:46:11 AM
This image is on the whole rather unappealing, the pose is fine I think it is the color and the lighting, Would of been better in black and white perhaps or at least with a warmer more tonal color range.
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08/26/2004 02:41:36 PM
Nice llighting. Would loved to have seen it in black and white.
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08/26/2004 10:51:16 AM
light is a bit harsh, but i enjoy the unabashed pose
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08/26/2004 04:29:37 AM
This is an interesting shot. At first glance it doesn't greatly appeal to me. When I look at it a bit longer though I notice the curve of her pose on the left of the image and the expression on her face. The lighting is a little harsh down her right side. It is good how it highlights the curves though. I'm wondering if this could have been enhanced by using a dark backdrop and some sort of diffusion for the light. The image has a subtle beauty about it which is the most difficult aspect to capture or produce.
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08/25/2004 10:05:47 PM
I don't really care for the background. It looks like it was shot in a corner, and the line was photoshoped out.
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08/25/2004 09:39:22 PM
Returning for comments.
A very nice study with tender lighting and nice background. The model's expression has the innocense that is not always present in these types of shots. Bumping to 7
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08/25/2004 06:52:56 PM
The idea here is good and the model beautiful and courageous. The photo however lacks either the correct pose or lighting or both (I̢۪m not sure) to capture the full beauty of the contrast between scar and our concept of beauty. Still, I rated it a 6.
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08/25/2004 03:21:48 PM
wonderful face of your model, I see the link with the title, but cant help feeling she is a little too naked, however nice pose
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08/25/2004 12:50:18 PM
nice lighting
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08/24/2004 11:45:33 PM
I find the lighted side of her a little too sharp (maybe over processed) I prefer the softness of her right side.. good composition, a relaxing pic
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08/24/2004 11:18:21 PM
The pose of your model sends to the viewer a sense of self confidence. The choice of cropping and the light source adds depth to the overall feeling of the shot. Well Done!
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08/24/2004 10:45:53 PM
would have liked to have seen a more interesting background.
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08/24/2004 05:20:20 PM
i think it could have benefitted from a bit more lighting. its dark around her face and makes the whole image seem underexposed.
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08/24/2004 04:15:33 PM
Life lines (not scars) add character to any subject.
This photo is enhanced by the creativity of the lens man and the willingness of the model.
Great photo.
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08/24/2004 03:47:59 PM
I would not have emphasised her scar. She has a beatiful face and with a more flattering pose she and the whole image would have become more attractive. Also a more attractive background would have helped, rather dull at the moment.
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08/24/2004 01:24:40 AM
Beautiful model, good lighting,. there's just something about the look on her face though. She doesn't seem to be too happy doing this. High score from me regardless. Good luck with the challenge
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08/24/2004 12:42:48 AM
Nice pose and composition. Is that natural lighting on the subject? The light seams a little harsh to me. Maybe if you tried to softn the photo a little or maybe you did. Did you try this one in B/W? I bet this would be good in B/W also. Still nice work and good luck!
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08/23/2004 11:07:19 PM
Nicely done.
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08/23/2004 08:22:04 PM
awesome 10 :)
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08/23/2004 05:13:47 PM
beutifull model, gives alot of emotion. well done.
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08/23/2004 04:14:49 PM
The lighting is a bit off, nice pose though. The white balance also seems off, there is a magenta colour cast on the photo.
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08/23/2004 10:38:33 AM
Wonderful shot, well posed. The light playing down the left side of the body and face is what makes this shot really great. Shame about the distracting corner in the background. It took me ages to notice the scar, so maybe it would have been better not drawing people's attention to it in your title!
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08/23/2004 10:20:44 AM
great lighting and elusive mood
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08/23/2004 06:48:28 AM
Good lighting, the background is a bit dull.
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08/23/2004 06:35:10 AM
Lovely shot. Not so keen on the title (no mark deducted at all though) simply as to me that means a beauty that has been diminished or destroyed by a scar, which in this case is definitely not the case as she is indeed a truly beautiful model. Really like this shot.
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08/23/2004 04:56:20 AM
wow, this is very artful and almost olden in feel. The cold tones and blank expression make this photo really jump out.

Not sure if you need to draw attention to the scarring mind you.

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08/23/2004 01:26:40 AM
good lighting for the highlights but stronger shadows as well would have made this photo stronger imo.
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08/23/2004 01:04:44 AM
does not look Scarred to me.... pretty picture and clean , no wow factor a7
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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