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Comments Received by micrix
Showing 1 - 7 of ~7
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In the Jungle
05/27/2003 11:57:51 PM
In the Jungle
by micrix

Comment by HBunch:
*Critique Club*
Ew. Creepy.
The thing that stands out to me here that could use fixing/improvement is the blurry object in the middle at the bottom of the shot. I find that because it is a brighter color than the rest, and quite blurry due to DOF, that it jumps right out of the photo and is the first thing I'm noticing here.
You have really nice DOF to get the ants in focus and the plant blurred slightly. I like the detail that we see in the ants. Really nice macro shot.
The lighting appears to have been very good as well. Natural lighting, which it looks like, isnt always reliable, and I think you took advantage of a good situation here.
The shot is green, and qualifies for the challenge, but I do think that the MAIN subject isn't the color, but the ants. Still a really good shot though.
I like the angle and framing/cropping as well. I think that anything farther away would take away the good detail which is appealing the most to me here.
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Fo(u)r lonely eggs
03/08/2003 02:02:45 PM
Fo(u)r lonely eggs
by micrix

Comment by dsidwell:
The patterns of the carton enhance the feeling of loneliness here. I just wish the eggs were more in focus as the title suggests they should be.
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Fo(u)r lonely eggs
03/04/2003 02:20:36 PM
Fo(u)r lonely eggs
by micrix

Comment by tomzinho:
i find the space and stuff in the top left corner a bit distracting. maybe putting a white sheet of paper there during the photo to allow the focus to be more on the eggs and carton would have made the photo stronger.
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How to write: despair ?
02/24/2003 05:34:52 AM
How to write: despair ?
by micrix

Comment by paynekj:
I'm not sure that having a heart in in your picture realy helps to convey a sense of despair. Now if it had been a "Dear John" letter...
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Chancellors meal ?
02/20/2003 01:25:49 AM
Chancellors meal ?
by micrix

Comment by Anachronite:
yes there is yellow, but with everything else going on, the color doesn;t really dominate enough.. and it should for the challenge... plus the knife seems to be the dominant figure and it isn't all that interesting... nice lighting and focus though!
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Chancellors meal ?
02/19/2003 07:19:45 PM
Chancellors meal ?
by micrix

Comment by Bullwinkle:
An interesting photo. Lots of elements demanding attention from the viewer. There are so many different colors, textures, shapes and lines in this smorgesboard. My favorite elements are the fork and knife with the most alluring hue reflections. The highlights of the container are quite strong, plus a spot or two of glare from the sauce and bottle. Could I suggest photographing just a couple of these elements in a small group. To lessen the visual confusion and create a stronger story with just a few objects. For instance the fork, noodles and a touch of sauce. The wood board background is a great idea that goes well with the theme. I think the food against the wood grain without the gutter lines might be a possibility. You have the right idea to get in close and play around with the composition. Just choosing which objects to make your image say what you want is the difficult individual perogative. A good commendable effort. Please continue to enter in future challenges !
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Chancellors meal ?
02/19/2003 03:03:07 AM
Chancellors meal ?
by micrix

Comment by Harz_Joerg:
It's a little hard to understand, even with the title: uncooked noodles with curry-ketchup!?
What I really like is the sharpness and the clear, smooth reflection on the knife and fork. Also the composition and cropping is well made. The yellow on the lemonade and the noodles could be a tad stronger though.
Good luck.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 1 - 7 of ~7

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