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My world is after me ...
My world is after me ...

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Best of 2011 (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Nikon D700
Lens: Nikon AF-S Nikkor 14-24mm f/2.8 G ED
Location: Athens, Greece
Date: Jun 4, 2011
Aperture: 2.8
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/40
Date Uploaded: Jan 24, 2012


Place: 267 out of 410
Avg (all users): 5.6092
Avg (commenters): 7.8261
Avg (participants): 5.7194
Avg (non-participants): 5.0952
Views since voting: 480
Views during voting: 446
Votes: 238
Comments: 27
Favorites: 3 (view)

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02/25/2012 07:43:51 PM
I didn't comment during voting but I really like this photo. I like the vantage point, and the way the light is swallowing the kid
02/24/2012 06:21:20 PM
I told you. Congratulations! Might be the first time I've been right on a pick.
02/24/2012 12:43:57 AM
Somehow missed this. Amazing.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/23/2012 06:34:43 PM
and before me. . .

Energetic and spell binding, yet anxiety provoking. A skill easily never learned is one that allows us to slow down for the present rather than rushing to the future, as depicted by your young man.

02/23/2012 09:39:21 AM
very cartier-bresson - ish.
i like this one a lot. i get a strange feeling of loneliness from this shot.

(voted earlier but back to bump it up a bit)
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02/23/2012 06:55:03 AM
A favorite of this challenge. The light makes this shot. Pure white to deep shadows. 10
02/23/2012 06:39:08 AM
nice mood..
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02/22/2012 10:08:55 PM
well felt 10
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02/21/2012 12:18:12 AM
Sure is, damn fine stuff
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02/20/2012 02:48:19 PM
utterly compelling.

Posthumous Yellow Ribbon

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02/19/2012 05:52:44 PM
I'm going through the entries, stopping at those images I feel have had the benefit of an unconventional eye and dwelling a little longer to try to see and appreciate what you saw. This is one of those images.

Positives: Excellent eccentric (and eclectic) POV here - like we are falling; there is enough ambiguity in the scene to disorientate us - always a good thing! Is this an old mill? It looks like that. The blur of the rushing figure cuts a fine form and the textured surfaces provide an anchor for the barely discernible shadowed areas.

Critical stuff: Not much at all

Overall: Weird enough to be slightly unsettling. Great stuff.
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02/19/2012 11:44:24 AM
Intriguing, nice composition. Looks more like he's running toward his world, rather than away. Cool shot.
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02/18/2012 01:20:49 PM
A definite sense of escape the sinister environment, love the lone table.
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02/18/2012 12:11:16 AM
Not sure what to make of all of this - looks like parts of a stair in the foreground, but unless it is grossly distorted, that would make the (child, I presume) way too small. But even comparing the child to the stones in the wall, he/she seems too small. The tilt of the shot adds to its mystery. Not sure this conveys the feeling of being chased, however.
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02/15/2012 11:53:17 AM
Intriguing stuff,I like.
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02/15/2012 06:48:42 AM
great atmosphere, the use of tilt is great really adds a sense of world turning over to it.
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02/15/2012 01:57:24 AM
Very voyeuristic. The angles are really quite nice.
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02/14/2012 06:23:22 PM
Looks like a Posthumous ribbon contender. Well done.
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02/14/2012 01:28:07 PM
The table in the frame anchors this image for me. I like your perspective....the title adds to the mystery.
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02/14/2012 09:03:48 AM
Great light and...
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02/13/2012 09:19:36 PM
I like the angle you used.
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02/13/2012 07:45:31 PM
In the warehouse the giant's, cruel laughter mocks,
the countdown on the clock goes tick, tock.
Escher stairs teeter to Hitchcock
as Jack races to escape from this stalk.

The whole tilt to the world and the child running for the door gives off a sinister/suspense type feel. The tilt to the stairs reminds me of the artist, M.C Escher's impossible constructs that border on the fantastic and sometimes whimsical. Your stark black and white tones, the child running, and the interesting 'camera angle' also projects the mood and feel of suspense akin to Hitchcock films. I instantly got the feel of a childhood story/game getting deadly/sinister - for some reason Jack in the Beanstalk came to mind...perhaps because in the end it becomes a race to freedom as the giant 'stalks' Jack.
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02/13/2012 05:46:22 AM
Fascinating and beautiful image!
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02/13/2012 02:11:36 AM
We've all had days like this.
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02/11/2012 11:52:30 PM
amazing shot. I hope they don't hit you too hard for the tilt.8
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02/10/2012 08:37:47 PM
Mysterious. A feeling of confinement and escape at the same time. Good.
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02/10/2012 10:07:18 AM
This is incredible.
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