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Registered Userhmbutler

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Comments Made by hmbutler
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End of the age
03/22/2012 12:06:51 AM
End of the age
by Neat

Well done on the top 10 Anita :)
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03/19/2012 08:48:39 PM
by Giles

Ha, glad I didnt enter the only shot I took for this challenge - while doing a photoshoot for a friend and her three year old daughter, I had the daughter stand by herself with a teddy hanging by her side and "look sad"... the result was about 10 smirk photos, where she was trying not to smile, and one overly dramatic soap opera style sad expression haha. She didnt understand, she's always told to smile for the camera?? Your's turned out MUCH better than mine haha well done
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03/16/2012 08:11:40 AM
by bhuge

btw, your dog could use a claw trim ;)
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03/16/2012 08:11:12 AM
by bhuge

oh I wish you'd entered this!! awesome!
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Now sir, a war is never even, sir, a war is won.
03/12/2012 12:52:24 AM
Now sir, a war is never even, sir, a war is won.
by Venser

What a shame, I think this would've ribboned! It was DQ before I voted, but had it been legal I would've given it an 8 I think :)
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WHO TOOK MY SPOT!!!!!??????
03/09/2012 12:50:49 AM
WHO TOOK MY SPOT!!!!!??????2nd Place
by tanguera

ha a PB! you'll never escape him now!! lucky he has such a fine body hey ;)
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03/09/2012 12:34:58 AM
by vawendy

how on earth was this not top 5, at the very least?? lol, this along with semper roflmao were my top picks!
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03/08/2012 12:14:35 AM
Focus2nd Place
by nickyb

wow, you are on fire!! you're inspiring for a (almost) 15 year old, thats for sure! Amazing photo, one of my highest rated. Can't believe you just score 4 PB's in a row! Guess your next challenge will be a blue ribbon?? Nice work Nicky

EDIT: That should be "inspiring especially since you're a 15 year old", because you're inspiring regardless of age, but that's just an extra kicker. You have a bright future ahead of you

Message edited by author 2012-03-08 00:31:43.
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03/07/2012 09:05:47 PM
by toddhead

these kids of yours... honestly... they're going to be actors or models or something right?? perfection! 10 from me
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Barely there
03/07/2012 09:05:37 PM
Barely there
by Paul

how wonderfully mysterious... the nudity doesnt feel out of place, and I want to know more about her, what's going on with her, why she is bandaged up. The hair, the pose, the lighting, it's all perfect. Well done. One of my only two 10's. Love it
Photographer found comment helpful.
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