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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Paris Hilton Free?!? That's Hot!
Showing posts 101 - 125 of 186, (reverse)
06/08/2007 06:50:59 PM · #101
"That's hot" .... chug
06/08/2007 06:54:04 PM · #102
06/08/2007 06:57:01 PM · #103
06/08/2007 07:00:01 PM · #104
That is possibly one of the most terrifying things I've ever seen, and I've seen more than my fair share of hen nights.
06/08/2007 07:00:41 PM · #105
I think she should go in with the general population.
06/08/2007 07:02:28 PM · #106
that's just overly cruel, no matter what crimes the others committed they shouldn't be subjected to that. I'm sure it would be a breach of their human rights or something.

Message edited by author 2007-06-08 19:02:43.
06/08/2007 07:07:45 PM · #107

Message edited by author 2007-06-08 19:08:53.
06/08/2007 07:09:41 PM · #108
Originally posted by chip_k:

That's Hot!
06/08/2007 07:24:38 PM · #109
Originally posted by frisca:

Ok, according to my new addiction, the gossip site, //www.laineygossip.com, her medical condition was in fact, a very very very severe flare up of herpes (which she has been confirmed to have according to prescription bottles found in her abandoned storage for herpes medication bearing her name on it..) and it burned so much that she couldn't stand it and she went nuts in her cell. This is, of course, totally unconfirmed, and now I am sure I am dumber for having shared it, but you guys are my friends, and what is a good friendship without a little juicy gossip!

This could be the confirmation image...

Got an itch Paris?
06/08/2007 07:45:52 PM · #110
I am sure they can give her medicine.

I agree with Jeff. De-Tox is probably the cause of her ills. Imagine since you were 12 waking up to your mimosa, followed by a light rose in the afternoon, and by dinner time whatever the family was drinking. Now for 45 days you get what they serve you.

I started that south beach diet, and the first 2 weeks almost sent me into shock because I could not eat what I want. The experience has to be 20x greater to her.
06/08/2007 08:12:09 PM · #111
Originally posted by thegrandwazoo:

Originally posted by frisca:

Ok, according to my new addiction, the gossip site, //www.laineygossip.com, her medical condition was in fact, a very very very severe flare up of herpes (which she has been confirmed to have according to prescription bottles found in her abandoned storage for herpes medication bearing her name on it..) and it burned so much that she couldn't stand it and she went nuts in her cell. This is, of course, totally unconfirmed, and now I am sure I am dumber for having shared it, but you guys are my friends, and what is a good friendship without a little juicy gossip!

This could be the confirmation image...

Got an itch Paris?

LMAO thats just wrong on so many levels
06/08/2007 08:33:19 PM · #112
Originally posted by thegrandwazoo:

Originally posted by frisca:

Ok, according to my new addiction, the gossip site, //www.laineygossip.com, her medical condition was in fact, a very very very severe flare up of herpes (which she has been confirmed to have according to prescription bottles found in her abandoned storage for herpes medication bearing her name on it..) and it burned so much that she couldn't stand it and she went nuts in her cell. This is, of course, totally unconfirmed, and now I am sure I am dumber for having shared it, but you guys are my friends, and what is a good friendship without a little juicy gossip!

This could be the confirmation image...

Got an itch Paris?

I bet it's Herpes Simplex 10.
06/08/2007 08:37:52 PM · #113
Paris Hilton? it is worse than one telenovela. even on the online italian newspapers evey day paris hilton,paris hilton, paris hilton..... she has become nearly persecution!
06/08/2007 09:13:01 PM · #114
Originally posted by Skip:

Originally posted by elsapo:

She should have been sent back for 23 days. It was the Sheriff who sent her home, I dont care what excuses she made, it was still his decision.

heyah, justin, old fogey here...

when my daughter asks me if he can watch tv and i say no, that's it--no. and if she goes behind my back and asks her mother and her mother says yes and then i catch her, it's BOOM. not just no tv then, it's no tv for a few days. it's not her mother's fault--it's her fault for trying to play the system.

it's all about accountability and responsibility, the things you would hope people learn at home...

I understand your point, but in your case mom didnt know you said no, the sheriff knew that the judge said no and let her go anyway, I dont care what excuses she made, he is to blame for not doing his job right.

Oh yeah I did want to state that Im not defending what she did (i actually really dislike her), I just think that the judge was mad at the wrong person this time.
06/08/2007 10:42:15 PM · #115

Home sweet home

Message edited by author 2007-06-08 22:44:52.
06/08/2007 11:10:01 PM · #116
Originally posted by elsapo:

Originally posted by Skip:

Originally posted by elsapo:

She should have been sent back for 23 days. It was the Sheriff who sent her home, I dont care what excuses she made, it was still his decision.

heyah, justin, old fogey here...

when my daughter asks me if he can watch tv and i say no, that's it--no. and if she goes behind my back and asks her mother and her mother says yes and then i catch her, it's BOOM. not just no tv then, it's no tv for a few days. it's not her mother's fault--it's her fault for trying to play the system.

it's all about accountability and responsibility, the things you would hope people learn at home...

I understand your point, but in your case mom didnt know you said no, the sheriff knew that the judge said no and let her go anyway, I dont care what excuses she made, he is to blame for not doing his job right.

Oh yeah I did want to state that Im not defending what she did (i actually really dislike her), I just think that the judge was mad at the wrong person this time.

Sheriff is probably going to jail too from what I hear.
06/08/2007 11:27:05 PM · #117
Waking up to see the photo of her all distressed made my day! Serve your time...no special treatment! I can't believe they let her out in the first place!!
06/09/2007 12:03:34 AM · #118
Paris Hilton deserves to be locked up forever! At least celebrities like Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan have some talent. I neither hate them nor like them, I careless about what they do in their personal lives, when Spears has a good single, I'd listen to it, when Lohan has a good movie I'd watch it. I know life ain't fair, rich & famous people get away. But come on... what is Paris Hilton good at and famous for? I guess partying and sucking d*ck to stardom????


Message edited by author 2007-06-09 02:17:25.
06/09/2007 12:31:31 AM · #119
The Sheriff should lose his job. When a judge says no reduction in time served, no home arrest then that sets the legal rules. Even though the Sherrif has control of the jail, he lost the option to do what he thinks is ok when the judge gave specific guidance. When the Sheriff refused to go pick her up for the hearing and the judge had a talk with him, the sheriff changed his mind and sent a patrol car to do it. Handcuffs and back seat alone. It is too bad it had to happen this way, she should not have been sent home. I want my mommmy is not an excuse for release. Thousands of prisoners cry in jail everyday, hundreds have breakdowns, that is a common thing and not a reason to release. Mommy and Daddy needs to put away their checkbook and show some tough love. 40 more days and maybe she'll learn. Next time she does it I hpe it's general population a a year of manual labor along with a court order that she can't sell the story when she's out. AND someone said something about human rights, a drunk driver is not human and does not deserve a private cell. Hell, prisoner of war gets a 6'x6' cell with no food and filth becasue they obeyed the law where she's acting like a felon and wants priviledge, no mercy it's time for judgement.
I request a DQ validation request on Paris ;)
Originally posted by boomtap:

Originally posted by elsapo:

Originally posted by Skip:

Originally posted by elsapo:

She should have been sent back for 23 days. It was the Sheriff who sent her home, I dont care what excuses she made, it was still his decision.

heyah, justin, old fogey here...

when my daughter asks me if he can watch tv and i say no, that's it--no. and if she goes behind my back and asks her mother and her mother says yes and then i catch her, it's BOOM. not just no tv then, it's no tv for a few days. it's not her mother's fault--it's her fault for trying to play the system.

it's all about accountability and responsibility, the things you would hope people learn at home...

I understand your point, but in your case mom didnt know you said no, the sheriff knew that the judge said no and let her go anyway, I dont care what excuses she made, he is to blame for not doing his job right.

Oh yeah I did want to state that Im not defending what she did (i actually really dislike her), I just think that the judge was mad at the wrong person this time.

Sheriff is probably going to jail too from what I hear.
06/09/2007 01:12:29 AM · #120
Originally posted by elsapo:

Originally posted by Skip:

Originally posted by elsapo:

She should have been sent back for 23 days. It was the Sheriff who sent her home, I dont care what excuses she made, it was still his decision.

heyah, justin, old fogey here...

when my daughter asks me if he can watch tv and i say no, that's it--no. and if she goes behind my back and asks her mother and her mother says yes and then i catch her, it's BOOM. not just no tv then, it's no tv for a few days. it's not her mother's fault--it's her fault for trying to play the system.

it's all about accountability and responsibility, the things you would hope people learn at home...

I understand your point, but in your case mom didnt know you said no, the sheriff knew that the judge said no and let her go anyway, I dont care what excuses she made, he is to blame for not doing his job right.

Oh yeah I did want to state that Im not defending what she did (i actually really dislike her), I just think that the judge was mad at the wrong person this time.

she knew going home wasn't part of the deal, but she did it anyway. now they're both going to pay.

it didn't help her cause at all when the judge saw and read about the cupcakes...

(hotlinked 87kb image) more stuff here.
06/09/2007 01:21:46 AM · #121
I just read they knocked it back down to 23 days again. She's in the medical ward now too apparently. She was on medicine before she went in and as soon as she was in jail stopped taking her meds - so it's no wonder she was "deteriorating".
06/09/2007 01:23:05 AM · #122
Originally posted by PhantomEWO:

The Sheriff should lose his job.

From what I am hearing, the Sheriff is going to be charged with contempt of court. He might server jail time.
06/09/2007 01:29:34 AM · #123
reading stuff like 'the lawyers for the defendant pleaded with the judge to listen to special information regarding the 'medical condition'. the judge did not respond.'

kinda makes me feel all warm and tingly. rofl. my sister is a lot like this, thinking that she deserves special treatment just because stuff has happened that she thinks sucks. Nice when people find that they can't take advantage of a system.
06/09/2007 04:16:38 AM · #124
Well, apparently her defence is arguing she shouldn't be in prison due to her 'severe mental condition'.

I'd have thought her medical evaluation would have found out what was wrong:

Doctor: Arms?
Assistant: Check.

Doctor: Legs?
Assistant: Check.

Doctor: Wazoo?
Assistant: ....It seems to be exuding...money...
Doctor: Oh, that's fine, it's a Family trait, just put a bowl under it for now, we'll deal with that later.

Doctor: Brain?
Assistant: ....I think there seems to be a problem here...
Doctor: Why? what's wrong?
Assistant: It seems to be missing...
Doctor: Let me take a look... Well, good grief, it seems it is absent. Well, we'd better give the Sheriff our findings, and see what he thinks...

06/09/2007 01:22:01 PM · #125
roflmao at Paris oops *gulps down a leftover Penalty shot from Stanley cup*
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