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Comments Received by tangsoo
Showing 1 - 10 of ~31
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Look at Me!
07/13/2009 09:58:46 PM
Look at Me!
by tangsoo

Comment by DJWoodward:
Challenge Relevance:6 Impact/Emotion/Mood:4 Technicals:6 Processing:5.5 Creativity:5.5
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Look at Me!
07/09/2009 08:23:46 PM
Look at Me!
by tangsoo

Comment by scooter97:
hehe Cute. Could have benefited from some fill flash.
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Why are they looking at me?
01/25/2009 05:47:39 PM
Why are they looking at me?
by tangsoo

Comment by photokariangel:
This is Kari Ann, greetings from the Critique Club:

composition: the position of the eyes in frame works wonderfully to pull the viewer in.

color: a little on the desaturated side, but i feel it adds to the sadness of the photo

contrast: more contrast should have been added to make the photo pop more, and introduce more feeling into the photo

focus: on the soft side, through glass? manual focus could have helped that out

depth of field: good, but more in focus would have helped analyze this part of the image

lighting: soft, natural lighting works very well here.

other: i can see a lot of potential in this shot, but it has a few flaws that are very distracting. The focus is off, for one, perhaps if you could have leaned up against something it would have helped the camera focus better. the flat contrast, for two, makes the image very boring. but, you did find a great moment in time to press the shutter. Those eyes are staring into my soul, with questions that I cannot answer. Why do we lock up animals for the sake of us being able to stare at them through glass? That, i may never know. but, as dahkota said earlier, i think it was your equipment that set you back, not your eyes. Keep up the good work, I hope to see more of your work in the future, and be able to comment on it. If you have any more questions, you are more than welcome to PM me anytime.
-Kari Ann
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Why are they looking at me?
01/18/2009 04:10:02 PM
Why are they looking at me?
by tangsoo

Comment by LadyK:
this is a captivating image even though its a little soft, the emotion just pours out of his eyes. incredible capture, very good job
Photographer found comment helpful.
Why are they looking at me?
01/18/2009 09:24:01 AM
Why are they looking at me?
by tangsoo

Comment by Blackbox:
The focus is of and it looks a little faded in the colors to me. More contrast?
Photographer found comment helpful.
Hoppin good time at the Beach
01/17/2009 09:21:17 PM
Hoppin good time at the Beach
by tangsoo

Comment by photokariangel:
This is Kari Ann, greetings from the Critique Club:

composition: the strong orange against the neutrals leads the eye to the frog, but he seems a bit out of place in the frame. Perhaps a different composition would have set him along a different line in the frame, making him more appealing.

color: reds are nice, yellows are vibrant, the greens are a little lost in the red though. but other then those minor nits, coloring is pleasing

pretty good, maybe more contrast between the red and sand to bring more interest.

You got the focus dead on-great detail in those eyes

depth of field:
I, along with another commenter, would have liked to see this with a smaller aperture used. i think the sand more in focus would have attracted nicer voters, and a higher score.

lighting: maybe toning down the brightness of the umbrella would have helped pull the eyes through the frame smoother. it kinda sticks out for me.

other: I find this photo humorous, it made me smile. I can also tell you had to put some time into catching that little critter. Kudos for that! The subject is something new and unusual, which is kinda risky with voters. They either love it or hate it. I feel they were a little harsh on you. Keep up the photography, don't let those voters get ya down! PM me if you have any other questions.
-Kari Ann
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Why are they looking at me?
01/16/2009 10:34:44 AM
Why are they looking at me?
by tangsoo

Comment by dahkota:
Good composition and tones. Excellent timing to capture the subject. I think your equipment held you back here - either not enough reach or not enough resolution to survive the crop required. In this case, I would say its not the photographer its the equipment.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Why are they looking at me?
01/15/2009 08:42:49 PM
Why are they looking at me?
by tangsoo

Comment by Shadowfax23:
great face - a little fuzzy
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Why are they looking at me?
01/15/2009 01:31:14 PM
Why are they looking at me?
by tangsoo

Comment by Yo_Spiff:
Some good potential, but this comes off as a bit dull and soft. I copied it into my image editor out of curiosity, and some quick adjustments of levels, curves, saturation, clarify and sharpening really made it pop a lot more.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Why are they looking at me?
01/14/2009 07:19:35 PM
Why are they looking at me?
by tangsoo

Comment by AnimeSecondToNone:
what? isha cute rilla
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~31

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