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DPChallenge Forums >> Rant >> US ELECTION '08
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Showing posts 1 - 25 of 1435, (reverse)
10/11/2008 09:57:15 AM · #1
As the election draws near, the urge to share that latest news release, website, youtube video will undoubtedly overtake some of our more politically-minded members. In an effort to keep dpc a photography website, but also remember the "community" component, we are creating this -- a single thread for all things political.

Why a single thread? It would seem, looking back over the past 10 or so political threads, they all boil down to two talking points --

1. Republicans are crazy.
2. Democrats are loony.

This is an effort to save you the time and effort of ignoring all of those threads, or if you are interested, having them all conveniently located in one place.

As new US political threads are started, they will be locked and pointed here.

The following threads have also been (or will be) locked with links to this one:

Wow.Obama Does not Know His Place
Palin Found in violation of AK law
Conservative and Liberal
The Latest form Louis howeveryouspellhisname
Can somebody tell me. . . . .
US Gov't Bailout
Felons for Obama
Thank the Republicans
Obama's Buddies
The Financial Bailout
McCain a Maverick?
President of the US -- A Question
Teh Bailout Package

Thank you for your cooperation in making dpc the most enjoyable site that it can be for all people.

A reminder that just because it is in rant, does not mean that name-calling and such behavior is expected, encouraged, or allowed -- even if that poster is of a different political party from you

Message edited by author 2008-10-11 10:02:23.
10/11/2008 10:17:51 AM · #2
Originally posted by karmat:

1. Republicans are crazy.
2. Democrats are loony.

Wow! That pretty well sums up my views. Good idea with the consolidation.
10/11/2008 11:05:13 AM · #3
Oh you crazy yanks.....where's the popcorn?
10/11/2008 11:46:42 AM · #4
Even though the economy is a campaign issue, it's not exclusively so.

I'm not sure that those discussions should be lumped in with the US Election discussion since the turmoil is global.
10/11/2008 03:35:41 PM · #5

Message edited by author 2008-10-11 15:36:12.
10/11/2008 03:38:13 PM · #6
Looks like no one wants to post without the baiting thread titles. LOL!!
10/11/2008 03:56:11 PM · #7
Didn't see this thread and made another post. I think the consolidation is a bad idea, because they deal with different issues instead of one huge thread -- which is NEVER a good idea. But it's not my site.
10/11/2008 04:04:57 PM · #8
Why Don't Obama Supporters Care???

Seriously, in threads here and elsewhere, why do Obama supporters not care about the serious allegations and lapses in Obama's character?

I can understand if you don't think his association with Ayers is a big deal. But Obama does. Why else would he constantly lie about it? The record clearly shows they were friends and associates. We don't bring it up to say Obama is a terrorist. But why does he say Ayers was just a guy in his neighborhood? And then keep changing the answer -- instead of being honest?

I can understand if you don't think his association with the voter-fraud group ACORN. But again, why doe Obama care enough about it to lie and say he's never been affiliated with them? He trained them, was a lawyer for them, endorses them, gave an address to them. Why does he think that association is troubling enough to lie about?

It just puzzles me the way America has changed... for the worse. We saw it with the defense of Clinton and his character lapses. Cries of "it's only about sex" were the liberal mantra, ignoring the fact that a sitting president considered himself above the law.

I just don't get it.

If this were McCain vs. Lieberman for example, then it would be two honest people of opposing views. Instead we have McCain, who I disagree with on many issues, but I don't think I've ever heard him called dishonest by either side. And then Obama who has been nailed for questionable associations time after time after time and his solution is to lie about it. Yet the best the other side can do is try to associate McCain with Bush and think that's ok.

Sad really.
10/11/2008 05:40:32 PM · #9
The point of this post is to simply point out the problems with a guilt by association route. It is not supporting or defending either candidate (or VP candidate).

McCain is not exactly squeaky clean when going the guilt by association route.

McCain sat on the board of the US Council for for World Freedom. Paul Begala points out the danger in going the guilty due to being associated route here.

Sarah Palin's husband Todd Palin was a member of a separatist group in Alaska, and one could argue that a secessionist party is anti-American.

Everybody has sketchy ties when going the guilt by association route. Should an entire election be based solely on this issue?

And factcheck discusses the Obama-Ayers connection. According to them, Obama has apparently never 'lied' regarding his ties to Ayers, but that new information regarding their relationship has come to light. But Obama still hasn't 'lied' per se. Nothing on ACORN yet. I'm sure they are working on it, and I will be curious about what they say.
10/11/2008 07:56:07 PM · #10
Originally posted by HawkeyeLonewolf:

Instead we have McCain, who I disagree with on many issues, but I don't think I've ever heard him called dishonest by either side.

He is accused of having wittingly disdained the truth:


10/11/2008 08:57:11 PM · #11
Originally posted by HawkeyeLonewolf:

Instead we have McCain, who I disagree with on many issues, but I don't think I've ever heard him called dishonest by either side.

Would it matter if you had?

Or, how about this one?

I'm a registered Republican and I'm calling McCain a typical lying politician. Now you've heard it.

Message edited by author 2008-10-11 21:07:35.
10/11/2008 11:15:31 PM · #12
Originally posted by HawkeyeLonewolf:

Why Don't Obama Supporters Care???

Seriously, in threads here and elsewhere, why do Obama supporters not care about the serious allegations and lapses in Obama's character?

Seriously, because it's trumped up hogwash, that's why.

And that any Republican should suddenly now be concerned about voter fraud after the events of the last two presidential elections -- when nary a whisper of alarm could be heard from any of you -- is laughable but not surprising.

Sad really.
10/12/2008 01:44:48 AM · #13
The smears, lies, and distorted observations about Barack Obama are becoming more frequent, more outrageous, and more offensive. The list of locked threads at the top of this thread are a good sampling (and hardly conclusive, as a quick look at the most recent 100-150 rant topics will show).
10/12/2008 08:30:23 AM · #14
Originally posted by Judith Polakoff:

Originally posted by HawkeyeLonewolf:

Why Don't Obama Supporters Care???

Seriously, in threads here and elsewhere, why do Obama supporters not care about the serious allegations and lapses in Obama's character?

Seriously, because it's trumped up hogwash, that's why.

And that any Republican should suddenly now be concerned about voter fraud after the events of the last two presidential elections -- when nary a whisper of alarm could be heard from any of you -- is laughable but not surprising.

Sad really.

Good point. Also, I think the public is having a "little boy who cried wolf" reaction to republican slandering. They've pulled out demonizing swiftboat type tactics one too many times and now republican credibility with such attacks is in the toilet.

The truth is that THEY ALL LIE! Want proof? Check out politifact.com or factcheck.org.
10/12/2008 12:11:11 PM · #15
Why don't McCain's supporters care that their candidate associated with unapologetic racists and bigots for years? Or about his association with criminals? His frequent childish temper tantrums? The fact that he only graduated from Annapolis because of his parents intervened? That he twice destroyed multi-million fighter aircraft through his own error, a career ending move for any other Navy pilot, but not if Daddy's an admiral?

It puzzles me why Republicans can turn a blind eye to these kinds of things when it comes to their own candidate, but subject the other side to a microscopic nit-picking and feel a need to resort to swift-boat style tactics fabricating stories out of nothing when their candidate is behind in the polls.

Just shows how sad and pathetic the Republicans really are.

Originally posted by HawkeyeLonewolf:

Why Don't Obama Supporters Care???

Seriously, in threads here and elsewhere, why do Obama supporters not care about the serious allegations and lapses in Obama's character?

I can understand if you don't think his association with Ayers is a big deal. But Obama does. Why else would he constantly lie about it? The record clearly shows they were friends and associates. We don't bring it up to say Obama is a terrorist. But why does he say Ayers was just a guy in his neighborhood? And then keep changing the answer -- instead of being honest?

I can understand if you don't think his association with the voter-fraud group ACORN. But again, why doe Obama care enough about it to lie and say he's never been affiliated with them? He trained them, was a lawyer for them, endorses them, gave an address to them. Why does he think that association is troubling enough to lie about?

It just puzzles me the way America has changed... for the worse. We saw it with the defense of Clinton and his character lapses. Cries of "it's only about sex" were the liberal mantra, ignoring the fact that a sitting president considered himself above the law.

I just don't get it.

If this were McCain vs. Lieberman for example, then it would be two honest people of opposing views. Instead we have McCain, who I disagree with on many issues, but I don't think I've ever heard him called dishonest by either side. And then Obama who has been nailed for questionable associations time after time after time and his solution is to lie about it. Yet the best the other side can do is try to associate McCain with Bush and think that's ok.

Sad really.
10/12/2008 12:25:45 PM · #16
Why do people vote for Republicans when they are so often wrong? Exerpt:

Originally posted by Bob Herbert:

I don’t for a moment think that the Democratic Party has been free of egregious problems. But there are two things I find remarkable about the G.O.P., and especially its more conservative wing, which is now about all there is.

The first is how wrong conservative Republicans have been on so many profoundly important matters for so many years. The second is how the G.O.P. has nevertheless been able to persuade so many voters of modest means that its wrongheaded, favor-the-rich, country-be-damned approach was not only good for working Americans, but was the patriotic way to go.

Remember voodoo economics? That was the derisive term George H.W. Bush used for Ronald Reagan’s fantasy that he could simultaneously increase defense spending, cut taxes and balance the budget. After Reagan became president (with Mr. Bush as his vice president) the budget deficit — surprise, surprise — soared.
10/12/2008 12:49:16 PM · #17
Originally posted by HawkeyeLonewolf:

... Instead we have McCain, who I disagree with on many issues, but I don't think I've ever heard him called dishonest by either side.

!!! Really ??? This shows (as clearly as many other examples you've provided, which I will not trouble to fish out of the morass of your posts) that you are pathologically incapable of honest inquiry or willfully blind to anything that doesn't fit your rigid worldview.

Your kind of "thinking" illuminates why journalists and media outlets with integrity (CNN, The New York Times), who actually *do* attempt to be fair and impartial, are demonized as "liberal" because they don't ape truly one-sided conservative mouthpieces.
10/12/2008 01:47:04 PM · #18
Originally posted by citymars:

Originally posted by HawkeyeLonewolf:

... Instead we have McCain, who I disagree with on many issues, but I don't think I've ever heard him called dishonest by either side.

!!! Really ??? This shows (as clearly as many other examples you've provided, which I will not trouble to fish out of the morass of your posts) that you are pathologically incapable of honest inquiry or willfully blind to anything that doesn't fit your rigid worldview.

Your kind of "thinking" illuminates why journalists and media outlets with integrity (CNN, The New York Times), who actually *do* attempt to be fair and impartial, are demonized as "liberal" because they don't ape truly one-sided conservative mouthpieces.

He can't help it. Apparently it's inherent.

"The Power of Political Misinformation" Washington Post article on Yale Study

To paraphrase: The more a staunch conservative hears the truth, the more they believe the lie.
10/13/2008 07:05:16 PM · #19
Originally posted by karmat:

As the election draws near, the urge to share that latest news release, website, youtube video will undoubtedly overtake some of our more politically-minded members. In an effort to keep dpc a photography website, but also remember the "community" component, we are creating this -- a single thread for all things political.

Why a single thread? It would seem, looking back over the past 10 or so political threads, they all boil down to two talking points --

1. Republicans are crazy.
2. Democrats are loony.

You got it all wrong... Democrats are crazy and Republicans are loony. geez if your not up on politics then please don't post as if you are..... duh!!!
10/14/2008 12:25:49 PM · #20
I fail to understand how we have gotten to the point where a political argument is nothing more than counting coup on those who are representing the opposing viewpoint.

I spent a while in D.C. and had alot of friends who worked as aides to congressmen, and almost to a man they were good smart people who could have been making more money doing something else, somewhere else, and the represenatives they worked for' worked longer days and though more about the "folks back home" than they ever did while they were amassing the fortunes that allowed them to run for congress. Either side of the isle, like it or not, these are some amazingly dedicated people.

To read the popular press however is to paraphrase Joe Jackson, it isn't about ideology, its a question of right and wrong. Most of the way America looks at politics on television and the internet has more in common with the way wrestling announcers on Friday night smackdown talk about Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk, than the Lincon-Douglas debates. If we can only focus on nasty inuendo and chipping small flaws off those we don't support instead of supporting the policies and programs of the candidate we do support, then we deserve the sad state our nation is in.

As Menken put it ""For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong."

Try harder.
10/14/2008 01:23:06 PM · #21
Remember these things while arguing. There are three sides to the truth. Yours, Mine and somewhere in the middle is the actual truth.
Two the difference between republicans and democrats is the color of their tie.
And three tolerance is a two way street. If you expect me to tolerate your ideals and viewpoints then you must do the same for mine. If not then don't expect tolerance.
10/14/2008 01:53:47 PM · #22
Originally posted by coronamv:

And three tolerance is a two way street. If you expect me to tolerate your ideals and viewpoints then you must do the same for mine. If not then don't expect tolerance.

...but it is quite difficult to tolerate intolerance.

10/14/2008 03:37:15 PM · #23
Originally posted by RayEthier:

Originally posted by coronamv:

And three tolerance is a two way street. If you expect me to tolerate your ideals and viewpoints then you must do the same for mine. If not then don't expect tolerance.

...but it is quite difficult to tolerate intolerance.


So you're intolerant of intolerance yet intolerance is what you won't tolerate....:-)

Message edited by author 2008-10-14 15:37:35.
10/14/2008 05:33:56 PM · #24
Exactly my point. I can tolerate your view point but you must also tolerate mine. The truth is we both want our way and neither are willing to tolerate the other. So then it becomes a war since diplomacy has failed once again. Thus the one with the biggest military wins.
10/14/2008 05:41:55 PM · #25
In college my first final was a two hour essay on a one sentence question. Poly. Sci. 100, question was "" All power comes out of the barrel of a gun." Mao. Discuss".

So it's talk or kill.
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