"sun-set" – noun: The daily descent of the sun below the western horizon.
"sun-rise" – noun: The daily first appearance of the sun above the eastern horizon.
You have 14 chances at the topic this week; good luck to you!
Disqualification Message: You may include existing images or artwork as part of your composition as long as the entry does not appear to consist entirely of a pre-existing photograph in order to circumvent date or editing rules or fool the voters into thinking you actually captured the original photograph as a live scene.
Originally 72nd place with an average vote of 5.7901
Views:995 (456 during voting) Votes:162
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Disqualification Message: You may not use ANY editing tool to move, remove or duplicate any element of your photograph that would change a typical viewer's description of the photograph (aside from color), even if the tool is otherwise legal, and regardless of whether you intended the change when the photograph was taken.