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I was raised a farm boy from Northwest Minnesota. When I graduated high school I moved to San Diego County, where I've lived ever since. But don't move out here. You'd hate it here. Earthquakes, wildfires, drought, traffic, too many people from Minnesota and elsewhere.
I started serious photography in my early 20's, when I bought a Minolta SRT 101 35mm camera, an enlarger, and all the makings for a B&W darkroom. I converted a walk-in closet to a darkroom, and had a lot of fun learning about photography. I never did anything that great, and after a year or so I went back to snapshots with a P&S camera. I discovered DPC in April 2007, and it sparked interest in doing creative photography again. I've been trying to develop some skills, but broke my (wife's) P&S digital camera by falling on my motorcycle on the way to shooting at the San Diego Wild Animal Park. I participated in the first few challenges with a HD DV camcorder, but finally my wife and I bought ourselves a Canon XTi kit for our anniversary in late May 2007. I hope to be able to take better pictures with a much better camera now. I'm gradually accumulating equipment to help me do that.
I'm a UNIX systems administrator (aka geek) for a company you have certainly heard of, and that takes up a majority of my waking hours, and much of my "should be sleeping" hours. Much of the rest of my time my wife Susan and I volunteer usher plays and concerts around San Diego, attend dachshund meet-ups and plan vacations to exotic locations, that we don't get to nearly enough, and I go to Church where I sing in the choir and act in plays. What time is left is spent on DPC, which Susan thinks I'm obsessed with. Maybe that schedule explains why I sporadically submit to challenges.
My handle boyd2000 is just what I've used for a handle for most sites I've signed up to since 1999, when I had Y2K in mind. It's probably time to come up with something new so don't be surprised if I change my login sometime. Maybe make a drastic change to boyd2038, the end of UNIX time. |
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For long you live and high you fly
And smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry
And all you touch and all you see
Is all your life will ever be
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