More Bugs Please !!!by
GeorgeLentzComment by SJCarter: *Greetings from the Critique Club*
First of all let me say that I think that the image did meet the Macro V Challenge. Although, not a traditional macro, it is a close-up.
Second, this is a very nice shot. However, I think the score suffered a significant amount because of the white border on the bottom, rather than the composition or technical aspects of the image.
Without commenting further on the white bottom border, I think the composition is great. The DOF is pretty good (although I think the fledgeling could be a little sharper). The heart-shaped hole in the birdhouse is cute/endearing. The color (IMHO) could be bumped up a bit and still look natural, as most of the colors are a little drab. You did a great job of not getting glare from the flash - the lighting is good.
From your profile, I see you are somewhat of a bird aficianado and have taken some great shots. This is a really good shot too, but I think it's score probably suffered from some voters' more strict or traditional interpretation of "macro". I look forward to seeing more of your work.
Just my 2 cents...