Lost River 1by
RebelBlueComment by Mark-A: Greetings from the Critique Club :)
I think the composition is slightly awkward here, the rock is a little too high in my opinion and would make for a stronger image if it was located on the lower right side in the rule of thirds line, this would have resulted in a leading line away from the rock making the picture a little more complete (even though the challenge was rocks I think you would still have been meeting the challenge this way but you would also have had a more interesting composition).
I guess there's a case for suggesting this is also on the fussy side, with the plants / grasses not really bringing anything to the shot, but infact they detract a fair bit and demand quite a bit too much of the viewers attention.
I see this is your first entry so don't worry it will soon become apparent that clean, crisp, well composed and sharp entries are what is generally required to score well here. It can be quite frustrating but at the sametime it's 1 of the best learning curves I have ever experienced.
Camera Work:
The shot looks a little underexposed although that could be due to the processing creating an almost flat look to the image. The rock also looks a little soft on the closest end which appears to be the main focus point of the image.
I think a curves adjustment at the highlight end would make a world of different in the histogram, I also think a better way to get a sepia look (if that's what you were going for) is to use DuoTone mode but maybe that's just personal preference. Whilst basic editing is quite limiting there is still a whole load of things you can do to improve an image generally.
My Opinion:
Your score was always going to be pretty low with this image on this site, for the reasons mentioned above regarding DPC voters requirements or expectations. I think there's plenty of scope to move forward and I would recommend commenting on the challenges try and comment on 100% of the images within any given challenge if you can, then when voting is over it's most useful to go back and see how the voters found the images in relation to your take on each one, this gives you some idea of what to submit if scores are your main concern.
Good luck in future challenges!