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DPChallenge Forums >> Individual Photograph Discussion >> Autumn colors and the small harbour
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09/30/2007 11:52:04 PM · #1
The first one is very vibrant, without being overdone. The orange tones are great, and the water drops and shallow DOF really enhance things. It has a very strong feeling of Autumn to it.

The boats are a nice image. They don't grab my attention quite the same as the other shot, though. I do like the B&W quality; the tonal range looks very good in the foreground, although in the background, things begin to look a bit muddy gray. There are some great details, like the ripples off the bow of the nearest boat, and the water on the dock. I'd be interested to know how you processed it - desaturation, or another way? And was there a lot of dodging and burning? The almost-glowing whites in the foreground make me thing maybe this was the case - it would also explain the muddiness I mentioned above.
09/30/2007 10:46:19 PM · #2
The orange leaves draw me in - nicely done!
09/30/2007 10:35:17 PM · #3

I shot one pictures today of the beautiful color of the leaves
and this weekend another of a boat at the leisure harbor.

All critics are welcome :)

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