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Comments Made by shair
Showing 1 - 10 of ~36
Image Comment
07/26/2012 11:16:24 AM
by keyz

In my top 5. Great composition, flow, cropping, textures, interest, and the silhouettes add to the image instead of just being randomly plopped in to "meet" the challenge.
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07/26/2012 11:15:06 AM
Elegance1st Place
by pamb

In my top 10. I would have given this a 10 if the fan wasn't in the image. THe arm going up and the shape and texture of the fan take my eye in a little circle in the middle of the frame when I want to look a the whole image.
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07/26/2012 11:13:10 AM
by bobonacus

Beautiful, well lit, well composed, and good use of the challenge. In my top 10.
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Ride the Light
07/26/2012 08:45:23 AM
Ride the Light
by Neil

In my top 3. Great and well balanced composition, good exposure, great action and motion, good use of foreground bokeh (not easily done) and the silhouette adds something to the composition, which was, in my opinion, the real challenge.

I am finding that the real difficulty in this challenge was having the silhouette be a focal point AND add something to the image instead of just being a random item plopped in front of a light source so there would be a silhouette no matter how distracting or useless it was to the overall image. You are one of a tiny handful who pulled this off. Well done.
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Fish for Breakfast
07/25/2012 11:45:08 PM
Fish for Breakfast
by scooter97

At least no one (probably) will complain that it isn't a silhouette. It does look like vector art though. I wish there was more interest in color or texture or something.
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Another Perfect Day
07/25/2012 11:40:29 PM
Another Perfect Day
by Melethia

A more dramatic angle might make this really pop.
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The Rapture
07/25/2012 11:39:21 PM
The Rapture
by tnun

Mad props for a good title. And this is totally a silhouette. I already know you will have other comments saying it isn't.
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Dad and the Kids
07/25/2012 11:37:50 PM
Dad and the Kids
by sfalice

The cut-outs don't make sense in this image. It appears to be lit from the top, but the "people" are black as if it is lit from the front. There are no shadows behind them (to the bottom of the image) in the sand, so the cut-outs just look like miniature paper dolls instead of actual people.
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07/25/2012 11:17:26 PM
by PennyStreet

Great use of negative space. I love this.
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New York Cheesecake With Fresh Raspberries
07/23/2012 01:32:04 PM
New York Cheesecake With Fresh Raspberries1st Place
by Cuttooth

Great use of the textures in the table cloth, raspberries, mint, dishes, and cheesecake. Well-lit, great exposure, and very pretty. I would have liked to see a much closer crop and a less static angle though. I really only look at about 30% of this image, dead center, bottom half.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~36

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