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Registered Userharrisxan

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Comments Received by harrisxan
Showing 1 - 8 of ~8
Image Comment
The seat
07/20/2005 11:17:21 AM
The seat
by harrisxan

Comment by cpanaioti:
Composition: Good use of diagonals to add interest. With the lines of the strands I don't know if a straight on view gives the best perspective. However, some sense of depth is obtained from the weave. 6
Exposure: Even though the texture and pattern of the strands can be seen quite clearly the image seems to be a little under exposed. 6
Impact: The pattern is interesting though not enough to keep the viewer's attention for more than a few seconds. 5

Overall: 6
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The old Hippodrome (Faliron Greece)
04/17/2005 10:51:53 AM
The old Hippodrome (Faliron Greece)
by harrisxan

Comment by hopnjohn:
Nice lines. Good DOF. If your title didn't say it, I wouldn't have known it was abandoned.
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The old Hippodrome (Faliron Greece)
04/14/2005 10:25:29 AM
The old Hippodrome (Faliron Greece)
by harrisxan

Comment by charmayne:
your title explains how you are meeting this challenge more than the image itself. i like the shot more for its compositional and technical quality than how well it meets the challenge
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The old Hippodrome (Faliron Greece)
04/14/2005 04:49:30 AM
The old Hippodrome (Faliron Greece)
by harrisxan

Comment by bclements:
I just don't see abandoned in this photograph. The stadium seats look too new to me to not be used for some activity. If it the banner that is abandoned, sorry, that isn't a building. IMO. Great perspective used. Like it in b&w.
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The old Hippodrome (Faliron Greece)
04/13/2005 07:57:01 PM
The old Hippodrome (Faliron Greece)
by harrisxan

Comment by PollyBean:
great perspective, would like more contrast. 7
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The old Hippodrome (Faliron Greece)
04/13/2005 06:10:02 PM
The old Hippodrome (Faliron Greece)
by harrisxan

Comment by sofapez:
This image just needs some punch, lighter_highlights would add to the detail and give it some snap.
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The old Hippodrome (Faliron Greece)
04/13/2005 12:38:27 PM
The old Hippodrome (Faliron Greece)
by harrisxan

Comment by saracat:
Nice lines. Pic is a little on the dark and murky side. Like the angle.
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The old Hippodrome (Faliron Greece)
04/13/2005 07:37:32 AM
The old Hippodrome (Faliron Greece)
by harrisxan

Comment by ClickNSee:
Interesting shot. Different than most of the shots. But lacking depth and contrast. Seems muddy and flat to me.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 1 - 8 of ~8

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