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Ok, in need of updating again. I am still not taking many pics, and wish I had more time for it. I am working for a company building radiators now, much better than manager of the pet store. Less stress, more money. I have a son who will be 5 soon, and he's my world.
In July 2004, I joined Weight Watchers in an effort to better my life for me and my family and as of Feb 2005, I have lost over 60 pounds. I am a lifetime member of Weight Watchers and highly suggest the program to anyone who wants to lose weight, weather it be 200 pounds or 10 pounds. I truely believed that my will, with the help of the program, saved my life.
Update January 2006
Many of you have emailed me regarding my success through the weight watchers program. I want to thank you all and wish you luck with your weight loss goals.
In March 2005 I had my gallbladder removed and in November, I had a massive hernia repair surgery. These 2 abdominal surgeries have set me back a few pounds from my goal. I still don't feel quite 'normal' and sore at times, but I have confidence that when things return to normal, with the help of the weight watchers program, my family and friends, and the support I receive in emails and PM's from people like you, I will overcome this set back.
2006 'photography' goal--
I have set a goal in 2006 regarding the Critique Club. As you may know, a few months ago, I was given permission to help in the administrative duties of the Critique Club. I am also a member of the Critique Club, and have been for almost 3 years. My goal in 2006 is to offer at least one critique a day, every day in 2006, starting Jan 2nd. This means that by the end of the year, I should have given at least 365 Critique Club critiques. Wish me luck.
If you would like to join the critique club and offer detailed critiques on random challenge entries, please contact me for details.
~Heather~ |
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