DPChallenge: A Digital Photography Contest You are not logged in. (log in or register
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Image Search
Why is this a good idea? Why didn't I think of that? Why .. [more] not? Why ask why?
1 day and 5 hours left · 13 entries received · Enter this challenge

Extended Free Study for February, 2025.
4 days and 5 hours left · 7 entries received · Enter this challenge

Get up close & personal: capture a candid moment.
4 days and 5 hours left · 4 entries received · Enter this challenge

Compose your photograph so that nothing but your subject .. [more] is in the frame.
6 days and 5 hours left · 1 entry received · Enter this challenge

Create a photograph that depicts a fairy tale or evokes .. [more] a fairy tale quality.
8 days and 5 hours left · 1 entry received · Enter this challenge

Document the deterioration, history, and in many cases, .. [more] the spooky atmosphere and hidden beauty of forgotten places.
11 days and 5 hours left · 1 entry received · Enter this challenge

Create a photo that resembles a painting or has a .. [more] painterly feel to it.
13 days and 5 hours left · 0 entries received · Enter this challenge

Free Study for March, 2025.
19 days and 5 hours left · 5 entries received · Enter this challenge

Let's all comb through our 2024 shoots and find the .. [more] hidden, artistic gems we haven't yet brought into the light.
1 day and 5 hours left · 36 entries awaiting your vote · Begin voting

Take an image that captures the bond between domestic .. [more] animals and humans.
4 days and 5 hours left · 26 entries awaiting your vote · Begin voting

Close your eyes, bring your various parts into harmony, .. [more] take a deep breath, then rise up and go seek the symmetry that abounds in our world.
6 days and 5 hours left · 25 entries awaiting your vote · Begin voting

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All digital photo copyrights belong to the photographers and may not be used without permission.
Current Server Time: 03/12/2025 06:26:55 PM EDT.